
*Coldplay comes on edition*

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No Surrendah dah popes'a benda

based retarded aussie dabbing boomer poster

Many times. I dont care for the yous though, you just have to read what im typing and its making me happy. Nigglet ^_^


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As with all things Irish, you're slow.

I don't like cricket I love it lads

how do you feel about reggae

Business idea: only offer pork products on the jihadist wings of British prisons

Business idea: Bomb the mosques and radicalise the moderates.
[DISCLAIMER: This is a joke referencing the hit film "Four Lions" and not a call to bomb mosques, please do not kick my door down.]

good lad

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would be extremely poor design to put all the jihadis in a prison wing together

poo, lads
poo willy bumnigger

Huns arent finns same way than black people arent irish/english cunt.

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paki paddle is not a sport
>it's a way of LIFE!

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doesn't reflect that positively on your uncle then

Taken from the "Scam" section of the Medina page on wikivoyage (Medina is the second holiest city in Islam, and like Mecca non-Muslims aren't allowed to enter it).

I like how the problem isn't that your taxi driver is trying to get you to fund his jihad, but the fact that he's probably not actually going on jihad

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Trying to communicate with black people is so hard always. You could die today and nobody would care.

what's your favourite scene in british nationalist cinema? mine's when johnny english says "shut it, frenchie!"

We're all in /trans/ ok


I've never been black in my life and I haven't the SLIGHTest what a "Hun" is in nearly any context of the word.

Rap is just speaking to the mic. Black music isnt original nor good..

Hun can mean a German, a Protestant or a Rangers fan (the latter two are pretty much synonyms)

morning benders

morning tismofinn

Morning piers

Funny thing about medina is in ancient times it was built and settled by jews and became a jewish city state till mohammed fucked em over

stuck thinking about that emma watson dress

Nationalism never works you moronic Nazi. Its impossible for a country to be self sufficient in the modern era

reggae is good lad

Can't write it with these Muslims. Imagine if white taxi drivers asked for funding to go on crusades.

done the hard part but reluctant to do the easy part

*rocks down to electric avenue*

bit gay

mine is in This Is England when they beat up the cornershop owner haha

>9/10 people in this thread don't have business cards

what the hell is a virtual youtuber?

if white people fought a few more crusades we wouldn't be getting replaced by these bloody moslems

Literally Brap: The Shop

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soon brother

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I just give people a napkin with my details on, more exotic

there isn't any 9/10 on brit.

>hey how's your day going
>pretty good, it'd be better at yours ;)
>fuck off fuckboy

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no one does winky faces anymore
telltale sign of a virgin freak

crusades were such an odd piece of history

Sleazy and disgusting



Why are UK emissions so poor compared to Anglos like Aus and Canada?

Why are you so fat compared to other danes..?

bloody thatcher closed the mines


business idea: ice cream with zero calories

don't derail the thread again with your /his/ shit. talk about brit culture like slags for instance

dangerous and down right stupid

It was totally epic and based! We could do with another one with based people like Peterson and Akkad leading them!

Burnt the top of my mouth and now eating is painful.

>even Poland and South Africa emit more per capita than the UK

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Why is that a bad thing

need mo money fo dem holy crusades

what does iffy mean

stealthily gets a maccy's. yum yum.

Life idea: Eat nothing but beans on toast

gotta mark your territory init

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Because Aussies being the Yanks of the southern hemisphere are brainwashed into defending everything that's bad for them

the post-brexit diet

Sign of a weak and poor country

don't forget to pay your jizya lads

uncertain, or of dubious quality

fuck the environment

paid your mum a jizya last night

i favour fucking younguns

>he has a smaller carbon footprint than a Kazakh
no wonder you can't get jobs


*jizzes upon ya*

What are you having for Brexit? Cereal or eggs?

scrambled eggs with marmite toast

*braps out 20 tons of CO2*
woops haha x

>first shirt
haha whee look at the creases just going away! wuurgghh yeah
>second shirt
getting a bit tired of this
fucking hate ironing

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what's the best manga for beginners?


so tired of sub-6 women

what a twat

how to kill yourself for idiots

*kills you*

so tired of submarines

What is a sub-6 woman?

so tired of sub-6" willy

She's a darling lass.

whatever floats your boat

so tired of subway and their sub-6" half subs

A woman who emits less than six tons of CO2 per annum.

women that only get a 6" from subway

good on May
at least someone respects traditions

fishmans are on spotify

so tired of SUBhumans

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