Why are japanese posters so rude and get offended so easely?
Showing interesting in your nation culture and history should be flattering, instead they get deffensive and call you a stupig gaijin
Why are japanese posters so rude and get offended so easely?
Showing interesting in your nation culture and history should be flattering, instead they get deffensive and call you a stupig gaijin
Because 99% of them are English Teachers who hate their lives and want to commit suicide but are too much of a pussy to do it.
All the Japanese flags here are Americans. Either proxy fag Americans, fat weebs in japan, or military guys. Japanese people do not post on Jow Forums.
some of them do, but it's extremely rare, and most of them stay on DJT.
Seems like those Japs aren't those fluffy vulva people from your animu shit.
Better kill yourself now.
why you think Japanese flags are Japanese?
don't you know proxie or foreigner in japan?
I recommend you that you evaluate foreigners by real world's experiences.here Jow Forums especially /int? are full of lies,propaganda,proxies.
t. fluffy wulva enabler
We will not pay for your animated child porn Takeshi. Go fuck yoursefl your perv jap.
speak for yourself.
kill yourself gook
t. japanese Huezilla