What are Swedish girls like?

What are Swedish girls like?

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swedish boys > swedish girls

Both are whores

waah they dont wanna sleep with me so they're whores!!!

Everyone knows swedish boys are better because they have a cute COCK

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works the other way around sweetie

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>t. roastie

That's right roastie, they are whores for pic related and nuns for me.

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hot and hot


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>literal faggot
>uses anime as medium to ERP making the community look like nothing but gay tranny ERPers
You are literally a combination of everything that I hate in this world. Wow, consider hanging yourself.

Isreal is a mistake also fuck gay people

based and redpilled

Based Lebanon

ive heard swedish girl usually have penises, is that true?

>fuck gay people
we all agree with you

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That's because you are gay you homosexual maggot

built for black cock

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Fuck off, braindead mutt; there's nothing gay about having sex with boys.

very slutty and stupid (poisoned with feminism and leftist agenda)

>Hates Israelis
I am confused.
Aren't all the Lebposters Maronite fags?

>Aren't all the Lebposters cucks?



i know

Yes it is if you're a man

Entitled, Arrogant, Princess Complex, Cold.
The usual

like a festival porta potti

you just described every woman in the world