Did you know Poland is a white and based 1st world country? Show your appreciation for Poland in this appreciation thread!
Poland - Superpower by 2020
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based DACIAN brother
and what will you do when Germany stops sending the gibs?
They're taking out more than they're sending in.
prove it.
take them by force
No need to prove, reasearch yourself. Poland has virtually infinite and valuable resources such as natural gases, and oil. They're all friendly people and civilised and their country is safe and clean.
>Take all EU funds from Poland away
>The country collapses
>"Muh EU is so oppressive because i agreed to take like 1 or two refugees sometimes"
>Truely a based country
Where can I buy some polish oil?
Here you go you lazy monkey.
>country collapses because 3% of it's GDP is taken away
i'm 10% polish and have shitty brown eyes
should I kill myself?
Relevant pic.
Germany should pay us $850 billion of war reparations, then they can stop giving gibs
They don't owe you shit. But they should take back western Poland since that belongs to them.
bosch and coca cola
Didn't you get money from the Marshall plan?
gibs are meme
no the poles betrayed freedom and sided with the gommies so they didn't get gibs
How would that have happened when they were part of the eastern bloc?
Poland and Czechoslovakia didn't get shit because Stalin forced the puppet commie governments he estabilished after the war not to take it
But do they have tigers though?
Give us back our eastern lands and we can give the Germans their shitty clay back along with its cucked population.
>Although offered participation, the Soviet Union refused Plan benefits, and also blocked benefits to Eastern Bloc countries, such as Hungary and Poland.
>2+4 contracts
>you keep some clay we keep our money
>years later
Damn that pic hits me right in the feels