
Neko, neko bring me a Yin

Attached: 69383196_p0.png (1080x1920, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:


2D >>>>>>>>> 3DPD

Attached: 7c6e9a7c543f2eeef1df77cbf4d5a537.jpg (1280x1116, 636K)

Hmm tea is nice desu

Attached: 1533732034989.jpg (1997x1174, 438K)

What feeling does this face convey?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Steins Gate 0 - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.27_[2018.08.09_13.37.16].jpg (1280x720, 159K)

and what about this one?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Steins Gate 0 - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.35_[2018.08.09_13.37.30].jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>tfw they are not even the beta divergence world

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Steins Gate 0 - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.40_[2018.08.09_13.26.01].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

I wonder how Okabe is feeling now desu

Attached: 1525372961469.jpg (1920x1080, 81K)

scared yet?

Attached: 1529940271517.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

well they are on the "beta" but not the one that Okabe imagined desu

Attached: 1533480640920.png (2000x2000, 1.92M)

let's and it at that desu
I haven't had a pizza for a week now and I really want one desu, when you think the world without pizza is the real timeline that they shouldn't be aiming for

Attached: 1519347788664.png (760x839, 760K)

desu what if our voices are not our voices but a voice of our voice actors

Attached: 65979424_p0.jpg (1500x1800, 653K)

would sell my livers for a pizza right now desu

Attached: 59989201_p0.jpg (2066x2066, 1.14M)

desu are farmers ever happy?
>its too hot!
>its too cold!
>there isn't enough rain!
>there is too much rain

Attached: 1533569473989.png (1280x1199, 1.86M)


Attached: 1533759999987.png (1000x1000, 279K)

You really like pizza...

Attached: 781b67cd21f2bb6554eabcba38f679f041d71053.jpg (1032x1457, 868K)

>You really like pizza...
yes I really do
How are you slovenia? still hot?

Attached: 40803965_p0.jpg (708x1024, 321K)

>yes I really do
Hopefully you will get one soon!
>How are you slovenia? still hot?
I'm ok thank you and yes very, very hot :(
How are you?

Attached: 9cc336b71260152c43bda80fae58af078b20476899078e345214e4e7c3c92128.png (702x397, 142K)

>Hopefully you will get one soon!
I hope so too, thank you
>I'm ok thank you and yes very, very hot :(
oh, is it more hot inside or outside desu?
>How are you?
not much desu just watching videos right now, how about you? doing anything fun?

Attached: 1533738883181.jpg (4100x5798, 2.27M)

microwaving salad desu

Attached: 1533681308726.jpg (1280x766, 191K)

Tea boy, LOL
Not at all, lmao

Attached: 1456063550715.jpg (2016x3036, 1.86M)


Attached: 1510313217764.jpg (848x480, 60K)

>oh, is it more hot inside or outside desu?
It's 36C outside and around 30C inside, I don't have AC ;_;
>not much desu just watching videos right now, how about you? doing anything fun?
I hope they are fun. I was outside earlier and now I think I'll read a bit

Attached: 1525913440618.jpg (480x728, 46K)

>Tea boy, LOL
you really are yes
>Not at all, lmao
yes at all dumb scared boy
>It's 36C outside and around 30C inside, I don't have AC ;_;
not even a fan? fuck that's very hot desu
> hope they are fun. I was outside earlier and now I think I'll read a bit
what will you read desu?

Attached: 1533756646800.png (1000x1000, 283K)

>t. likes tea
Nah, I would btfo Karen(lol, Karen) easily
Warm veggies must taste weird

Attached: 75ca189355027a1bb77c6596df2c013ad7d161ce99d7d7f1c6445cde27f34f6b.png (1776x1537, 1.3M)

yes she is very hot, would want to get conscripted by her too
>Nah, I would btfo Karen(lol, Karen) easily
you really wouldn't desu
>Warm veggies must taste weird
>never ate warm veggies
nice shit taste

Attached: 4bc033264abf6d8c496fce7c82edeb12.jpg (1551x761, 148K)

>would want to get conscripted by her too
Tea boy who likes tea, lol
(lol, Karen is a male name in the caucasus area) Yes, I would, she's shorter and is a girl
>microwaving a cold salad

