What is it about CHIs that makes me want to impregnate them?

What is it about CHIs that makes me want to impregnate them?

Attached: Amy_Santiago.jpg (408x487, 45K)

Good show, for a comedy

My first crush was half Native. There's something about mestizos that's really attractive.

The racemixing instinct (((they))) have instilled on you.

But in all honesty, she's only a few steps away from being white, she almost passes as a southern European.

this is why we need to remove chis from the country

if racemixing is wrong, I don't want to be right

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Looks Italian

So you like brown girls as long as they are atleast 80% genetically white and also only posses white racial features. Got it.

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>trump hasn't implemented a latin qt wife for all program

Attached: world cup qts.jpg (642x360, 42K)

Are you a "real" brown girl?

Attached: wfDHjIS.jpg (499x599, 40K)

What does a balanced mestizo look like?

>as long as they are atleast 80% genetically white

the girl I posted here is bengali, so basically a south indian with a small component of east asian admixture. try again please

Attached: 1477776107751.jpg (543x395, 74K)

She isn't that mixed.

She looks like any girl from western Europe.

she's literally brown you fucking pendeja

Looks pretty Italian to me

America is BEANED.com and there is nothing that we can do about it now

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kill yourself

Proxy fag

Why exactly are you even using an American proxy? You look as retarded as always

She can pass as a girl from rural Quebec.