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used to shitpost about idm a lot on /mu/

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Where have you gone Sheikh Suleiman?
/brit/ turns its lonely eyes to you
Whoo ooh ooh

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Watching The Simpsons.

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jajaja los videojuegos

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>youtube video about Kosovo
>butt hurt serbs in the comments

nazbols are stupid
i dont know whats their point

beto do you ever question your sanity

fuck off sionista!!!!!

uhh... pretty sure that's american dad

Which one lads?

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non whites are fucking disgusting

there i said it

baded and redpilled


>non whites are fucking disgusting
why are you insulting yourself hhahahaa

Reboot of American Dad called American Dads about a gay couple and their adopted african children living in SanFran

That's fucking king of the hill you Reddit spastics

you're not white

you are not white either siciliANO

non whites are fucking white women
so yes, you are correct.

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top left, easily.

baited HARD

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ohh look
it is the serbian attention whore hahahhaha

it was called the goode family and it was shit

thank allah (PBUH) i was not born a mutt freak

why is literally every american poster sicily to you retards

god I wish that were me

i am bosniak

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Do you think if we insult mohamed and allah the Bosnian will leave?

whole country hates foreign bastards like yourself lmao

Why are Canadians such awful people?

arent you the serbian retard who says he wants to kill himself

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serbians should kill themselves

how come so many old people's biographies include a bit where they lived somewhere else due to ill health to get better air, but nobody ever does that nowadays?
is it just because the cities were polluted, or was it just one of those things they tried at random because modern medicine hadn't arrived yet?

i am a bosniak

convert this to a png you dumb proxynigger

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Can't sleep anymore unless I take some pills and have a bunch of beer

too beaucoup too beaucoup

culchie delusion get out of your inbred litle village and you'd find out everyone loves them much more than racist bogtrotters such as yourself


the irish subhuman has a point
women are the ones who support all this degeneracy

>were polluted

evangelion shoulders

Magdalene Laundries were state asylums for 'fallen women' as young as 13, who had been raped, 'seduced' or simply considered henious by religious order. 30,000 young women across Ireland were abused in these asylums. Mass graves of 133 women was found in the Dublin branch alone.

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what would you know about my country you foreign cunt you've no connection to the land to anything you'll be deported soon enough

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C'est l'amour à la plage

often they did this when they had arthritis. cold makes arthritis worse

used to think i might be transgender but then i thought about it for a bit and realised that i'd never want to be an old woman and that none of the archetypes for female characters fit me as well as the male ones.

so apparently i'm just autistic.

>you'll be deported soon enough
lmao in your dreams maybe stay mad useless NEET virgin freak

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I am a NEET

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Europe needs to be flooded with brown third worlders

the painting on the left was made by a russian named ivan shishkin

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>cold makes arthritis worse
is that why elderly britons pollute spain and australia like a pinker refugee crisis in the opposite direction

Don't know but it won't hurt.

If Mohammad was a nonce than that must mean that Allah was at the very least a nonce enabler although since he created the little kids and the nonce I think that just makes him sick

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NEET's raise up

complete opposite of that stop projecting ugly manlet virgin neet freakazoid nigger

haha im the opposite :)

yeah. rain is also an issue for them

xanax tbqh

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this comic was weird but not in a good way and not in an abhorrently bad way
don't understand if it was a joke or porn or slice of life or what but it had a willy in it

having second thoughts about transitioning desu

business idea : be a juggalo

Maybe you just want to be fucked like one?

basado y rojoempastillado

glad i took the time to read through this

the real male ideal

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the hooknoser is here

Why do they feel wearing a frock and a wig/growing hair long is all that is needed to become a woman?

make /brit/ haram again

my mom keeps beefin: BOY GET A JOB!

lmao just kys ugly powerless incel, none of your retarded fantasies will ever happen and you'll just uselessly pout in your corner while ireland moves into the 21st century. with you unable to do anything about it. Kill yourself spastic

why is tepublika srpska part of bosnia-herzegovina


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/brit/ is a TERF general

you probably just have some feminine traits (which are perfectly fine for a man to have, just embrace it and be a slightly effeminate man in whatever way you want)
or you have female family members who don't act effeminate
or you've got personal image issues and you should probably lose weight/lift weights and get BIG

lefties are complaining about the BBC again


i live in Velika Kladuša

brainlet nigger you are seriously schizophrenic that hasn't a fucking clue get a grip or better yet get a good grip of a rope and hang yourself

t. incel

Reminder that the gender that wears clown makeup, clown stilts, clown underwear, clown fingernails, and clown jewellery thinks men are narcissists for worrying about their health

What does this mean?

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can't tell if i want to look like one of those not quite soyboys with longish hair, or look like gendo ikari

Would be nice to see the "left and right" agree on something for once.

hes not irish hes like you some sort of brown black subhuman creature who belongs in the fields

tarkin euphoria ridden farageists?


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I like how they've now decided that the BBC is right-wing because Kuenssberg made some erroneous claim about Corbyn.

you already look like an autist if this is what you aspire too