Attached: 1491413662785.gif (247x319, 2.14M)

>ugh, it's illegal to sleep with your sister
>em, cause we said so

Attached: 1494430923909.gif (320x240, 138K)

how so? she is hot
>Tea boy who likes tea, lol
>(lol, Karen is a male name in the caucasus area)
how do you know that? hmmmm ? :)))))))))))
>Yes, I would, she's shorter and is a girl
but you're weaker than her lol
nice shit taste

Attached: 69664740_p0.jpg (1653x2066, 269K)

yes know that you love your sister lol

Attached: 70054268_p0.png (1000x1414, 573K)

euro still 16:14

Attached: o0800045013412505608.jpg (505x449, 48K)

>how so
They'll send you in some desert and you'll get blown up by some loud man...
Qt! *pulls your cheeks*
There was a retarded normalfag with such name in my school
No, I am not, men are way stronger than women
>hot salads
emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *looks away*
How's this related to what I said?
No way someone will learn about it if it was consensual, retarded law, no way to prove it either
>they fucked, I just know that!!!

Attached: 1507308905490.jpg (640x800, 103K)

Yahello Japan! Genki?
>euro still 16:14
yes I myself thought it was only 15 but yes it is indeed 16 right now

Attached: 1533744924254.jpg (1020x1440, 223K)

>miyabi vaginal bones and tummy
>They'll send you in some desert and you'll get blown up by some loud man...
that sounds like a made up story
>Qt! *pulls your cheeks*
nah you *punches you in the face*
>There was a retarded normalfag with such name in my school
went to a school in sochi (cause its near caucasus)? :)))))))
>No, I am not, men are way stronger than women
but you are weaker than her yes
>emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *looks away*
lol why? :))))))))))))
>How's this related to what I said?
>No way someone will learn about it if it was consensual, retarded law, no way to prove it either
it isn't yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn don't care desu

Attached: 1533682849153.png (539x605, 578K)

which game is this card from?????

Attached: 1533682040785.jpg (451x486, 145K)

Yes, they will and then some weird man will run towards you while screaming aloha snackbar.... Rip...
>punch me
>t. caring boy
No, I think his parents moved here when he was 6-7
Nah, I would beat her up and take pics, LOL
>lol why? :)))))
duuuuuuuuuuuuumb :)))) *kicks your balls*
You do care, yes, brocon, lol

My pic
Probably senran kagura new wave, I dunno

Attached: 1508972703284.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

Shouldn't /balt/ just be changed to /litfags posting anime/?

yes ,,euro so wide
next week i m going to shinjyuku, ikebukuro to meet and have a lunch

Attached: Overlord_EP07_078.png (717x404, 450K)

why??? :)
>Yes, they will and then some weird man will run towards you while screaming aloha snackbar.... Rip...
but she looks hot and that doesn't look like the middle east???? would want to be her lover boy too
yes would punch you
>No, I think his parents moved here when he was 6-7
hmm okay
>Nah, I would beat her up and take pics, LOL
what pics?
>duuuuuuuuuuuuumb :)))) *kicks your balls*
>You do care, yes, brocon, lol
nah you lol
>Probably senran kagura new wave, I dunno
is it good????

Attached: 1533590260964.jpg (837x900, 650K)

>yes ,,euro so wide
I agree desu, asia is even wider though...
>next week i m going to shinjyuku, ikebukuro to meet and have a lunch
what kind of event is it desu?

Attached: 1533676474611.jpg (650x718, 88K)

Cause you're a virgin creep, lol
>but she looks hot and that doesn't look like the middle east???? would want to be her lover boy too
>what pics?
Of her crying and calling for help? :)
I posted it a few days ago
>is it good???
Don't know, I don't play mobile "games"

Attached: 1495225891791.gif (640x360, 2.32M)

>Cause you're a virgin creep, lol
>Of her crying and calling for help? :)
wow rude
>I posted it a few days ago
any way to prove this?
>Don't know, I don't play mobile "games"
but its a senran game?

Attached: 69899255_p3.jpg (858x1200, 254K)

god morgon

Attached: 1508528047665.png (1200x800, 169K)

How are you?

