why do they act so tsundere towards us?
Why do they act so tsundere towards us?
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you are the big one, they are small and have a complex because of that. we have the same with the dutch and austrians
wtf, we love Galicia.
We don't like other europeans
we love galicia, basque country and catalunha
o resto é só filhos da granda puta
You're too loud and all your food is yellow.
But Europe starts at the pyrenees
t. Alberto Barbossa
what about the rest of spain?
>You will never live to see the day Portuguese patience snaps and they finally conquer the Spanish devils
Sometimes, I wish Portugal was a little less perfect
Spain is literally a made up country. Galicia is Portuguese clay
>Spain is literally a made up country. Galicia is Portuguese clay
>t.Jeff Barbosa
What about Brits?
He meant mainland Europe, which doesn't include Brits
memes aside, Andalucians are pretty cool people, don't know why they have all of those stereotypes
Speak by yourself immigrant.
We recognize you as blood brothers, like the rest of the europeans, but you are even more close.
>ethnic groups the same
>all natives of same region
>part of same state for thousanda of years
What is "fake" about spain, every of the 50 ptovinces is integrated in the military, politics, and economy.
Portugal is Galician clay*
>galicians, basques, and catalonians are the same as c*stillians
they don't even all speak the same language
>living within 1000km of each other makes you natives of the same place
wow, i guess germany and france should be one country. and then that country can merge with poland and then russia etc etc
>thousands of years
you mean hundreds
>galicians, basques, and catalonians are the same as c*stillians
Yes, tell me how they are different.
it's like saying quebecois are the same as people from ontario
different culture, different language, different people
t, towel seller
>different different different
>country borders to only one other country
pretty fucked up desu
Their memory of the Iberian Union in 1580
>Yes, tell me how they are different.
>different different different
>different culture
Yea no.
>different language
Everyone speaks castillian
>different people
What makes you ever get this thought?
Because you're a Baka
Baka Baka Baka
Everyone is the same race so are the same people.
Fuck off
>one peninsula
>two countries
what's the deal with this meme?
you either haven't lived here or you've been drinking the kool aid, if you think anyone likes foreigners.
We may be friendlier than most other euros, but we still discriminate quite a lot. You may not notice if you don't deal with that kind of stuff, but I can assure you even extremely educated people do the mandatory xenophobic treatment.
if all spaniards are the same (which I partially agree with) why do they make fun of spaniards of a very particular provenience? why are they always the butt of their jokes?
If anything Spain should increase in size by integration of the 18 provinces in the nation
Why do people do regional distinctions?
You make shit up about your neighbor and people of the other street.
Against other europeans, rarely. Against non europeans, specially from africa, gypsies or brazilians yes
that's exactly how spain reacts towards any Latinoamerican country, same tsundere - ism
Most of Galicia speaks Galician Portuguese as their main language. The cultures of Galicia and Portugal are closer than Galicia and Spain.
I doubt a town or neighborhood simply by distance will have the same culture or such as another town a few blocks there, but that's not grounds for division and not being of a single unitary nation and people of a single ethnic identity.
Not true, me and my whole family get together in summer to kill krauts. Always good for a laugh
There are no distinct unrelated cultures anywhere in Spain.
cool story nignog
The creation of divisions in the Iberian people should not be tolerated.
t. Hans Ahmedson
Stop replying to yourself
oh yes, tell me more nog
T. Negro
>O.2% north african
Nigger lmao
1 drop rule kike
It's just sibling rivalry.
then you're missing the fun. In my academic days, I've seen plenty mockery and sometimes abuse toward the euro students that came here.
Especially if they were the upity type or particularely incompetent /inapt.
Interestingly enough, the most well accepted foreigners were poles and czechs. Mostly because they were pretty smart and knew when to take the piss and when to stand up.
calm down commie friends
under 1% is noise, so stay calm and smoke less of that shhheit
Fuck off nigger, you will never be white
ooh oh a bad boy bully, you are really a tuff and funny boy arent you?
Seething kike
Ermao mi
So it seems there are no whites.
>Oceânia 0.41
the fuck? it was mostly post-docs and teachers, you dummy
we mice took piss like everyone else, I didn't stay there for a reason (other than being underpaid).
That's why it's called noise dumb fella. pre historic stuff