RIP Canada

RIP Canada

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With Jews you lose.

Seems like a good time to buy.

stop picking on canada, that's our job

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based alt-west comrade Canada

>Saudi Arabia withdrawing over 10k Saudi nationals from Canada


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FYI it took Norway and China 6 years to normalize relations after the nobel peace prize went to a Chinese dissident.
And it was all typical Chinese beta rage. No official explainations ever, just customs agents that kept destroying salmon imports and things like that.

good time to short canada

goot time to boycot canada

What is this whole debacle even about?

absolutely based

It's just a prank.

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Canada told Saudi Arabia to release some people that are imprisoned for very basic human rights stuff. Saudis went ballistic and kicked out Canadian citizens, the ambassador, made a questionable tweet, demanded all Saudi citizens in Canada leave, and now this.

is this real? jesus christ. bit salty about canada over china affairs but towelheads are blowing this shit way out of proportion

>The Saudi media account deleted the tweet and reposted another without the airliner

top kek

rip in pieces canada

My new hero, besides Putin, Trump, Duterte and Kim

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>>Canada told Saudi Arabia to release some people that are imprisoned for very basic human rights stuff.
What basic human rights stuff?

Oh you know the right not to be forcefully married to someone.

As shitty as Twitter is, it's been an endless source of entertainment for people around the world.
Front row tickets to the international edition of Jerry Springer.

That's it?

>tfw live in Halifax
based Trudeau

Forced marriage, the right of the head of the family to abuse the women in the family, free speech, etc.

oh i forgot about based Assad, Rouhani and Salvini

And probably more SJW pink haired freak stuff like freedom of speech or being allowed to walk around without a male escort.

please educate this dumb burger. how does forced marriage even work there?
sand nigger finds woman he likes, claims and marries with no say for the female?

Well, the Saudis do have a point there. Western society is going fast downhill exactly because we gave women the same rights as men. If forced marriage and the right to slap a bitch when she can't shut up keeps them down, I'm all for it.

he'd have to get the head of her family to agree to the marriage, but basically that

Probably something to do with the whole religious police being able to send someone to be beheaded for violating some esoteric Islamic law.

The day of the rake has arrived

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I'm not Muslim so I wouldn't know the specifics. I think it differs a lot per country, since in Afghanistan and Somalia for example it's very normal to marry a child to a 30 year old man.
Anyway story goes that the mosque is heavily involved in the business and you get married to another family attending the same mosque as yours who pay a big sum of money for this.

This is seriously like watching two retards fight.

And there we have it.
Nobody is fighting. Canada tweeted something and from then on the prince/king of Saudi Arabia has been throwing a tantrum for 3 days now planning on wasting billions of the government budget just to spite Canada over a tweet.

You can give women all the rights in the world or no rights in the world, at the end of the day a man remains a slave to pussy and will always place his utility lower than that of her loins.
Even in Islam, a man is expected to basically babysit a female family member everywhere outside of the household and can be severely punished if she does something "wrong", since it was also his responsibility.
Giving women more social agency is literally the best thing to happen for men around the world. It allowed us the option of not being a slave to both family and corporate society.
There is nothing romantic about being expected to work yourself to death and sacrificing the rest of your utility as a cog in the chain. This "protestant work ethic" is what has allowed people to now work for longer than we have ever worked, as the expected norm, all the while having the largest wealth gap in any point of human history.

Canada preaching its typical SJW shit and S.A. went full REEEEEEEE.
It's like watching two girls fighting.

A S.A. poster had a good point though. Those students are getting fucked over.

>human rights are typical SJW shit
Never go full Jow Forumstard, user.

>It's like watching two girls fighting.

i want to know what muslims in canada think about this. i cant imagine them agreeing with canada.

>A S.A. poster had a good point though. Those students are getting fucked over.
too bad for them. They wanted to profit off of our greedy universities and got fucked over by the government that enables it

bit much to beat your wife and forcibly bring them into marriage but you do have a point

What I kind of missed is the fact there were like 2 dependancies(?) per expelled student. Are those relatives? Or do they have personal assistents?

they probably get the option of bringing in relatives, but I'm not exactly sure, I've never heard of that

Servants from South/South-East Asia who do their homework for them

>They wanted to profit off of our greedy universities and got fucked over by the government that enables it
It still sucks if they put in years of work though.

I went to school with a bunch of Saudis and at least here, they just came on their own.

>typical sjw shit
it was literally a Canadian Twitter account standing against the imprisonment of a liberal muslim man and his girlfriend for standing against forced marriage. Saudis went apeshit on their own and started buffering out.

They were fucking crucifying people during this whole debacle too, so I don't know what moral grounds they stand on

what is the general consensus in Canada right now over this?

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Well nobody but SA is to blame for this sperging.
Besides the UK and USA already offered their schools so you can bet your ass they can transfer their progress with them.
The article just stated something like 4.000 students had to move and on top of that another 7.000 'dependants'

nobody likes the government of KSA, it's something we put up with for cheap gas

How much of assets we are talking about?

>tfw no joly gf

sure it sucks, but I find it hard to sympathize with people who are benefiting from citizens of my own country getting priced out of going to school

99% of people think Saudi is absolutely retarded

The other one percent are Saudis living in Canada, or these ultra-conservative retards who hate Trudeau and libtards more than Saudis

thats not funny

It was over two Muslims with Canadian citizenship via asylum getting detained. Half the Muslims who are hardcore are reeing prob but most born here prpb kind agree to it since they are takfir as fuck and will burn in jannah for being too liberal.

