Is he the proto-incel?

Is he the proto-incel?

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He was actually charismatic and he had gfs

I'd say that Goebbels was more autistic, and Himmler more beta than Adolf

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He acted in public, when in his hideout, he was extremely autistic.

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>one of the most charismatic people in history
choose one
you probably could've had very interesting and fun conversations with hitler as long as youd avoid talking about politics

No, Hitler was an extremely high functionning autist. He was recruited by the nazi party early on and trained to give good speechs. Just like Emmanuel Macron, check his firsts speechs, he yells and gesticulates like a lunatic.

Please, post shit like this in Jow Forums, let's keep Jow Forums free from politics and nazism

Not really. He had many female admirers/lovers.

He was mostly volcel. This warrior-monk, Templar-like ethos appealed to his aestheticism.

It was only when he got involved with w*Men that he lost this peak form. Like Antony and Cleopatra...

was he the chaddest politician of the XX century?

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He was adolfs bitch

Italy was Germany's bitch, but Adolf was Benito's bitch

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>Jow Forums betas think they know charisma better than Hitler

the virgin walk vs the chad stride

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It's just good fun user.

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He was clearly intimidated by those strong med men

>deletes mussolini's dream of rome

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he should've stayed a socialist leader instead of going full right wing retarded

trusting g*rms was his first mistake

>Metaxas' efforts to keep Greece out of World War II came undone when Mussolini demanded occupation rights to strategic Greek sites. When the Italian ambassador Grazzi visited Metaxas' residence and presented these demands on the night of 28 October 1940, Metaxas curtly replied in French, "Alors, c'est la guerre" ("Then it is war"). A few hours later, Italy invaded Greece from Albania and started the Greco-Italian War. The Greek Army was able to mount a successful defence and counteroffensive, forcing the Italians back and occupying large parts of southern Albania


no, meddling with anti-communist landowners was. He would've made a good socialist leader if he stuck to those ideals

fun fact: when he was in Switzerland during WW1 he met with Lenin in a bar during a commie celebration, they got drunk and sung the Internationale together

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>Metaxas curtly replied in French, "Alors, c'est la guerre"
absolument basé

Goebbels had an affair with a i think Czech movie star while he was married. When hitler found out he was so pissed he told him to dump her and never cheat on his wife again or find another line of work.

based adolf

Based Adolf fighting degeneracy
He tried to fuck Leni Riefenstahl but he wasn't married at least