Dutch politicians on suicide watch.
Dutch politicians on suicide watch.
Poor muslims, raping this old hag must have been a traumatic experience
HAHAHAHAHAHA traitor whore btfo, no mercy for these girls
How did she do it?
I hope this opens up a few eyes in the upper echelons of our government. I spent just a single day in Amsterdam and I must say it's a place worth preserving.
She was a member of Wilders' PVV
how is she a traitor whore?
Very American post friendo
Your government*
She claims she got raped a year ago, she went to the police back then, the police urged her to press charges but she never did. Then she claimed a certain politician told the guys to rape her.
Safe to say she wasn't raped.
I am Greek
She deleted the video and her party pretty much tells people not to investigate her claims
>Far right
No. Leftist progressist open borders
>Shaming the victim
Check your male privilege okay, we need to believe these women if they are going to confront the real issues in society.
I'm not blaming the victim as she didn't get raped. She's not a victim.
Obvious Ahmed is obvious
t. Arnoud van Doorn
She was threatened not to talk.
What is Dutch media saying about this?
*Yes* she was a victim okay bigot? A lot of women just don't report their rapes out of fear and social pressures so she probably was raped
That she most likely is full of shit
You have to go back, Arnoud.
How can she delete it if she is dead, Mustafa Al-Rapist?
She talked publically many times, yet she didn't press charges. It didn't happen.
Not that much, politicians tweeted out RIP and stuff. Nobody takes her claims of getting raped seriously.
Did ISIS already attribute the rape to themselves?
I've heard nothing but reassurances that's it's happened from my Dutch friends tho
I think you are the one full if shit
>She talked publically many times
She did not take charge because she is a cuck leftard who wanted to protect refugees. These people don't want to blame them at any cost
>muslim defense force
If the roles are reversed and she was some college thot making stories about Chads gang raping her without actually pressing charges all of Jow Forums would go after the girl.
She's not leftist kek, she's from Wilders party
>Far right
She's a member of Wilders his party
>Amerishits, Leaffaggots and Eurotrash telling us about our fucking country
Kill yourselves, faggots. This woman is so full of shit that even her party, the anti-Islam party, didn't take her claims of getting jihadbanged by 10 moroccans seriously. That should say enough.
>Goalpost shifting
But yeah this rape definitely happened
>my Dutch friends
Some internet losers from Discord you met on Jow Forums?
Wow, your country is trash. So much for le based Dutch meme
>Right Wing because he doesn't like Islam
Oh am I laffin
When are you selling your sister to the local Moroccan dealer?
Post pic of your eye color
>Muh Jow Forums
>muh discord
Obsessed , stop reading Vice and Vox
It is fucking right wing, and not only because it opposes Islam...
This entire thread including half the posters in it should move to Jow Forums.
>Despite her not willing to press charges, the public prosecution of the Netherlands still had many talks with miss Dille in order to get more information about the alledged accident, which she wasn't willing to give
Based and redpilled
big islamic cock is LITERALLY to die for
its really not
t. gay
isn't he another pro-gay pro-jew civ nat ?
>amsterdam is worth preserving
I'm pretty sure most Dutch people disagree.
It's my eye almost falling out from infection
>Is fine with ad infinitum amount of immigrants coming into his country as long as they assimilate into his culture
His party is only regarded as some kind of Nazi cult because of liberal neuroticism and paranioa desu. He's about as right wing as Hillary Clinton
dont reply to me again, I don't want AIDS
only when some Muslims beat up a faggot. The rest of the time PVV voters beat up faggots themselves at saturday night.
He lived in Israel for multiple years
I voted for her party, but I think the whole story stinks.
You can't really know if it's true or not.
>which she wasn't willing to give
Probably because she was raped and was scared of social pressures and probably unstable, I mean it's not like she killed herself or anything oh wait
you probably have it already from whatever whorehouse you frequent
So Jow Forums now suddenly sides with these rape accusers?
Dumb white slut deserved to get raped(she probably liked it anyway), based nature always has a way of getting rid of degenerates. Her committing suicide was a good thing
>a leaf
>He lived in Israel for multiple years
And you trust him not to be controlled opposition ?
Hello Ahmed. Are you asshurt you moved to canada and not the netherands where you can rape freely?
It's very pretty with friendly people. All people dislike their capital more or less. For obvious reasons.
I don't trust him at all and his acting during the last election when he had a fat chance of winning made it very clear that actually ruling this place was never his intention.
>Everyone I don't like is Jow Forums, the liberal ledditors guide to arguing on Jow Forums
Fuck off , the reason why people are skeptical of university teenagers claims is because there has been a few major rape cases that turned out to be fake like Mattress Girl and the Duke lacrosse rape case.
That doesn't mean "don't believe rape accusations a priori"
In the Netherlands rape accusations don't get handled the same way as in the USA.
False charges get you prosecuted here. The police also says that, after which more than half of the women withdraw their claims.
Of the women that push on the police finds another large portion to be questionable (mostly because they make up new stuff as they go on, usually increasingly bad).
iktf exact same thing happened here
She probably liked it
>Racism outside of /b/
kek half the site would be banned if that was enforced
>That doesn't mean "don't believe rape accusations a priori"
How on earth can you claim to be raped and then not even be willing to press any charges or even tell the government angency willing to press charges for you what happened?
Probably because of little limpdicked Jow Forumstards going to boards like /o/ and even there have their maga rallies.
What I'm trying to say is. It could be that she was raped, and it was a conspiracy as she thought and she killed herself because of that.
Or they caught her in a lie. And she couldn't talk herself out of it.
so basically you can rape in the netherlands and get away with it while the woman gets punished? lol
Yeah that's basically totally literally actually what you can do LMAO
Yeah, because a pack of Muslims raping people never happen in EU. R-right?
She probably became an hero after people like you calling her a lier.
No. But the police tries not to go after innocent men due to the impact it has on their lives.
I haven't heard of a single other story where a pack of Muslims raped an old woman because a political opponent ordered them to.
She didn't commit suicide though??
Since when was le based Dutch a meme
>tatta's IDD die derdewereldapen proberen te overtuigen dat deze kech niet is verkracht
negers, waar zijn jullie mee bezig?
>make wild claims in the media that you were raped by a whole refugee boat of Muslims at once in central the Hague
>when story blows up and alt-right twitter accounts parade it around even in the international sphere you suddenly tell people you don't want to talk about it anymore and won't press any charges nor have any memories of the whole ordeal
Don't listen to most Dutch flags here. They are mostly Muslims and will without shame defend gang rape.
Gang rapes never happen in the Netherlands. We're not Belgium.
Unless you're in a prostitution ring or something.