Im not a Muslim(anymore) so this really doesn't offend me

Im not a Muslim(anymore) so this really doesn't offend me
but I do wish all those Draw Muhammad people would draw him the way his companions described him
from Ali one of Muhammad's cousin and closets friends
> Muhammad was middle-sized, did not have lank or crisp hair, was not fat, had a white circular face, wide black eyes, and long eye-lashes. When he walked, he walked as though he went down a declivity. He had the "seal of prophecy" between his shoulder blades ... He was bulky. His face shone like the moon. He was taller than middling stature but shorter than conspicuous tallness. He had thick, curly hair. The plaits of his hair were parted. His hair reached beyond the lobe of his ear. His complexion was azhar [bright, luminous]. Muhammad had a wide forehead, and fine, long, arched eyebrows which did not meet. Between his eyebrows there was a vein which distended when he was angry. The upper part of his nose was hooked; he was thick bearded, had smooth cheeks, a strong mouth, and his teeth were set apart. He had thin hair on his chest. His neck was like the neck of an ivory statue, with the purity of silver. Muhammad was proportionate, stout, firm-gripped, even of belly and chest, broad-chested and broad-shouldered.

Attached: 1533830523546.jpg (1000x938, 215K)

>his complexion was azhar (bright, luminous)
what does this mean

Muhammad was whiter than you.

complexion like guys in pic

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (2391x1435, 343K)

another description of Muhammad
>I saw a man, pure and clean, with a handsome face and a fine figure. He was not marred by a skinny body, nor was he overly small in the head and neck. He was graceful and elegant, with intensely black eyes and thick eyelashes. There was a huskiness in his voice, and his neck was long. His beard was thick, and his eyebrows were finely arched and joined together.

>arched eyebrows which did not meet
>eyebrows were finely arched and joined together
Contradiction or did he just forget to shave his monobrow?

Much of th hadith is incredibly unreliable.
Only a few of the descriptions we have of him are correct beyond any reasonable doubt.

Its weird to think that islam at its essence is just a wayward gnostic sect

>Im not a Muslim
Cringe and redditpilled
Allah is the one true god you filthy dog

Did you stop believing in God (Allah) suddenly?


That would be haram.

I want the one on the right to fuck me in the ass while reciting Surah Al-Fatiha

but aren't his companions supposed to be biased? They wouldn't, for example, call mohammed a 'manlet semite' or 'with a ratlike face' if that were the case


Hahaha even ancient Arabs were WE WUZ WHITE AND SHIEEET

That would be haram for me too, because I am Muslim, Alhamdolillah.
Everything is bias and slightly unreliable. It’s all he said she said. Most of these sayings were gathered at least a century after he was gone, and ergo the sayings go through a few people before being linked to the original person who is attributed with saying it, so it’s tough to discern what is true and what is false.
Arabs called lightskin Arabs “white” and Europeans “pink”, according to some Arab scholar/sheikh guy I know. So they were just referring to how they interpreted skin color, not trying to associate him with Europeans.

>Arabs called lightskin Arabs “white” and Europeans “pink”, according to some Arab scholar/sheikh guy I know. So they were just referring to how they interpreted skin color, not trying to associate him with Europeans.
As far as I remember, for centuries Arabs saw the world as a Black/White dichotomy. Arabs were considered white, but as "Red ones", when other Whites, likes Slavs or Franks, were the "Yellow ones".

Too many pi*Koid flags ITT smfh.

Agreed, when I was muslim I dismissed all hadiths entirely, which actually made quite a few of the mosque attending, quran knowing people I frequented to chimp-out. Militant muslims don't even tolerate other muslims lol

What? We are brown.

Stfu pi*Koid

I'm brown or tanned at least. I'm a mongoloid brownskin.

to me arabs look yellowish/greenish but whites look reddish