He's a white supremacist

>he's a white supremacist
>has a yellow fever

Attached: 7fb60bc47e9bfd869a224288a681150a28c433c25bb603121acd855b91dd6d28.jpg (500x729, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kys nigger lover

Attached: 1524283368468.jpg (768x340, 71K)

Attached: the if it wasn't for grand strategy i'd be a school shooter starter pack.jpg (4000x2000, 1.13M)

wrong pic

Attached: 1523964778124.png (1089x692, 818K)

>maybe I’d date white women if they weren’t such degenerate coalburners

Attached: 37E7BBDC-F738-486B-8723-AB9598114227.jpg (461x664, 66K)


Attached: tumblr_m6f5db6ZC01qabb8qo1_500.gif (500x293, 968K)

>literally two asians kissing each others


Why is there always the big nose + weak jaw combo ? Things wouldn't be so bad if it were one and not the another but the two combined just exaverbate one and the other.

>inb4 something about jews

haha good.
the easiest way to destroy the white race.

Feel bad for these jawless guys who get mocked relentlessly and used for the "ugh" germania posts. I actually read the blog of one of them and he's a good guy and suffers from some sort of degenerative arthritis-like disease (looked like a chad before puberty).