Who else think that biz should have flags like pol? So we could easily ignore posts made by pic related

Who else think that biz should have flags like pol? So we could easily ignore posts made by pic related.

Attached: 0a4.png (474x696, 89K)

Better range-ban street shitters on all boards.

/pol is a bit more in agreement on things than us

yes this is so badly needed

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It REALLY shouldn't and would take away from the financial discussion.

Every fucking thread will be talking shit about other people's countries and it will turn into pol 2.0

You KNOW I'm right.

It would reduce the quality of discussions even further
>a fucking leaf
>la creatura
At least now brainlets and shills have to use the generic fud/stupidity accusations when they don't know what to say.

Anonymous pajeets are the price we have to pay

But we would have less paid shills and less pajeets promoting ponzi coins.

this is racist idea, india iddea and thought valued same as people in developed world

u lie, no paid shills here

Attached: hmm.png (779x621, 31K)

Because you’d all be permabanned for shitposting and then complaining about others shit posting.

True biztards embrace the fact we don’t have flags, so you better gfto faggit

>what is a vpn

Fuck off Rajesh

t. pajeets

This my white brother

Attached: sweden_yes.jpg (550x366, 68K)

That's FEWER paid shills and FEWER Pajeets.

You'd know this if you were not an Indian LARPing using English as a second language

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I would to see flags on this board too.

owners/admins of this shithole are cianiggers who don't care about user experience. if they did, they would add flags to all boards, with Jow Forums being an important one to have flags. if they cared they would also remove those fucking larpflags.

Attached: wojak cowboy 500x500.jpg (500x500, 49K)

I want to filter some countrys AW

Attached: COLXhard.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

Wtf did i just watch

a happy human?

it would, so it's better to give flags ONLY to pajeets.
everyone wins that way.

If they really cared they'd add accounts with karma and an upvote system. That way Jow Forums can feel at home.

Found the redditor.
What's the matter baby? Can't handle anonymity? Reddit might be more your speed so you can check every users post history.

I bet you wipe your ass with your left hand

>newfag trying to fit in

kill yourself.
range ban street shitters for all i care, just don't turn Jow Forums into a shithole with just yuropoor vs mutt threads all day.

>Ad hominems and insults
Yeah you already lost the argument.
Call me a nigger and you think you can win an argument that way? Must be nice to be stupid.
You're just babies crying to the mods because you're too stupid to avoid pajeet scamcoins. If you were actually smart like the whites you think you are you wouldn't be scammed. You're weak and stupid.

The pajeet fears the flag



You call yourself ancaps but you cry for regulation. I'm a pajeet in Europe so flags won't stop me.

>implying a lot of implications

>admits to being a pajeet

the fucking STATE of this cuck.

Yep, sp is a shithole due this.