>Fatties everywhere. Seriously I can't go to Walmart or literally anywhere without someone the size of 3 monster trucks around me. I wouldn't be surprised if the shitty pollution and heat is brought upon these fat fucks with their fat cars. >Despite being a "first world western country" we're fucking retarded and lagging behind our peers. inb4 someone comes in but its the NOGGERS AND SPICS no, even the white people in the US are fucking miserably retarded and uneducated. >Most people don't even know where any countries are located, we don't even have a 2nd language except by fucking retarded Spicoids who come here and don't even learn the fucking language, they just speak in their fucked up gibberish Spanish >Everything is embedded and drenched in bullshit politics, especially identity politics, when no one actually has convictions of their own and just does things to piss off the other side all the time for the past 2 decades. >Our media, our lives, are exaggerated and sensationalized for everything. Putting Muricans at a strange mix of paranoia, fanaticism, and arrogance. Everything is dramatized and shitty. >More problems I can't even mention
Ethan Wright
woah racism thats rude
Ryder Sullivan
the world is horrible. you shoud travel more so you would appreciate where you live in
Jose Lewis
Seriously limit your media consumption. You will stop obsessing over these things and you can improve your life and actually make your country better. Media is like food. If you eat trash you´ll get sick. You are overreacting. The USA can probably be a great country to live in.
Jeremiah Bennett
My media consumption is already limited. Thing is, it affects their minds. USA is okay, it's dying more and more each day. Only idiots and mongoloids seriously idolize the USA. It's fucked up but I guess for someone living in a country they think suffocates them, USA is the way to go (until their own lard suffocates them)/
Daniel Thomas
You live in the liberalist paradise my man.
Buy a huge piece of land in the middle of nowhere and you can pretty much to whatever the fuck you want.
Stop complaining.
Dominic Young
I like living here, but I never understood why burgers who hate the US just don´t move to some comfy place in New England or Washington (which seems like a paradise desu). You already know the language, the customs and could probably find a job there. this
Zachary Cox
imagine my predicament, I live in fucking commiefornia. It's not bad though: it's great for making moneys. But once I get enough status and capital to be able to work from home, I'm moving to spain, fuck it.
Parker Torres
If that pisses you off, just wait until you see England!
Jonathan Harris
>move to a comfy place like new englel and washingshit It's comfy to an extent, but the culture levels compared to europe are like heaven and hell. Yeah, you might find educated people, but they are still the classic american boomers who never left the country and even if they did, they went on shitty tasteless vacations.
>liberalist paradise more like socialist paradise. And you can't just buy a piece of land and do whatever you want, cause guess what: there are no jobs in the middle of nowhere.
Jaxon Brown
dumb self-hating libcuck
Jackson Richardson
Because New England and Washington is culturally boring as fuck, and I don't care for it at all. I don't have any connection with it. It's like making me move to UK. It's better than Estonia, but its not better than other 1st world Western countries. Unironically I don't like England or anything to do with it.
Jonathan Lewis
this the whole thing is shit and everybody sucks there is no escape
Why do you obsess over culture? Do you really think that the average Spaniard or Italian guy is some fancy art critic drinking 50-year-old wine in some bohemian cafe?
Anthony Powell
>fishing for sympathy (yous) absolutely pathetic OP
Luke Bell
Well, he probably knows where china is on the map.
Thomas Wood
The culture is bad, the people are pathologically fucked in the head and sick, this country is gooing down the drain. Sure if this was 1983 i would LOVE america. But this is 2018 we need to be realistic. >HURR DURR YOURE A LIBERAL IF YOU HATE AMERICA Your fucking culture is sick and I'm sick of you. You're even fucked up online.
Brandon Jones
Average 50 year old spaniard or italian guy probably drinks a lot of wine and knows a bit about it.
Connor Morales
I'm not that user but that's not what I mean by culture. I'm talking about thousands of years culture and history associated with land. Beautiful architecture and landscapes I can't get anywhere else. I'm aware of Europeans, I have European in-laws, I have been to Europe, I am moving to Europe. Stop treating me like some jackass who just read up on Italy in buzzfeed and now I hate my own country.
Brandon Thompson
>culturally boring Are you an urbanite? I live in a decently sized city, but have a cabin in the mountains where I hunt and hike I long for it every fucking day.
Modern urban life is not really living desu. I feel like a zombie.
Jaxon Wood
Correct. Almost every country is an improvement over this one. I would rather live in Moldova, they may still use horse drawn carriages regularly at least they don't mutilate their babies!
Juan Hughes
No I live in the suburbs of one of the biggest cities not named NYC or LA in the US. I have been out in the urban part of the city and it's way better and more fun, but the people are boring as fuck here and genuinely retarded. Like they can't even form sentences and know what certain English words mean-retarded. Unironically I like the US parts that are more influenced by Latin culture (see: New Orleans) the most, but thats the parts where it's the most shit. LOL
Ian Perez
that's the only real way of living desu. Living in the country you're pretty much surrounded by undecuated farts and rednecks. Living in the city you're surrounded by educated liberals. But at least they are educated although brainwashed.
