What if the Finnish fagposters are just psyops from Fenno-Swedes trying to ruin Finland's image?

What if the Finnish fagposters are just psyops from Fenno-Swedes trying to ruin Finland's image?

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You're one of the most redpilled and observant persons that exists


they’re just inhuman and high-functioning autshitstics

So you're on to us? Now what?

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Let my people go

Negative, my friend

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>He knows? Kill him.

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Conspiracy theories... hate and bigotry not allowed on thsi forum

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Based Björn. Hes mission is destroy sweden and bring all assets what matter to Finland

What if it's a false flag to portray Fennoswedes in a negative light?

His personal assets are in Sweden and he'll pay Swedish tax on them when he croaks

That works for Japan
Nips are in real trouble

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aa herro
i am from finrandou
i rike anime an kokks

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But Finland belongs to the Fennoswedes. If anything it must be the F*nns who are trying to ruin Finlands image to please their masters in Russia

Fake news. Real Finns are Finnic supremacists.
Baltic Finns have the highest IQs on the planet plus most heroic warriors.
Germanics are snakelike faggots whose brains have evolved to game other people.

He still gibs shit ton personal tax monney to finland and especially runs a lot business here and those companies make big money. Thx to nalle we have now Nordea hq also

>plus most heroic warriors.
Then why was it so easy to conquer you?

Tavastians and Finland-Properians were smacked around so severely by Karelians they were pretty much begging for Sweden to come protect them.
3rd Swedish crusade was pretty much just incel rage at Karelian marauders keeping Swedish captives as slaves.
Read all about it on Finnish Wikipedia.

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So let my heart be hardened
No matter how high the costs may grow
I will never let

>this amount of cope
Holy shit. We literally owned you for over 500 years, ALL of you

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Do you want a cookie or something?
And no, you're not too well versed in history if you actually think that.
Just keep jerking off to Sabaton songs.

what if your a fag?

they are doing a good job



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Makes actually sense since all gayposters seem to be from sweden infected western Finland

Thats actually how it really happend, sucking swedish tits after raping them for centuries and then turned against their own finnic peoples.

Just the reliable Finnish insecurity manifesting itself, as always. Somewhere between amusement, and and honor.

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We LITERALLY owned you for over 500 years

apart from that, they were also brought from a near neolithic technology level to one where they had cities, written language, and fire

>4d chess
That's very plausible indeed.

>swedish education
When you combine low intelligence with arrogance you get a very funny mix



>The Swedes wanted to conquer Karelia and get taxed for trading.
r. Finnish wikipedia

There is nothing homosexual in heterosex between straight men

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That's not true. Most Ulfberht swords have been found in Finland. It seems like there was some kind of metallurgical knot here, maybe for commercial manufacture.

Also when Gustav Wasa was building his castle, he wanted Finnish blacksmiths there to work in the project. Finns also got equal right compared to Swedes to attend to the king's court right from the beginning.

What is this Australian trying to say?

>sucking swedish tits after raping them for centuries
Kek yeah that's why entire parts of the Finnish coast were depopulated and they had to hide inland behind a series of hillforts like pussies.

When you take into account the fact that the Kvens were Germanic, the situation becomes quite sad for Finland. Literally just fucktoys for the German man for several centuries until he was converted to Christianity which gave the K*relians the chance to chimp out.

You mean Google translate.

You do understand that there were very few of us and we were almost caveman tier back then?

Are you having a stroke or something?

That's weird, here I thought pretending the people you conquer were neolithic era barbarians with no written history or culture was an Anglo thing.


>Most Ulfberht swords have been found in Finland.
Blatant lie, the vast majority are from Norway. Not that it's relevant though (except for in your Finnish metallurgy fantasies).
>The prevalence of Ulfberht swords in the archaeological record of Northern Europe does not imply that such swords were more widely used there than in Francia; the pagan practice of placing weapons in warrior graves greatly favours the archaeological record in such regions of Europe that were still pagan (and indeed most of the Ulfberht swords found in Norway are from warrior graves), while sword finds in from continental Europe and England after the 7th century are mostly limited to stray finds, e.g. in riverbeds.