Attached: 1533589410151.png (1266x897, 1.6M)

She hates when virgin creeps stare at her...
Blown up by a screaming man...
Not rude, but hot
The archive
>but its a senran game?
Unplayable outside of Japan like with most browser games

Attached: 1509009238144.jpg (1280x1882, 513K)

doing pretty good, how are you?

Attached: 1516215538574.jpg (1000x1012, 154K)

nothing new event dayo...just meet friend
i f i have a time , i visit kit kat special shop in ikebukuro...
and check summer sale

Attached: ショコラトリー店舗画像-650x468.jpg (650x468, 177K)

>She hates when virgin creeps stare at her...
Nah Miyabi is a good girl :)
>Blown up by a screaming man...
>Not rude, but hot
>The archive
>Unplayable outside of Japan like with most browser games

Attached: 1533818888409.jpg (500x400, 38K)

she is dressed very hot hnnnnnnnnnnng
>doing pretty good, how are you?
also doing pretty good myself desu
>nothing new event dayo...just meet friend
oh okay
>i f i have a time , i visit kit kat special shop in ikebukuro...
and check summer sale
do you like kit kat? I like it very much so myself but there aren't a lot of their products here

Attached: 1523042243497.jpg (800x1216, 157K)

>no comment about my pic which is funny
The fuck?
She is, that's why she hates them, lol
Yes... RIP...
Shut up!!
Open it
HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???????????????????????? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Attached: 1516852301121.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

>after fuck peace sign
>no comment about my pic which is funny
>The fuck?
not that funny desu
>She is, that's why she hates them, lol
nah nice lie
nope alive and well
>Shut up!!
>Open it
open what up ? :)
>HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???????????????????????? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I thought that I might download it desu

Attached: 61061127_p0.png (1712x1860, 969K)

>>after fuck peace sign
Fake, witches=pure
It is though
>t. boring cuck with no sense of humor
>and well
Wow, send me money then, well-off boy? :)
Cause I am not a sadist
The archive
>I thought that I might download it desu
Well, NOW you do NOT think so, lol

Attached: 1514777786231.jpg (236x231, 14K)

>she is dressed very hot hnnnnnnnnnnng
I wanna fuck yoshiko so badly desu
>also doing pretty good myself desu

Attached: 1526461066611.jpg (1062x1600, 693K)

>Fake, witches=pure
>doesn't like after fuck peace sign in doujins
nah lol
>t. boring cuck with no sense of humor
you yes
>Wow, send me money then, well-off boy? :)
no you lol
you really are though
>Well, NOW you do NOT think so, lol
>I wanna fuck yoshiko so badly desu
I know I want to cum inside Yoshiko too desu
is it really?

Attached: 69899255_p2.jpg (858x1200, 119K)

>I know I want to cum inside Yoshiko too desu
>is it really?

Attached: 1515464778321.jpg (500x375, 82K)

Did not say that I dislike it though?
Yes, send money, lol, nice
>you really are though
Open it and find it
HHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM??????????????? :))))))))))))))))

Attached: 1465116036484.jpg (1664x2476, 1.18M)

you too
why so?

Attached: 67410702_p0.jpg (1500x1950, 1.82M)

do you like kit kat? yes sometime i buy bitter choko or maccha ...,,
Different flovour ,,,not sold near my house

Attached: シズhqdefault.jpg (477x266, 37K)

>Did not say that I dislike it though?
>Yes, send money, lol, nice
nah you lol
lots of proof yes
>Open it and find it
don't want to?????
>HHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM??????????????? :))))))))))))))))

Attached: 66151114_p0.png (980x1350, 407K)

>yes sometime i buy bitter choko or maccha ...,,
Good taste!
>Different flovour ,,,not sold near my house
Yeah same here desu only white ones and the brown ones desu

Attached: 69899255_p1.jpg (858x1200, 145K)

>why so?
it's nice to know you're doing well

Attached: 1523288630864.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Cute Hikage *saves*
W-what??? :)....
You send money, yes...
Post one unless you are a retard?? :)
Why ask me to prove something then? Lazy cuck, hate you, die, please
You know

Attached: 1517149676265.png (650x812, 265K)

agreed I want to bang both of them
>it's nice to know you're doing well
it is?