James Hughes
I meanly just hate how loaded with shitksins this dump of a country is. And the hypercorporatization. In a few decades we'll be no better than Brazil. I don't see how anyone can be nationalistic towards such a shitskin filled country.
Thing is even with the shitskins, the whites of this country are also fucking retarded and miserable so they deserve each other. I honestly hate them all. It's that American s are shit.
Country in the US is even worse, yeah. It's fucking garbage. Cities in the US are the best but its overcrowded and getting increasingly worse. So pollutted too..
Logan Gonzalez
Even russia is an improvement over this. Yes there's mafia, but at least people have culture, history, and some form of non-meme religion.
Logan Evans
I would rather live in a (safe) Yemen or Syria ANYWHERE IN THE US AGAIN.
Hunter Kelly
Being born in a Ukrainian slum is a serious improvement over being born in the United States. I envy them.
And so what? Maybe if you stopped going to sites full of bitter people like Jow Forums you wouldn´t have this outlook on life. Are you really arrogant enough to think that all the happy people around you are just morons who don´t see the world as clearly as you do? I meant that the wine is 50 years old. But American media portrays Europeans as some über cultured people while every European cunt has its share of idiots. If you are really so passionate about architecture and landscapes then by all means move. But I think that the culture of the people living in the country is more important than some old buildings.
Aiden Reyes
Jow Forums is not the sole website I go on. Lol italian and french culture is infinitely superior than north american culture
Camden Powell
most amerifarts can't locate countries THEY ARE CURRENTLY FIGHTING WITH on the map. That's how dumb these cunts are. Would you want to live side by side with people like this?
Michael Lopez
I went to America once and it was fucking awful. I went to Houston and there was garbage everywhere, no sidewalks, hobos threatening you for your money in every corner, and only negroes and spics. Disgusting. It made me miss my maghrebi neighborhood back home, where the people are fun and the culture is warm. USA is a third world shithole.
Jayden Rodriguez
this but unironically.
Nicholas Hall
A dumb person isn´t necessarily a bad person. Most people have their own small circle of friends that are like them so most people don´t really have to be around dumber people.
Blake Hall
Pathetic thread Lol lying maghrebi , houston is pretty clean and the downtown does have sidwalks and houston has less homeless and grabage than Paris t.went to both cities
Thomas Hughes
The people living here have no culture either. It's why any migrant can become an "American" and why American expats have an easy time adjusting in foreign countries - because being American means absolutely nothing.
Christopher Powell
maybe in estonia where everyone is autistic it's like this. But americans are very extroverted because that's what the free market promotes: retarded extroversion. So you'll have to deal with these people all the time.
t. David Abrawomitz, Esq.
Wyatt Walker
stop rehashing the same ideas. You don't know what culture means
Samuel Cooper
>the downtown does have sidwalks It's silly that this is something that has to be clarified.
Jace Morales
>american >can maintain discourse about culture choose 1
Michael Ross
>houston is pretty clean HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHUAHAUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHAUAHUAHAUHAUIHASUISHUAIHuiHHAHH >downtown Downtown is better, sure, you ever been to the other side though? By the way, Downtown is still fucking boring and you can't do anything but gorge yourself on food here. >blah blah Paris sucks but at least it has culture and a more interesting people in it. Houston people are literally stupid as fuck and so unintelligent holy shit. Only retards would like it.
Juan Bell
Because literally only the downtown has sidewalks. NO OTHER PLACE. I'm NOT fucking joking. I live in the suburbs of shitston and when I walk I get mud all over my feet because there's always shitty fucking contrustcion all the time tot he point my 100$ puma pink sneakers are fucking dusted and shitty after a year of walking in this shit city. Did i mention no one fucking walks here,but just drives in big ugly cars and talks with the ugliest accent imaginable?
Asher Anderson
Not even gonna wast my time bro , you are just delusional about other cultures and nations
Robert Ross
t. 60-year old boomer from New Havenstown
Camden Wood
so move from Houston you idiot . I live in no where in new jersey and we still have sidwalks
Juan Turner
See ya later faggot
Justin Scott
Americans have a distinct culture. I've worked with tourists and it's extremely obvious that someone is American just by their mannerisms even if they fit right in ethnically
Xavier Torres
Yep. This country is utterly revolting.
Juan Lewis
only if you choose to surround yourself with those people, I think you must be very extroverted and just need to find a good group of friends or something
Aaron Butler
Okay, make an argument. How is American culture better than French culture? How are American people better than French people? >going to US to another shitty even more boring place in the US Could you imagine saying you live in a place like "new Jersey" LOL. Small town, USAnians are pathetic and extremely embarassing. Like they have 0 intelligence or culture whatsoever. Small town in France is honorable but not Small town in US
Jacob Scott
Popular culture is not culture. And guess what? That's all we have. Disgusting pop and McDonalds.
