This woman was arrested for a DUI in South Carolina

This woman was arrested for a DUI in South Carolina.

She told cops not to arrest her because: "I’m a very clean, thoroughbred, white girl."

She also said she shouldn’t be arrested because:

- She was in a sorority
- She was a cheerleader
- Her partner "is a cop"

Attached: DkFrD0lUcAIJNpL.jpg (478x536, 27K)

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Would breed thoroughly if you know what I mean.

>When officers asked what being a "white, clean girl" had to do with anything, Cutshaw allegedly replied, "You're a cop, you should know what that means."

Based and redpilled woman

Lol dumb bitch

She's wife material.

imagine her crushing your balls while she laughs in your face as you cry

Nigga she fucking a horse

In America it's reserved for people over 84%

>Her partner "is a cop"
This usually works though

1. Your country
2. Is it common for normal people to be shamed in nationwide media for minor crimes there?


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tfw no american blonde gf

Why are all the sluts so ugly without make up?

Because lighting and your standards are fucked.

>Implying you would no breed with this goddesse and make perfect babies

wh*tes have shit skin

How did you find out about this interesting case?

come on she is average as fuck, aren't cheerleaders supposed to be hot af

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Jow Forums posters are niggers

La mezcolanza cromática...

She has probably the easiest existence you could ask for in this world. You forgot to add that she is a "realtor"

God I want to punch that face



she is pretty so her crimes should be forgiven obviously

shes pretty
would bang

>when wh*tes unironically start acting like they accused blacks of acting under obama because trump is in power

She’s dumb but why is this national news?

Help me understand this thread please

elaborate please

are europeans just joking when they say stuff like this or is europe just filled with goddesses

Right, that’s what thoroughbred means.

Attached: ED868B6E-0BDD-4A3B-A6B5-0601E2CE9A2D.jpg (269x187, 10K)

>aren't cheerleaders supposed to be hot af
No they are mostly chosen for size and gymnastic skill.

>God I want to punch that face
I want to punch her tonsils with my shaft if you catch my drift.

South Carolina is still effectively segregated in some parts and hugely racist. This might have actually worked

shes hot.

really based and redpilled

This italian girl was jailed when she was 16
First killed her mother with 40 stabs, then stabbed her 11 years old brother, then tried to force him to eat rat poison, then tried to drown him in the bathtub, and finally killed him with 57 stabs
Planned to wait for the father to return from work and kill also him but then changed her mind and run away
Also tried to put all the blame on her boyfriend

Attached: images_immagini_erika%20de%20nardo%20matrix.jpg (412x264, 21K)

Not him, but that bitch looks 5/10 at best.

And I'm not even factoring in that facial skin, that hair and that she looks like a dumb retard, a junkie and a mental case, all in one.

how long was she locked up for? Should have been lifetime.

And they still arrested her?! ACAB!
She should go to China to have some fun instead. Much guranteed!

Now that's what a nice, clean, thouroughbred family girl looks like, though.

says a beta virgin

this has been the highlight of my day* on Jow Forums

*Only spent about 8 minutes so far


how can you arrest this?

Attached: Lauren-Cutshaw-[1].jpg (634x790, 261K)

Only goes to show that racism, or rather group identification, will remain. It is a fundamental, low level, part of our psyche.
Perhaps multiculturalism isnt as easy as globalists want it to be?

You probably never seen girls you personally consider "hot" with no make up and under normal lighting.
The girl in the OP pic is hot as fuck and would look like an absolute goddess with good make up on and a nice haircut. Also the pic was most likely taken after she spent a night in a jail after drinking whole day, nobody looks to pretty in such case.

Tbf they do act exactly like that

I agree

Shes not ugly but nothing special just average to me atleast.
Are going to insult me aswel?

More than 10 years for sure but I don't remember how many
Judged some sort of crazy I think now she's out with some restriction
She got less because she was underage at the time

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There's this thing called natural beauty, you know? Either you have or you don't. If you don't you can always go to the surgeon clinic, use make up, clothing, hairdo and the rest of that shit to appeal to guys like you.

>In response to the claim of the daughter that immigrants had murdered her brother and mother, newspapers demanded a crackdown on illegal immigrants, and the Northern League (Lega Nord) held anti-immigrant demonstrations.

lol. right wing retards are so stupid

sc is a drumpf shit hole and incidentally has one of the lowest iq in the entire country.

In other news: My state arrested some dude that was wanted for murder in Alabama

Thoroughbreds are usually inbred. Ironically, she might be correct.

Because they all wear makeup.

Do thots do this? Together with texting and staceydriving it seems super dangerous

>she looks like a dumb retard, a junkie and a mental case
Well she's intoxicated so all of those temporarily applied.

Cheerleaders arent hot they're just small and whorish
