ITT: Jow Forums in 1953
ITT: Jow Forums in 1953
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Yeah it's the beginning of Nasser's reign of retardation alright.
Was it really that bad?
Complete retard that dumbasses like because he was a good orator.
Can't speak. Too busy re-building.
Sheesh, join one communist student group when you were in college 20 years ago and have the FBI bugging you for the rest of your life.
>pick up paper
>Eisenhower moves to step up peace talks in Korea
Wait, that war is still going on? I completely forgot about it.
>they're all dead or in their 80s now
>Jesus Christ go tell grandmother to stop mentioning Stalin's name in front of people
Good night sweet prince.
We're keeping an eye on you, pinko.
check out what im working on boys, i bet armalite will be rich after this. fucking revolutionary.
>direct impingment
>aluminum receiver
>aluminum receiver bears no presure beacause of the locking system,
>stalin praising
>in yugoslavia
jokes on you china fell 3 years ago the soviet union has the bomb we will win long live communism
that's the joke.jpg
Enjoy your vacation to Goli Otok.
>inb4 Butthurt Belt
I'm very, very, very sorry.
Is that the general consensus in Egypt?
I honestly always thought he was perceived as being a decent leader. But I never thought to really look anything up about it.
Wasn't that his point? The guy was a water brain people liked because he was charismatic and a good speaker.
I thought he meant people outside of Egypt like him because he was a good orater
Gone too soon because he was an idiot and could not into gun safety.
fate largo signori
The good times of being poor and working in an asbestos-filled factory as you come home to your 12 kids.
>live in a country that is a colony of a Superpower
>government prohibits free speech
>fucking wages stagnate because our government wants it
>socialism is the cool new thing
oh and it was the same in '53
Glad we finally got the Democ-rats out of the White House after 20 long years. Maybe now we can get rid of this communist New Deal malarkey.
And Frank's back from several years in the doghouse.
We don't exist.
>comments are disabled for this video
Maybe that was a good idea...
bro that shit is never going to catch on, we already have the tried and trusted m14
I have no idea what happened in the 50s in Iceland
well I guess our fishing waters were a little crowded
what can we do to fix this hmm
>Interactions between US soldiers and Icelandic women were highly contentious in Iceland. The Icelandic government consequently requested curfews and other limits to US soldiers' freedom of movement in Iceland. Many Icelandic businesses banned US soldiers entry. Icelandic organizations also declared warnings about what they perceived as the nefarious influence of US soldiers. Dozens of Icelandic girls were incarcerated for having relations with US soldiers.[28] Reports of rape, prostitution, strip teases, druggings, divorces, children born out of wedlock and other controversial behaviors were prominent in newspapers.[32][33] The Icelandic government imposed a ban on black US soldiers on the US base for the purposes of "protecting" Icelandic women and preserve a homogeneous "national body."[28]
"I somehow lived 79 years without ever knowing that there was a country called Guatemala."
"This burger is sure great, Pop. Thanks for taking us out to eat."
"You betcha, Ronnie. Be glad you live in America and not the communist countries. They don't have anything to eat at all and they can't play baseball because it's banned as a capitalist sport. Plus if we lived there, the government would take away my TV repair shop as an institution against the working class and I would go to prison and freeze to death in the middle of Siberia."
"America sure is great, Pop."
"It sure is, Ronnie. It sure is."
>start war you can't win
>lose war
>why are we occupied by the winners of said war so unfair
Nagy government is actually pretty fine. We are going to win the WC next year. The future is bright.
>banning black Alabama sausage
baka iceland
>Nagy government is actually pretty fine
And the old tyrant in Moscow has assumed room temperature.
Life is good, i'll get a job in a factory and buy a house and a car.
Same here, brah.
I wonder what would have happened if the Soviets didn't crush the rebellion in 1956.
It feels so good to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I bet future will be great.
Kicking back and relaxing with my girl. Show off my new tv to her, drive around town.
Wasn't Mongolia communist at the time?
Everyone's favorite "This is the dreck that rock and roll had to save us from" meme song.
well at least we won't finally make that rifle in the caliber the army wants and then sell it to colt.
ultra-left communist paradise
viva bordiga
user is obviously the son of a Politburo member if he has a car or a TV in 1953.
My grandfather is 24 in this year
Mine is 33.
>declare war on Germany to "protect Poland"
>USSR declares war on Poland
>My greatest ally
Mine is 9
Other one is 29.
It sure feels nice not having been bombed to shit
Also being 99% white.
What? Its not like we will ever be anything else user...
Patti Page was pretty lame.
Young BB when he was more rock and roll.
She's practically naked. I can't believe Life would put that filth on their front page.
Just before the rock and roll explosion, white teens were starting to buy R&B records in droves because the stuff on the radio like Patti Page and Doris Day was that cornball.
"Thanks, Papa Ike. I owe you one."
"Don't mention it. And fuck commies."
>US occupies europe
>keeps all the nazis to kill more soviets
>nazi nato berliners keep stealing and sabotaging equipment
>based east berliners build a wall
Remove proxy, Pytor.
Looks like a toy gun. Be a man user. 5.56 just won't do the job.
the ar-10 is in 7.62 the ar-15 is a down scaled design for 5.56
Me and my cats were riding downtown to see Dizzie Gillespie when the cops stopped us, found our stash of doob in the trunk of my Ford and then locked us up in the poke. That's not cool.
Beria planned to unite Germany as a neutral cunt, but muh Zhukov and muh Khrushev killed him.
He was also a child rapist, but meh.
While Stalin's corpse was still warm, Beria and Malenkov were running around celebrating and going "Fuck yes, the old bastard is dead. The country is ours now and we can do anything we want! Up yours!"
Didn’t Stalin not trust him with his daughter?
>the absolute state of France
At this rate I'll be back home next year
How did Khrushchev beat those guys? Mostly because he hid his power level the whole time. They all thought he was a harmless redneck peasant who posed no threat to anyone--apparently even Stalin was convinced that he was just kind of the stupid one in the Politburo there to amuse you. Even with Beria's initial spate of liberal reforms, nobody really liked or trusted the guy. Molotov was too pro-Stalin and wasn't a likable guy at all and the rest (Bulganin, Kaganovich, etc) were just retards with an IQ around room temperature.
>not spreading the revolution at any conceivable chance
When Eisenhower's advisers tallied up the estimated requirements for a US intervention in Vietnam, they said half a million men would be needed. The president winced in pain and immediately decided that all bets of bailing France out were off.
wow, Truman was the worst president ever
He left office with an approval rating around 30%. No president got that low again until Bush in 2008.
I'm going to sell my building in the rocks and move to Wollongong, all these chinks are going to devalue my assets
Bulganin for example had a habit of saying really embarrassing stuff like comparing Gandhi to Lenin during a trip to India and when visiting Finland, he commented that a Finnish farmstead would make a fantastic observation post in the event of a war (this being in a country that had fought a life and death struggle with the Soviet Union only ten years earlier).
Unironically Jimmy Carter was the worst president
Redpill me on the Korean ceasefire. Did the good guys win?
he gave the canal back that was cool
I dont see anything wrong with what the west did here
I've escaped