U.S. to Impose Sanctions on Russia, Says Used Chemical Agent in U.K
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why, uk wont even back us up on iran. didnt happen on our soil, why should we care
Did Iran attack you?
only my feelings when they burn our flag
Is it backed by the OPCW, or just another lie like Syria?
How does it feel to know that your country will never prosper because some whitoids five thousand miles away don't feel like letting it do so?
Could it be because of some sort of long running inquiry, perhaps?
You aren't really backing them on Brexit either. They need trade partners.
Feels really bad tbн. Why don't west understand that sanctions hurt common folk more, than putin & co?
why do Ukrainians and Russians hate each other so much?
> Why don't west understand that sanctions hurt common folk more, than putin & co?
The whole point is to encourage common folks to cut dictator's head off voluntarily
Should we send you food?
Last time sanctions came around for Ukraine, Putin banned food imports.
I don't think the the US government is ever going to let up.
They're too scared of another peer competitor. Your country is pretty big, populous, and rich in resources. You could do it given a chance, if the US lets you get your shit together
>I don't think the the US government is ever going to let up.
>They're too scared of another peer competitor.
Russia will never be a competitor even with a successful economy.
Facts about Russia:
- Smaller economy than Italy.
- Population only 140 mil, and decreasing.
- Under sanctions.
- Under embargo's.
- HIV and Aids are on African rebels.
- Most Jihadists after MENA.
- Directorship.
- Currency is worthless.
- Prostitutes.
- Alcoholics.
- Shithole.
''le Super Power''
gimme a break. you think the US is god or something. Russians will do we whatever they want regardless of what our gov does
No, but another large economy muddying the waters on the world stage is absolutely unconscionable to the US at the moment. China is bad enough.
They don't have to go full Cold War 2.0 electric boogaloo to be a problem.
so like in 93, 98, 08 and 14?
>Population decreasing
Not really desu
They also have one of the world strongest military that beat India and China in international war games and $75 trillion in available natural resources to extract
How about the EU and Russia go to war so our economy can flourish and eurofaggots can piss on each other for another century while we make money off it though?
Would be dope
They don't even make much that would compete with our industries. Their economy is powered by natural resources.
Half of that are a good things
>Russia will never be a competitor even with a successful economy.
All they need to do is get their population statistics in order and they could completely dominate other countries like the Soviet Union did to Finland.
They have a continent of land to work with my dude
> Not really desu
Yes, really. Even churka immigrants can't fill a hole of dying population. sad
Because they want to hurt common folk. Period.
t. Shmoli Shekelstien
>implying Iran attacked us
>implying SA doesn't support terrorism infinitely more than Iran
>going after the international shit talker rather than the guy actually funding and radicalized the terrorists
>Russia will never be a competitor even with a successful economy.
They bombed you out of Syria recently
If you can't wrap your head around the concept of the US wanting as little money as possible in the hands of non-allied countries then I don't know what to tell you my friend.
I'll bet you can't actually pick 5 of those things that are 'good' by any metric
Our stance on Iran is really pathetic. They've imprisoned several UK citizens now on trumped up charges and yet we're still on our hands and knees fellating them for all we're worth. It's about time we joined in with the US's hardline approach.
Other way around, my addition sign friend
Is it possible that the USA did the attacks in the UK?
>is it possible that the USA did the attacks in the UK?
I disagree, I think that only serves Saudi Arabia and Israel's bidding. I think that Shiites commit a small fraction of the attacks that Sunnis/Wahabbists do, and are somehow less despicable than the medieval theocracy a stone's throw away.
The US troops are leaving Syria as we speak
>implying you do it on to back up uk
Stop trying to pretend that you aren't a Russian yourself.
Maybe the plan is this:
>attack and tell it was Russia
>this is a reason for sanctions
>the UK has also a reason to sanction Russia if the UK believes that it was Russia
>other European countries that feel solidarity with the UK also have a reason to sanction Russia
Wouldn't be at all surprised seeing how sloppily it was done.
While I am of course obligated to note that nothing is ever truly impossible... I think Russia's 90+ years of assassinations, intimidation, disinfo campaigns and general contempt for international law makes it infinitely more likely that they did it. But I'm sure a tinfoil hat idiot such as yourself would never want an excuse to further education yourself.
But just in case I'm wrong:
honestly I hope the EU sides with them and makes a Russia China EU triple entente. The US just keeps fucking up shit on the world stage and most of it is in the name of Israel lmao. dumb mutts
The stocks need a correction.
The next crash when?
> by any metric
Let's see:
>- Smaller economy than Italy.
Still better than 80% of the world
>- Population only 140 mil, and decreasing.
140 mln is large amount, the less we have people the more we get GDP per capita from resources
>- Under sanctions.
Good for local companies and countries who didn't apply sanctions (China or Swiss)
>- Under embargo's.
Also can be good for healthiness economy
>- HIV and Aids are on African rebels.
Not every AIDs are bad. HIV mostly have faggots and drug addicts
>- Most Jihadists after MENA.
Not sure if it's true, but anyway we have a lot of muslims in some republics, so it's a "expected" thing.
>- Directorship.
