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at least post the actual map, not this shitty shop
Nearly every hungarian I know is a mix between Norids and Gorids, although I've met a few who look like lightskinned turkics or asians. I'd say it's accurate
Make map based on average faces instead of phenotypes
berberid master race amirite brethern
average polish phenotype
Bullshit. We iberians are blessed with the seed of KARA BÖGA and we are like pic.
I am Pontid
Dream on, Poland
German guy looks like Oliver Khan
Hey that's unironically me
he looks like a mix of brunn and dalofaelid
Do you name the different percentages of Mongoloid blood? Really?
Borreby is more grotesque in most cases
Seriously though , what percentage are finngolians actually white?
Or are you a hapa?
Are you stupid? Lappid phenotype covers Sweden, Finland and Norway. It's the Sami phenotype
Besides most Samis are so mixed nowdays that they're billion times whiter than brown Romanians
Both me and my dad look like the pre-slavic guy, except I have lighter hair. I even have the same kind of eyes and nose. Does this mean I'm a western ukrainian now?
I googled ''finnish girl'' and this came up though
Not sure if trolling or just very stupid. Here's (you)
Finran has vely ritlle Asian brood
finns are nordic therefore germanic
Dude look at these slanted eyes , how do you look in the mirror and not feel disgusted?
Mongolians settled in FInland , it's a historical fact
and americans have a low obesity rate ;)
Finns are mostly european genetically, though, even if their predominant haploshit is N.
more like slovakian
nothing wrong with that, is there?
I googled Romanian man and got this. Why are you so brown?
I look exactly like the Lappid guy. Am 1/4 Hungarian, 1/4 Italian.
Am I a rapebaby ?
Lad in picture is Lithuania
Savolaxid looks more Finnish than the Finn himself. How so?
>I googled
Powerful argument
Yeah flawless logic right there. Eastern Finn who doesn't speak a word of any germanic language and is not germanic genetically has to be germanic, because he is apparently nordic
why YOU mad tho
N stands for NIGGER
Where did you get that pic of my brother?
Lithuania , Finlandia same thing
Chileans are conquista rape babies
Savolaxia has a poweful mix of Karelian, Sápmi and Tavastian genetics
Spede Pasanen the grand old man of autism was Savonian
Will Romania be superpower by 2020 like your brother country India?
Pasanen was so handsome desu not even homo I just admire his aesthetics
>raped by Ottomans due to Hungaro-Polish treason
>based swede
Now I can die happily knowing I've seen everything
Am I?
You're 20% of the country now, eastron.
Hungarians are much worse than roaches. Most of our conflicts were with them. We still won against both in the end.
Nothing wrong with treason though
>raped by ottomans
Your people are literally the product of rape though Pablo , if it wasn't for the spanish you'd be a junglenigger right now
Hungarians are good ponyriders dumb gypo
Free Szekely
>Free Szekely
with the purchase of another Szekely of equal or greater value.
>asking for ransom
typical T*rk behaviour
it's good behaviour though, not criticizing
rape doesn't give offsprings if it's man to man, in case you missed sexual education day
your pic is wrong
According to this map I look Pre-Slavic
Wh*teoids are ugly as hell
No one likes szekelys, not even hungarians.
I do
France is nigger now.
They have more rights than any other minority in europe and they're completely free to do what they want except breaking the law (which they try to do when they can).
I'm 100% Finn but you're the 1/4 Italian Gypophile
Painuisit vaikka vittuun
The virgin Anglo-Saxon vs the chad Dalofaelid
Now we know why the English came to Britain. They were the incels of Germany
Älä poraa, tura nisti