>It seems like there was some kind of metallurgical knot here, maybe for commercial manufacture.
No, they were produced in the Rhineland and exported to Scandinavia. Nice fantasies though. Has your taste shifted from axe fetishism to sword fetishism recently by any chance?


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You're arguing with a Finland-Swede

>Finland's image

No he isn't.

stop pretending that equality was a thing between finns and swedes

Ihan selvästi on

he's not wrong there though, finnish peasants had no more or less rights than swedish peasant iirc

Swedish peasants had more upward mobility in their native language

Are you just a Swede using proxy? Or are you really an *nglo speaking English as a mother tongue?

If you really are a heritage Swede Anglo, you need help. Especially when continue this despite the fact that you yourself have concluded that in order to your ancestry to become meaningful the eradication of Finns must happen.

He isn't me.

>the eradication of Finns must happen

Go away.

swedish survival is predicated upon the genocide of all finns

What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you finns? Seek medication.

Et näköjään edes osaa suomea puhua


Not so, I simply wish to see peace made between Swedes and Finns :)

>peace between demons and angels

unfortunately many don't seem to really understand these things in any perspective at all desu. Seek an analogy from today's globalization. People don't get conquered, because that would mean too much work, but their leaders are bribed and taken in to the system.

Did it sting?

Anything is possible when you ditch the cancer that is nationalism and in its place embrace Finno-Germanic ethno-appreciation.

>still thinking we're the same person

Your post is too schizoid for me to translate, mind posting in coherent English?

Aha. There's an "you" missing.
>Especially when YOU continue this despite...

I still unironically think that I speak better English than you.

This will never be a thing outside mentally ill circles. "Finns" who embrace such a relationship between Finnics and Germanics have a getting dominated fetish and wallow in self-hatred in plain sight, always bashing everything about Finns and Finland.
I really wonder what course of events lead to such people ever existing but I will never be that.
It's just not in me.

>There's an "you" missing.
>I still unironically think that I speak better English than you.
Are you taking the piss?

Fuck off and seek psychiatric help.

And, I was right all along that we are in your ancestry's way.


Can I move to rural Finland or will redneck Finns beat me up?

>an "you"

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The serial drowner was captured but there could be other ones

>an you

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I gave you an extra letter because you are so cute.

>there's an "you" missing
>I still unironically think that I speak better English than you

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That's sad, but I'm sure things can change.

I have no intention of seeking psychiatric help, sorry.

You can't, and yes you will be beaten.

>there's an "you" missing
>an "you"

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we have serial drowners and stabbers in ostrobothnia

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Why are you so salty at a guy that made a single post ITT prior to this "argument" and has nothing to do with me?

Hey someone just posted something in sverigetråden go check it out

>an "you"

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That's really something that exists only in your own head. Do you understand that? It wouldn't even cross our minds.

Now fuck off, and seek that help. You really need it.

Please don't be upset, making people angry is the opposite of what I aim to achieve.

How are Fenno-Swedes treated in Finland? Like shit?

The Swedish conquest of whole present Finland took 200 years, and you would do that against basically three areas with small separate folks living long apart, even some even having wars with eachother

"Finns" back then were a very different thing

They literally control the country in many ways, for better or worse.

>"Finns" back then were a very different thing

Why are Finns so fucking evil?

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They're treated better than any other minority anywhere. There's quotas thrice the size of their population in higher education so they can just slack off all they want in school but still get accepted.

Lol dude don't listen to them. Finns are extremely passive in real life, you can go there and do practically whatever you want. Just make sure to behave properly

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just don't come and you don't have to face evil

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Cause he's a little incel weirdo.

You also aren't helping by playing into his manic episode by posting some /gsg/ LARP, brah.

>There's quotas thrice the size of their population in higher education so they can just slack off all they want in school but still get accepted.
When applying to a university, do Swedish-speakers have their own sort of "queue" or whatever you wanna call it?

They have their own universities

So they're the Jews of Finland?

They are an old ruling class, a remnant of the old Swedish conquerors

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