I dunno why Saudi went into autistic rage. We basically do lots of these statements and did so after their family campaigned.

T. Non Muslim who normally dislikes Islam as a religion but have Muslim friends.

I'm so glad North Korea is giving Iran nukes so they don't have to take this type of bullshit anymore.

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Most muslims hate saudi anyway in my experience

Man I don't think our government gives a shit but will just milk PR from it and double down on it.

If you understand that 99% of what our government does, it's totally about looking good and not looking bad to voters without any long-term planning whatsoever.

I hate Saudis more than Canadians but I also really hate Canadians.

>I have Muslim friends
>but I cannot understand why Saudi-ARABIA went into autistic rage

It's not that bad. Average cost of a bachelor's here is $26,000, in the U.S.A. it's $52,000 for state residents in that state's public universities.

Saudis government can get fucked. Based Canada

Those Arabs probably paid about $70k per year and also needed luxury housing etc. Universities have different rates for nationals and foreigners.

I do too. I also dislike Islam for preventing me from hooking up with a saudi-filipino girl who literally just learned to drive and have independence and shit after transferring into my engineering department from Saudi Arabia.

I hope Canada doubles down on it, it will be good for you guys to be more assertive on the world stage.

The Prince, fortnite player, is autism kid in adult body just like other players.

Yes I know but we aren't getting "priced out of" our education. Anyone who wants to attend uni here can

>Anyone who wants to attend uni here can
Yeah but can they attend the ones these Arabs have been attending? Look around at Cambridge and Oxford, they're basically build for the world's elite rather than Britain.

>Yes I know but we aren't getting "priced out of" our education.
if you want to take on debt while foreign students drive tuitions up by attending on their government's dime

*takes moral high ground while crucifying people*

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fuck up birdo cunt, don't you have some cows to milk?

Most of our Muslims are quite chill south Asians. The shit ones are Arabs or Bengalis/Afghan or Africans who drop Islam and adopt ghetto culture after fleeing to here and growing up hood.

Muslims don't try to convert me because I'm Asian lmao and there's mutual understanding we are both minorities. Like 90% of my ethnic group gives no fucks about a person's religion and regularily have mixed marriages so I'm fine with religion. They only about making dosh or power despite having religious wars in the 20th century due to some asshole backed by the americunts and French cowards.

how strnok is the leaf economy and can the house of saud effect it?

I'm saying that if you ever dealt with Muslims you should know they have these spergouts over nothing from time to time.

Aren't westerners and saudis best buds?

We will. I know the political system deeply and have met more than a handful of parliament.

All are hypersensitive to PR and what their voters think. It's good and bad but makes our country basically be led by golden retriever equivalents of leaders.

canadians finna bouta be dabbed on

Top 10 GDP in the world and no the Saudis can't seriously impact it

Yup the middle Easterners are hot tempered folks. Met more than enough in HS. South Asians from India/Pakistan. Are 95 % chill except international students. Very different cultures imo. Same with Iranians. Arabs sometimes have a chip on their shoulder to nonmuslims and nonarab Muslims too since I've seen it.

South Asian culture is more relaxed than what happens in the UK and I get Sikhs trying to convert me by offering me free lunches back in university.

We need to kick out all of the radical imams and other filth they flooded us with. The persians are decent people usually, arabs are usually trash

No effect. We didn't even notice it happening.

We are more fucked by orange retards declaring our steel and timber national security threats and I've already had half a dozen HS friends laid off and a brother in law in management of a steel company see the company get fucked.

That was a huge fuck you to China though. Imagine if China nominates Anders Brevik as their citizen of the year and has a massive media campaign to free him.

MbS is reaching levels of assdevastation that shouldn't even be possible

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Dude didn't kill anyone and literally wrote a book tho.

>dissident = mass-murderer
jog on, Zhou

I am really amused. I hope Trudeau keeps it up for the shits and giggles. We need some dist

good I don't trust those mudslimes but I was surprised to see saudis banter like they did on twitter so far
>saudis 1, leafs 0

>Saudi Arabia barred all citizens from receiving medical treatment in Canada

When you let your citizens abroad suffer, you win.

>The article just stated something like 4.000 students had to move and on top of that another 7.000 'dependants'
Strange none of the ones I knew had kids or we're married. Only a few had girlfriends.

Sure, but both of those people are dangerous to the state. Brevik as an alternative to the leftist Nordic model. The Chinese dude as an alternative to the totalitarianism of the CCP, you can't deny there are parallels.

>Besides the UK and USA already offered their schools so you can bet your ass they can transfer their progress with them.
My mother worked at my university and said S.A. students were seen as a cash cow. Their government pays all their tuition and fees upfront with no arguing. They also tolde the government pays for all of their books and they get a small stipend.

We literally don't give a fuck.

We are doing the same thing we did when trump or whatever shits on Canada, we hold our noses high and call other people idiots while we continue having the most functional, well built country and governing system with none of the major social and political problems of the US or Europe.

Leaf reputation here is very different, we have very strong contempt for everyone for not being as successful a multiethnic democratic middle-class society, e.g. we never had to use violence to solve our last big ethnic conflict with Quebecois.

American unis are quite different. I've never met a Saudi but met a dozen Emiratis and a half dozen qataris.

We're a banana republic masquarading as a first world country dude

good because canada needs moar haitian refugees

based and leafpilled

soi and cuckpilled

Canada is making a successful pivot away from being 100% reliant on natural resources. Cities are becoming hubs for services and technology.

With semites you lose

(arabs are semites too)

>Get called out for crimes against humanity
>'we dindu nuffin'