Jonathan Wright
This must be some proxy troll. Seriously get help if you think everywhere else is all that better
Jayden Jackson
The distinct culture is nothingness but also being embarassing, strangely flamboyant (like Italians or Spaniards), without the charm or intelligence to go with it, with the paranoia and coldness like some Brazilians
P.S americans may be extroverted but its a lie, they hate any conflict, disagreement, or any hint of anything that isn't pure hapiness because it conflicts with their burger burger happy time happy view
Jason Richardson
I'm super introverted, i want everyone to leave me alone. Probably becaust I can't handle the retardation but possibly because I am antisocial idk.
american national sport is suing each other, what are you talking about?
Evan Reyes
where did I imply superiority of any culture >That's all we have. Disgusting pop and McDonalds. Not really. M8 just stop it you're pathetic. I'm gonna go watch some pop american culture ( Seinfeld ) not all americans are extroverted texan boomers you autist
Brody Powell
yup Pop culture is not actual culture. Btw pop culture in US died in the 2000s. It hasnt been good for a while. US made the best things in the 20th century, since the 21st century it has been all embarrassing, shameful shit. That being said, it was shit a while before that too. But there's balancing to shitness. Why should i get help because Im based and redpilled?
Wyatt Taylor
if you want everyone to leave you alone why do you stress about the people so much? just move out in rural area near a city and live away from people
Easton Sullivan
You can buy a plot of desert land somewhere in arizona, get a couple of solar panels and move away from all the insanity.
Meanwhile as a euro you can't go arnywhere and you just have to deal with it.
Camden Cruz
They may sue each other, but this is what I mean. Intellectually challenge any Burgerian, and make them think what they're saying is wrong, they get immediately offended and hurt and think you hate them. Try to not be all smiley with them and act serious, they get hurt and act like there is something severely wrong with you. Also try talking with good grammar and good words, they wont understand you. They're that retarded. 90% of Americans I talk to dont even know that Europe has regions or North Africa has a country called Algeria LMAO. No, tell me why american > france Rural areas suck and is full of literally monoglodic people in the US. Like im not even joking.
Jaxson Powell
I love Amerika
Thomas Torres
We didn't go to the same city. Paris is fucking garbage (unclean streets, full of pickpocketers, bunch of nasty black men want to sell you replicas of the Eiffel tower) but Houston is ten thousand times worse.
>move to a rural area what about my job >stress about people because muh job. I like what I do but in corporate environment it involves people, and a lot of liberal retards too. So dealing with retards is what I have to do and I hate it, even though when I do my job alone it's perfect.
yet they maintain their happiness and show off how "excited" they are and "how happy they are to work together with you" and shit like that. They are always fake smiling which makes them look like lying snakes to me. I hate this OH GOD STOP THIS PLEAAAASSESEE.
Whoa! We're not nearly as retarded as Australia plus I like seeing different nationalities and ethnicities. Fuck off bro!
Lincoln Perry
>yet they maintain their happiness and show off how "excited" they are and "how happy they are to work together with you" and shit like that. They are always fake smiling which makes them look like lying snakes to me. I hate this OH GOD STOP THIS PLEAAAASSESEE.
Hunter Phillips
Still stressing over the people. If you are so introverted why interact with them? And rural isnt bad if you are near enougu to a city, just buy a big ass house/land and live like a king doing anything you want
Brody Cooper
different between seing different nationalities and ethnicites are just seeing:
segregrated chinamen/vietmen part 1 segregrated blackmen part 2 segregated whitemen part 3 a bunch of spics everywhere part 4
Yeah nah It only looks good in classrooms.
Juan Nelson
Australia is nice.
Henry Hill
not me. Im not very introverted. Three different anons in this thread.
Owen Robinson
>people like to be friends with people similar to them crazy thought
Brandon Morris
If you spend all your free time being on the internet do you really find it weird you can't connect with other people?
Nowhere in the world do people want to have deep conversations with co-wokers.
Brayden Morales
This. I think you just need to understand that you wont be friends with everyone and some people dont want new friends.
Zachary Lewis
Gopd to see at least some muricans see the truth.
Gavin Sanders
well, that's what's expected here (unironically). They make you go to the bar after work, they often hang out in each other's houses, and if you don't participate then they look at you as if you're about to blow up this place.
>I spend all my free time on the internet yeah, and my gf. Those are the only two entities in the world that are not retarded to such levels that I cannot bear.
Chase Green
American concept of multiple ethnicities living together is a joke
Just keep doing your job, you wouldn't want us to cut funding
James Cook
Multiple ethnicities? That's 90% of the country moron. Most people claim several backgrounds in the US that's what a mutt is Fido. Stay away from the tap water bro yours might be affecting your mental health
Owen Carter
Based and redpilled FUCK amerikkka
Ethan Thompson
I used filter water Anjd there just mutts
Kayden Harris
fuck off faggot washington is the shit
Nathaniel Garcia
>went to a big city see this is where you fucked up.
Ayden Carter
Not really, the USA is on another level, I was in Miami and NYC, and before I thought America was the most advanced country on the world, but the reality is that america is shithole abd much less developed than european countries