How come the Dutch don't have the same psychopathic tendencies as the Germans if they share the same paternal blood?

How come the Dutch don't have the same psychopathic tendencies as the Germans if they share the same paternal blood?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png (1200x800, 1K)

They do. The the realm of asset management

we are better at hiding it

Oh, if they're unsupervised they'll literally start murdering Lord of the Flies style in about 2 days

we also have rampant leftism destroying millions of lives

t. Willie Dille

do the Dutch also have scat fetish?


Attached: 35236fcf-abb8-45b3-92db-00f51f1c3134.jpg (457x374, 48K)

16m vs 80m

Their Frisian blood means they share the perfidious scheming instinct of the ANGLO. The Dutch are just as psychopathic as the Germans, they are simply biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to stab you all in the back