Attached: 57368808_p0.png (728x792, 313K)

>agreed I want to bang both of them
same desu
>it is?
it is!

Attached: 1533407448751.png (1000x707, 763K)

>Cute Hikage *saves*
yes nice :)
>W-what??? :)....
he is watching older sister lewds
>You send money, yes...
no you
nah you lol
no you SHINE!!!!!!
>You know

Attached: 51038938_p0.png (720x771, 276K)

>same desu
I bet God really doesn't like you right now, and that is good
>it is!
nice thank you

Attached: 1533591959028.jpg (754x812, 114K)

>I bet God really doesn't like you right now, and that is good
that's no good but I'll take it
>nice thank you
yeah no problem

Attached: 1533768963695.png (1000x1375, 1.18M)

>he is watching older sister lewds
F-fake!!! Shut up!
Why not? :)
Post one proof that I'm sadistic unless you're a retard??? :))))
>no you SHINE!!!!
*shines and glows*
Well?? :)
Yoooooooooooooou know, cuck boy

Attached: 1515450120651.png (578x886, 556K)

that's so fucking hot I want to commit lewds with aqours
>that's no good but I'll take it
it is good
>yeah no problem

Attached: 70060518_p1.png (2000x2819, 3.46M)

>that's so fucking hot I want to commit lewds with aqours
>it is good
I don't think so

Attached: 1504740634563.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

>F-fake!!! Shut up!
why? :)
cause lol
>Post one proof that I'm sadistic unless you're a retard??? :))))
>Of her crying and calling for help? :)
>*shines and glows*
>Well?? :)
cause lol
>Yoooooooooooooou know, cuck boy

Attached: 60611216_p2.png (880x1241, 1.37M)

yeah idols were made for lewding
>I don't think so
it is though

Attached: 70106607_p0.jpg (1102x1209, 1.06M)

Nothing wrong with what he's doing...
Fake, that's not me
>using proxies again
STOP??? :)
What? :) Caps boy, lol
Only retards don't know it, so you must know it (unless you're duuuuuuumb)

Attached: 1514843287995.jpg (660x711, 89K)

>yeah idols were made for lewding
>it is though
how so??

Attached: 1504265324975.png (522x719, 418K)

>Nothing wrong with what he's doing...
why? :))))))))))))))))
it is you lol
>STOP??? :)
???? not using?
>What? :) Caps boy, lol
cause lol
>Only retards don't know it, so you must know it (unless you're duuuuuuumb)
nah you're retarded cause you aren't telling lol stuuuuuupid

Attached: 1533589589597.png (424x597, 288K)

i see ,,thanks
see you tomorrow
time to sleep

Attached: 柴shiba000.jpg (400x307, 33K)

yeah I bet aqours masturbate after every of their concerts...
>how so??
because God doesn't exist?

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_and_love_live_sunshine_drawn_by_rozen5__b8ffb772c4fec6b95d5a422a30208ff4.jp (2000x2849, 957K)

Goodnight Japan, sleep well see you tomorrow!

Attached: 1530833308186.jpg (800x600, 265K)

Cause it's hot?? Onees=hot
>???? not using?
You do when you get banned, lol
>PAID for vpn
Wow, rich? Send shekels?
What? Duuuuuuumb caps boy lol
CAUSE WHY?????? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) TELL ME NOW PLEASE??
>nah you're retarded cause you aren't telling lol stuuuuuupid
>t. clueless retard

Attached: 1515876566372.png (388x415, 186K)

>yeah I bet aqours masturbate after every of their concerts...
I wish I could join them
>because God doesn't exist?
if he doesn't exist then how come he keeps punishing me for being a pervert?

Attached: 1514199091485.jpg (779x1153, 131K)

>Cause it's hot?? Onees=hot
why so?:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
>You do when you get banned, lol
>Wow, rich? Send shekels?
nah you lol rich gazprom owners kid
>What? Duuuuuuumb caps boy lol
you really are yes
>CAUSE WHY?????? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) TELL ME NOW PLEASE??
cause like to annoy you? lol
>t. clueless retard
you really are yes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hanebado! - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.26_[2018.08.09_14.29.14].jpg (1280x720, 287K)

>I wish I could join them
What if You offered you to stick it in, because all aqours are very lewd?
>if he doesn't exist then how come he keeps punishing me for being a pervert?
maybe because you aren't perverted enough?

