Everybody is old, fat, racist and dumb...shitty climat, shitty landscape, irrelevant, poor...

everybody is old, fat, racist and dumb...shitty climat, shitty landscape, irrelevant, poor. That's the region you pass through because you're going to Lille or Paris, nobody stop here or care about what happen.

Post the worst regions of your country

Attached: Picardie.png (800x769, 130K)

I live here btw

Attached: 45.jpg (645x773, 57K)

One of the only white regions in France


Attached: g?v=6.jpg (283x279, 17K)

Is it bad to be racist?


everybody is old, fat, racist and dumb...shitty climat, shitty landscape, irrelevant, poor. That's the region you pass through because you're going to Germany, nobody stops here or cares about what happens.

Attached: Grand_Est_in_France_2016.svg.png (800x769, 156K)

Lorraine is worse. At least Picardie improves itself.

La campagne comtoise est magnifique, de quoi tu parles?

Picardie is not a region...

I like it personally, it's confy and reminds me of Belgium especially the northern parts

In my heart it is


Attached: ete.jpg (1000x533, 46K)

What about Alsace, how does it perform?

ugh i love being inbred

Attached: Nord-Pas-de-Calais_in_France.svg.png (1069x1024, 200K)

Alsace is doing pretty good

red: human
green: superhuman
blue: almost human
purple and orange: subhuman

Attached: DMkDH4pW0AAFzhV.jpg (906x920, 97K)

You deserve death for this.

Attached: kniv.jpg (637x536, 76K)

They are leftists

Attached: 240px-Cataluna_in_Spain_(plus_Canarias).svg.png (240x206, 18K)

they are literally nothing from this list

>everybody is old, fat, racist and dumb...shitty climat, shitty landscape, irrelevant, poor.

natural extension of france into iberia

Everybody is old, fat, conservative, backwards with a shitty dialect

Attached: Bayern_sm.jpg (240x240, 14K)

Sounds like paradise.
I'll be your roommate.

Attached: 1478488970303.jpg (558x627, 62K)

You mean Bayern or the entire country


Pic related though they dont have shitty weather nor are they old since they have the biggest birth rates in Spain.

I forgot the Pic related, sorry for the autism.

Attached: descarga.png (249x202, 10K)

Isn't Nord-Pas-de-Calais the one with the high unemployment and health problems?

yep, picardie is nord pas de calais without the relevant side.

You wish, they hate you as much as we do.

What do you mean shitty climate anyway?

Kek, my familly comes from here, now we live in the Parisian suburb (the rich comfy one not the nigger ridden one that is)

Everything in red is either barren wasteland, mosques or northerners on gimmedats. The south however, is God's own country.

Attached: Albion.png (800x972, 143K)

I was born there, it's boring but very comfy

Attached: Cathedrale_carouselaccueil.jpg (1386x469, 92K)

Don't include Norfolk. We're basically northerners and everyone is fat.

litterally africa tier

Attached: Calabria.png (2000x2513, 551K)

Attached: 250px-Mississippi_in_United_States.svg.png (250x155, 34K)

wtf i love flat, crowded shitholes full of london yuppies now

Attached: 1532708555029.jpg (2000x1333, 737K)