Authoritarianism 2bh
>- Currency is worthless.
It's not true, it has price 65 rubles for dollar
>- Prostitutes.
>- Alcoholics.
Also good and it's everywhere
>- Shithole.
Sometimes. Russia is big, sure in some places it's a shithole. In other places it's best place on Earth.
>''le Super Power''
Have enough nukes to destroy 20 areas of Hollands.
Does it count?
he is the notorious russian medkit, I don't think he is even pretending
>Stop trying to pretend
What do I? Lmao
Your English sucks BTW
>Russia stronk
>dindu nuffin
>What, me having to actually LIVE THERE? As in, physically? Ugh, fuck no, that place is a dystopian shithole
Diasporafags, everyone
I hope you're getting paid and aren't just a pathetic NEET bydlo proxyfag doing it FOR FREE. Seriously, you should respect yourself and get a job if so
>What do I?
>Your English sucks
Oh, wow. What's new?
>tfw adyghe
>tfw hearing the squeals of russians
ah yes
The Brits are in trouble for still not knowing how it happened and who did it
Scotland Yard seem to be NOVICHOKs in this job. While Porton Down is 5 miles away.
Still better than toilet cleanings Mykolas. Back to work.
>Not every AIDs are bad
>other European countries
Most euros don't even think the UK is part of them anymore
Guess I have to start stashing cash to buy my next TV then
>honestly I hope the EU sides with them and makes a Russia China EU triple entente. The US just keeps fucking up shit on the world stage and most of it is in the name of Israel lmao. dumb mutts
>Not being giant expansionist fuck ups
Brits in hazmat suits at 30°C look really terrifying.
Any updates on this case? Could Charlie tell who gave him that bottle?
>why do Ukrainians and Russians hate each other so much?
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Before that I don't think they actually hated each other.
>- Under embargo's.
Literally the opposite. Standard of living, happiness, life expectancy etc have gone down under sanctions. It's not like you'll magically become self-sufficient and get everything from local industry
>Not every AIDs are bad. HIV mostly have faggots and drug addicts
Don't think you understand how AIDS is a drain on resources for a society. It's not a good thing you absolute retard, even if you think people deserve it. They will consume resources, spread it to others and be a net drain on society. Please think before posting in the future :)
>Not sure if it's true, but anyway we have a lot of muslims in some republics, so it's a "expected" thing
So not a good thing? :)
>Authoritarianism 2bh
Same thing. Again, even you admit it's not a good thing
>It's not true, it has price 65 rubles for dollar
It was 58-60 when I went there last November. Not good.
>le chemical attack
Honestly seems so forced. It's like they'll try any excuse for cheating in the energy competition
And what will happen?
5 years and every month news sanctions are imposed against Russia. It is not even funny now to make jokes about that.
>>Any updates on this case?
I just posted one above which you conveniently ignored.
> Not every AIDs are bad
> 65 rubles for dollar
> Good for local companies and countries who didn't apply sanctions (China or Swiss) (we actually benefit)
Russian ruble is more dependent on oil than anything else
Just anybody walking down the street?
In both Russia, USA and other countries absolute majority of HIV cases are from drug addicts and gays, so basically the bottom of the barrel. Out of the remaining most are prostitutes or their clients.
>The US troops are leaving Syria as we speak
t. Ivan Kulikov Mennerheim
yeah I guess so, in my utopian mind it would just be like sending a message and make the US come to their senses/stop dying for Israel
This is clearly a selfish geopolitical move.
They dont give a shit about the "attack"
>Police ‘sure’ that suspects identified through CCTV are Russian.
Kinda laughable
Anyway, others are good "by any metrics", and it's more than half, so i won.
>Before that I don't think they actually hated each other.
That's just as far from truth as possible. In fact there was more hate, because both sides were unable to spend their hate on real happenings, so they just hurled insults.
Israel won't even back us up on Russia sanctions.
see Again, while its not impossible it's much, MUCH more likely that Russia did it.
Motive, means, opportunity to do it. Lengthy track record of assassinating dissidents, all the way back to the founding of the USSR and consistently since then. I really don't know what more you could ask for as evidence, the head of state is literally a career KGB agent
Dude stop making the diaspora look bad; you're wasting our ability to post credibly under other flags :((
>If you can't wrap your head around the concept of the US wanting as little money as possible in the hands of non-allied countries then I don't know what to tell you my friend.
Your an idiot this isn't the U.S.A. trying to crash Russia's economy so they can't compete. Russia has a smaller population than the EU and most of their manufactured goods are garbage. We heavily trade with China and they aren't an allied nation.
Basically every rebel outside Idlib is vanquished, so only they and Kurds remain. Turkey hates Kurds, so the best chances for Kurds are to reconcile with Assad. Otherwise they will get Afrin'd again.
> 2 posts with less than minute from swiss indirectly defending russia
Makes you think
Paper-thin (((American))) bullshit as always
No doubt this has to do with Iran and Israel
I asked for some evidence.
Charlie cannot remember where he "found" that "sealed perfume bottle".
4 fucking months after miraculous recovery of both Skripals.
The Brits do not emply trash bins for at least 4 months. This is what I learned till now.