Do you want to find love in Norway?
Do you want to find love in Norway?
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Not really, but I want to spread my nonwhite genes far and wide, so sure, sign me up.
All of Nordics is alright, then Germany, England, and maybe USA, but that's maybe.
Other than those countries the culture divide would be too big to handle.
already did, thanks
norway no but Denmark yes :3
No. I want to find love in one of your ex-colonies though
not really, white women are too big and smell weird.
also they dont know how to cook.
What, Iceland and the Faroe Islands?
Or did you want to marry a penguin or a polar bear? That can be arranged.
Why have we gone through several generations of roasties, from Boxxy to Katya to fuck knows who, but this one is still going?
I think you are vastly overestimating cultural differences in europe.
I already did
She has never had a non-nordic boyfriend, friend.
Oh no no no
She looks like she fucks Russian guys
Certainly! It would be like pottery with my German Great Grandfather :^)
bebe is dead
Not really.
Literally does not matter unless she's had a non-white boyfriend, which she has not. She also never fucks random people (she stated this).
She's a blogger and needs all the PR she can get.
You dim cunt, that's not her child.
Her current boyfriend/fiancée is Norwegian. She has no children.
they don't like italians
Cringe at this damage control
Yeah I realized after I saw your post. Fuck you buddy.
Quality posts
only short term maybe. Having kids in Norway is dangerous. Their pedo "child protection" agencies will find any excuse possible to steal your kids
>(she stated this).
>and therefore it's true
kek, imagine being this much of a beta bluepilled cuck
t. Voe
Another ex-colony
There is too big of a culture difference for me though.
Southern Euro and Northern Euro people are too different in too many regards
Would I have any luck?
you look like an Italian I'd wager, you certainly have the exotic foreigner bit working for you, your short stature wouldn't even matter
Barnevernet is based and redpilled because they cause immense butthurt to east europeans, niggers and gypsies
I-I'm not short..
Nordic women are property of the Med BVLL.
I liked Norway when I went there, although I'm not sure if it's worth learning the language (although I heard it's pretty similar to English). Also people kept thinking I was Western Euro due to my height, pale skin and perfect English.
I prefer Jewish girls
t.barnevernet worker, can you further explain how the gov. kidnappings work there? i read a wmaf child got kidnapped taken to dubai.
first stage of grief is denial my friend
they only take kids from druggies or mentally ill people. some woman who pleaded for asylum to poland, whom slavoids love to cite as proof of our ebil child protection agency, turned out to be a huge drug addict with a long history of depression and mental illness
Norwegians are scary
why do white guys think she's perfect?
she's alright
Maybe you're just gay?
What other colony did Norway ever have?
Other than Iceland, the Faroe Islands, the Hebrides, the tip of northern scotland, and vast sheets of ice on the south pole, not much.
Oh, and Svalbard.
what a waste
Shut up you stupid racist faggot. Go complain about your tiny white dick somewhere else.
Aren't you racist then? Towards the people you hate, and even yourself and your own people?
Unrelated question, how do you deal with Swedes shittalking (not shitposting/baiting) Finland, e.g. claiming that you were their servants for 800 years, that you have no culture of your own, etc.
Do you just grow a thicker skin? Because every now and then (not as often as you thankfully) I get a Swede or two who goes on and on about how we supposedly took all our culture from the Danes and that Grieg, Hamsun, Ibsen etc were all irrelevant (blatant lie, by the way).
How do you fucking deal with it? God, and they wonder why all of the nordics hate them.
Any advice much appreciated.
who is that filthy slut?
>hehe your side of the peninsula has no offshore oil :P
>we da besd :D:DD
just epic
I just usually think how Sweden is overrun by violent brown people and it will not exist in 100 years, or atleast how it used to be. You literally just need to wait, and every second they are more and more walking towards their doom.
I never attack swedes, mate.
I don't get attacked very often but when there is a conflict, the swedes always start it.
Good point.
Swwden is a fake country and stockholmers should be genocided, skaneland should be free a d independant.
By trying not to take insults personally, by being who you are, and most importantly letting them have what they are asking for.
When will you grant autonomy and freedom to skanes?
Skanes and swedes are different nations.
I want to find love in Denmark’s colonial assets
do you have BFs or did that swede took last norwegian bf?
... or, the most important thing would be to know to leave the screechers be also. Bashing becomes boring quite soon desu. I don't know. I guess we are somewhat used to pressure on the other hand.
I promise i will give you a good life