ITT we say something nice about Spain

ITT we say something nice about Spain.

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it's nice and warm :)

Whoa cool flag

something nice about Spain.

Cool flag.

every days it has less spaniards

You have funny looking people

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They showed that creating third world countries can be exciting

Los picos de europa are breathtaking

The Tercios were badass

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t.Youssef Al-Maghribī

Athletic Bilbao

a dead castillian is a good castillian manolo

Barcelona is nice

You had a cool colonial empire and nice uniforms for troops there...

Mean! Say something nice about Spain

it has catalonia (for the moment)


I wish

allahu akbar bien dicho hermano

Inbreeding monarchies produce that

Spen is not a swamp like florida or ugly like americas much more interesting communities than mcdonald villages

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Allahhhhhh habbibii


Kek. In reality he's just a cucked catalonian leftist

I like Rafael Nadal


and this

warm, nice girls, a lot of history. The only bad things is lefties, but once enough rapefugees come, Vallos de los Caidos will become Vallos de los Vivos.

>nice girls
>highest divorce rate
>extremely feminists

nice girls as in not land whales like here.

>high divorce rates

> Catalonian
> Leftist
Pick one, every single catalan nationalist party is completely dedicated to suck the right's dick for survival. They're a joke.

To be on topic, past weekend I had no public transport left to go back home, but the friend of a friend of an uncle works in my same city and carried me in her car after a little trip crossing a handful of villages that showed me there is Spain left on Spain and we are still great people once you leave politiced shitholes.

>not a politicized shithole

Alfonso XIII did nothing wrong you niggers.

>going to church
you mean the mosque we andalusians are proud sunni muslims

>when King Ferdinand did not completely destroyed all the mosques
cringe and bluepilled

He did tho

lmao we were just pretending we never moved and we control this country you dirty christian dog

ALLAHU AKBAR, bien dicho hermano

>spain thread
>usa flags everywhere
guess it’s understandable since they live in a former spanish colony

I guess there is a russian minority in your country ...

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the conquest of the Americas is interesting.

Solar power leader.

They are becoming a colony of our colonies.

so that was your plan all alonge?

Spanish community here = another spen

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y-you too

It makes Portugal seem much nicer by comparison.

Crashing this country.... with no survivors..


Obviously and since the caste system is still a thing in latin america when they get cucked by the mexicans, their country will inevitably get under Iberian control. We are the real jews, my germanic friend.

Shut it down, you are letting them know

Top tier food and culture t b h.

Tacos are pretty tasty.

the absolute state of new zealand education.

It's literally one guy
The one that keeps posting his face and thinks he's "iberian", he posts here 24/7 and has problems


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Their accent is funny, yet pretty sexy and they also created one of the most beautiful language that's the second most spoken language in the world. I hope they get uncucked soon.

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they made two of my favorite songs


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