Culture Pals /cp/

Cute Spanish girl Edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?
Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

Q: Do the scripts work?
A: It seems like they do


Attached: spanish.jpg (597x592, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do koreaboo girls give themselves korean names? How do they even come up with them?

second for underage qt


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Too old

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But we've spoken a bit and then she just ghosted me mid convo...

How long has it been since?


Jk, thanks for the new thread user.

Few days, and it's been haunting me every single night until the morning sun rises

HAHAHAHA, oh my god!

Turned out that my Polish qt is an SJW and atheist. She is absolutely triggered by my statements.

Attached: sjw.jpg (531x224, 214K)

Stop ban-evading you underage faggot

You should visit her and claim her womb as your lebensraum.

i wonder if anyone talk to her

>Talking to Spanish qt
>She corrects me on my English


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That's a good one.

they have absolutely no fucking idea about korean names

I had a fake where I named him "Gook" and people kept messaging "hi gook", made me kek

>Not even learning french

Fucking kill yourself whore

lol lad what were you writing her, post screens

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She was triggered even before, when I claimed that homosexuality makes no sense and penis belongs into vagina and not into the ass of another man. But in the end pic related was the message which got her enraged so much.

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m8 if you don't want to sound like an idiot at least say it's not normal or something, and then you're at least right

Actually after reading your post I realise the problem is more much deep seated. You're a sperg m8 how do you even manage to get anyone to talk to you? hahah going on about muh genes and shit lol

Nice, have an archive of the Library of Hate

sorry user, I don't think she will reply then. might happens, once I had a girl replying me 2 months after but probably won't

Why are all the turks who visit my profile either (dyed) blonde or redheads lmao

You have no idea what you are talking about. She told that her wish is to adopt African children. I just claimed that it's better to make children yourself. And what's wrong about keeping your family alive?

You could've toned down the "2 men together is disgusting" part, I mean it reads : "I'm not gay btw, totally not gay, did I mention I'm not gay? Yeah I'm not gay"

You also don't know the context. She claimed that she wouldn't mind to have a wife and adopt African children, even if she isn't lesbian.

Any idea why stuff like this happens?

You're not the kind of person she's looking to talk to probably. it's fine user, you don't have to be friends or get with everyone you talk to on Interpals. it happens to all of us

There's nothing wrong with keeping your family alive but if you go on about genes you sound like a retard.
If that's the case then there's no point going on about how you think homosexual marriage is weird and how you're not attracted to other men.
What's your success been like on interpals btw?

>tfw texting with like 15 Swedish girls off Tinder

This is better than IP.

Anyone know any working fake number sites for line?

>What's your success been like on interpals btw?
I am fine. There are enough of Germanboo girls on Interpals and I get marriage proposals by them, but I reject, because it's too strange to get a wife per Interpals.

Pic related.

Attached: Russian_germanboo.jpg (736x323, 190K)

I'm so confused rn

>not marrying a cute Russian girl who worships your kraut cock


>mfw qt is too polite to stop answering my messages
>mfw I will never stop and she will start liking my presence

Why? What confuses you?

It sounds nice, but I have too much self-respect for this. I prefer to meet girls in real life and not per internet. Interpals is just for discussions and ego push.

you are an abbreviated piece of nothing. I really feel sorry for you.

Actually I feel sorry for the woman that ends up with a shitty autistic bastard like you are. You are disgusting.

You seem frustrated. What's wrong?

Also the women that ends up with a shitty autistic bastard like me will be the same shitty and autistic.

Do you guys realise that the pic from is not a message written by me, but by a Russian Germanboo which was directed at me?

Yeah that's why it's so confusing

Well, she was cute and nice, but surpasses my autism by far. I am not a race theorist. I am just conservative.

Just took my qts virginity lads

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I also just took your qts virginity lad

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sorry friend, i was already there

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pics or didn't happen

I have trouble believing people like that really exist

They exist. People are crazy. She lives in some Russian village and is follower of some Slavic pagan-cult.

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>tfw silly

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Just go to her village,impregnate her and leave

OK, that makes sense, but what about normal qts

what is qt crawler

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>normal qts
I've never met a normal qt in my life. They're all crazy. Doesn't matter if on Interpals or in real life.

What do you mean user, you don't think all girls are as crazy as that russian chick, do you?

The Russian chick is a special case. But every qt is crazy in her own way.
Show me a profile of only one qt who is normal. You can't.

its a girl and she was coming at you from a point of her own complex, not anything you said

Hello virgin freaks

I don't get your point.

Oi user your autism is acting up again, I'm asking you what you do about girls that aren't in the same order of magnitude of autism as you.

>40 min late
>77 min late
British rails are truly India tier

My name is Andreas and I am gay and an autistic bastard.

If they are okay with my "autism", it's fine. But I prefer girls who are on the same level like me.

What's the story lad?

What the fuck that just raises further questions

is there a country more autistic than Germany on Jow Forums

so apparently qt is going to be staying in my city for a month. kinda nervous Tbh
what do?

Jesus I never realized how autistic people sound on this thread. It is insane.

to the German cunt

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Can you even message any qt with your countries historical record on interpals?

well they are responsible for the foundation of our rail network after all

>view a girl's profile
>she sends me a message 30 seconds later
These turkish girls are nuts

This was a great surprise to me, you only rarely see glimpses of it

t. virgin

>implying Czech railways are any better
I've been on your shitty ass old trains. Also I've seen where it's says 90 or 110 minutes late at prague main station

Meet her her and fuck her

NGL the odds don't favour me but I do fine. I'm quite decent at holding a conversation so long as she's not completely boring
the worst is when desi girls I wanna talk to block messages from India. damn Indians, they ruined India!

Gonna video chat with my Turkish qt again tomorrow.

how can I tell if she wants to fug? I was unironically just going to show her around

Start with showing her around and you'll know when she wants it

>mfw Tinder is better to find language partners than Interpals.

why you all don't just use tinder? what's the difference?

>you'll know when she wants it
shit, I will? I have 0 experience with people let alone women in my age group

>mfw thinking of my poor indian niggas blocked because of the other 99%

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I'm not an uber chad, I'm a balding 5'11 manlet king. maybe its easier in Europe but I doubt it

Tinder sucks. And it's just for fucking and also has premium only features, right? I've used it for few days and then deleted it again.

If you're making out or doing other things that will lead towards sex then it will be obvious that she wants it, if she doesn't she will let you know

your empathy is appreciated Kiwibro

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why is it easier to find some qt that wants to talk with you on cp? I've never used any of those apps because I'm ugly and poor


pathetic, just go to the gym and get some something to slow down hair loss, how old are you?

We come to this shit because we're sick of our local thots. Tinder in my area is full of either girls who just want instagram followers or inbred swamp monsters who think they're gonna find someone to marry on there. If you want to find girls who aren't local on tinder you have to pay because they patched it to make fake GPS apps not work.

Give me a P A L M Y qt pls

well I know if we're making out it'll lead to something but what I mean how to steer it towards making out or something else. My people skills are pretty low but i'm a complete social retard when it comes to stuff like that

how good lucking are you, ya Chad cut

I hate my half-dead keyboard

Panty stealer reporting in
Thought I'd check up on this general for old times' sake

What's new, lads?