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_and_love_live_sunshine_drawn_by_rozen5__1ba04ce8ff821773e937e26e2927f22a.jp (882x1238, 154K)

God damn, i love Yin so much. I wish she was real.

Attached: 1533471970566.jpg (447x589, 48K)

Why are they hot?? Cause I like them???
Clueless retard, lol
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, send money, cuck
Lol, nice tsun >_

>What if You offered you to stick it in, because all aqours are very lewd?
I'd say: YES
>maybe because you aren't perverted enough?
hmm could be

Attached: 1527237233417.jpg (799x1315, 828K)

Oh no...

Attached: DARKER Than BLACK - S02 E11 - The Sea Floor Dries Up, and the Moon Grows Full (720p - DUAL Audio).mk (1280x720, 63K)

>Why are they hot?? Cause I like them???
why do you like them ? :))))))))))
>Clueless retard, lol
you are yes
>Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, send money, cuck
no you
>Lol, nice tsun >_
you're a tsundere I agree :)
>I'd say: YES
what if You wanted you to finish inside though, would you really do it and lewd her that much?
>hmm could be
hmm yes interesting theory

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_and_love_live_sunshine_drawn_by_rozen5__b8e7ef8e1552b47b8948c1324412627a.jp (1200x766, 110K)

I didn't watch season 2. Should i? The first season is a little bit confusing probably because they thought it would make the anime "2deep4you", but i love the lore.

Attached: ss-10527.jpg (512x384, 37K)

>what if You wanted you to finish inside though, would you really do it and lewd her that much?
yes. if you have kids with an anime girl, are they half anime?
>hmm yes interesting theory
very interesting

Attached: 1512188378862.png (550x808, 383K)

>I didn't watch season 2. Should i?
yes you should but watch the OVA first because I think that's much better than watching 2nd season first and then watching ova desu
>The first season is a little bit confusing probably because they thought it would make the anime "2deep4you", but i love the lore.
yeah I know I really enjoyed it myself

Attached: DARKER Than BLACK - S01 E13 - A Heart Unswaying on the Water's Surface, Part 1 (720p - DUAL Aud (1280x720, 163K)

Cause they are cute and sexusi?
You yes, finally admitted
Send send send send :)
Nah, hate tsunderes

Attached: 1514794834110.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

same desu
>if you have kids with an anime girl, are they half anime?
no they are 100% anime then desu, but I don't think, that that's bad desu
>very interesting
yes indeed
>Cause they are cute and sexusi?
why? :)))))))))))) same with other anime girls?
>You yes, finally admitted
nah you lol
you send me yes
>Nah, hate tsunderes
but tsunderes are the best?

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_and_love_live_sunshine_drawn_by_rozen5__81e3fcaba6f10dc27c13bae5fd7c0307.jp (843x1186, 142K)

>same desu
>no they are 100% anime then desu
>but I don't think, that that's bad desu
that's really good

Attached: 1504883228451.jpg (777x1290, 540K)

you too
I agree
>that's really good
yep I think that too

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_and_love_live_sunshine_drawn_by_rozen5__510988e60804ba06c526e660926c0297.jp (836x1184, 130K)


Attached: 454424572286.png (314x359, 91K)

very based

Attached: 1523311678756.jpg (689x973, 249K)

Not the same, onees are different
You send me all your shekels yes
Nah, tsunderes are similar to 3dpds, ew

Attached: 1516565781004.jpg (480x909, 60K)

gay sex

Attached: 154512020420.jpg (771x626, 41K)

yeah I really want to empty my balls inside them

Attached: 62451022_p0.jpg (700x1286, 334K)

cause why? :)))))))))
>Not the same, onees are different
why? explain???
>You send me all your shekels yes
but you are more wealthy than me?
>Nah, tsunderes are similar to 3dpds, ew
not at all Tsunderes are pure unlike 3dpd

Attached: 69792418_p0.png (750x1000, 2.16M)