My country will never again be as good as it was from 1945-1968.
My country will never again be as good as it was from 1945-1968
I ve actually been thinking about this, what do american anons here feel that they are living in the worst period of their country history and that it will collapse soon?
Indifference. I just got the right to attain Armenian citizenship, I'll move there soon.
I think it'll be a slow decline. After my lifetime is when things will really go to shit
The future is bright. Balkanization is a good thing
Call me optimisticly naieve, but I don’t think it’s the worst period in our history.
>my country will never be good
It's going to Balkanize and I'll be a Founding Father for the greatest nation in world history (Cascadia)
Are you kidding? We're at the best we've ever been.
Whites in America will be a minority by 2040
Soon the government will imprison people for having the wrong political people
Anti white rhetoric is being normalized and whites are being dehumanized