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What's that?

The vote for governor of the state of North Dakota, USA id imagine



how obsessed do you need to be to care about some rando elections in square state #63

What does Kansas' republican primary have to do with my life?

It is pretty funny but you have to understand that it was settled so fast that it was easier to do it that way than basing counties off of naturally (and slowly) forming polities.


I've been watching the news all morning and I had no idea there was an election in Kansas.

What version of Tetris is this?

corn edition

It's not an election.

I just can't understand why would anyone but people from Dakota care about that.

It's the primary. The republican party chose /our guy/.

it's Kansas, you dumb

I thought Wichita was a made up word by The White Stripes.

People in Kansas might care

Okay Flying Dutchman, then what the fuck is it?

I thought Kansas was a fictional town in The Wizard of Oz.

Why is Kansas city not in fucking Kansas?

To mindfuck foreigners

Redpill me on that Kris Kobach guy.

umm that's Kansas sweaty xx

I think they added a state and named it after the movie due to it's tornado-prone location.

No one really knows. We have no rhyme or reason to our city names and we steal names from other places. There's a Paris in Ohio.

You don't know how much amusement this sentence brings me.

>losing Kansas to the democrats


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All real places in Maine

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when the city was made, the state of Missouri didn't existed yet, it was unified with Kansas
+ Americans didn't had enough imagination and called Kansas city

>we steal names from other places
I've heard of these.

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What's the difference?

One is flatter and has corn, the other is hilly and has buffalo

So this is were Alexander the Great was born...

Cayete tu boca. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_or_Consequences,_New_Mexico

>I thought Kansas was a fictional town in The Wizard of Oz.
It is. Don't believe the lies.

Both are in muttlands.

I know Kansas from Superman.

hilarious and original

Yep pretty much

Yes and everyone knows he died in Babylon, New York after his campaign in Indiana

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Kansas City Kansas is a thing. It's a poor shithole bastardized by KCMO. Also Overland Park KS suburbs is the most populous and weathy part of Kansas which is indistinguishable from a map.

I live in MO and work in Kansas, fight me.

Do they have a tower?

Sort of

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>Paris in Ohio
Connecticut has a Berlin and a New Britain, both suck and the later fittingly has a large Polish immigrant population.

>losing Kansas to the democrats
What? It's a republican primary.

This actually sounds like a movie or broadway musical burgers could make.


>I know Kansas from Superman.
Yes, that's because the creators of Superman were lazy and Jewish so they just stole the idea of this fictional place from wizard of Oz.

there's a great deal of squares in square land this year it seems

Thanks for looking out for me, man. Hard to know what to think, what with all the fake news floating around.

Lel, we've got a Berlin too. Used to have a New Berlin but it was changed due to anti-German sentiments around the world wars.

Perú will try their best!

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am I a bad person for never including the accent when I type Peru?

I look up the phrase on desuarchive every time so it can by copy/pasted.
It's not a proud existence. (^_^;)

so, who was Jow Forumss guy?
What are winners policies?

1. the winner
2. tax-funded BLACKED premium accounts