*ruins his country*

*ruins his country*

Imagine how Ataturk would feel if he saw this

Attached: Erdogan3.jpg (650x366, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it already was ruined after ww1

Turkey is doing fine though.

Is it?


>implying dis nigga isn't on his way to reestablishing the sultanate

Booted out of NATO when

What's his problem?

bitchass faggotass pussyass wh*Te boy shut the fuck up.

Ataturk’s plans to replace islamism as a national cement with ethnic nationalism was bound to fail because «turks» aren’t turkic but middle eastern mongrels and a century of brainwashing and larping could not prevent the very nature of the sandnigger : there’s only allah.
Turkic nationalism will soon be replaced with islamism and neo ottomanism because tiny brain muslims cannot envision life without their ghost father in the sky, which is pathetic

this is hte most retarded shit i've ever heard wh*Te boi

Not nearly as retarded as some anatolian mutt flying the grey wolf flag

Ataturk would have a few strong words to say about that

Well at least it's clear that Turkey will never be in the EU now.



I can't even point you out on a map

yet you talk about us

we're BLACK bulls

>economy is the most important thing

Pathetic whitey

There are more TÜRKs in the EU than Finns tho


It literally is.

Read in the news today Erdogan said
>They have their dollars but we have our people and our god!
That's one way to tell your country it's going to descend into poverty and economic crisis because your decisions killed the currency.

erdogan is based, cry more whiteoid subhuman, he will turn turkey into BLACK caliphate and slaughter wh*Te dogs.

Jow Forums has fried your brain, roach

try again poolack

>The Turkish economy will collapse anytime
>Just wait for it
>It's already dead, look
>This was the final nail, I am telling you
>This time! It will happen

Maybe for whitey men, that's why their women are being fucked by black BULLS, because they don't care about economy, only about length of their fucker's cock.

That's what they say about Russia too

It was to be expected. Rule of Law governance is impossible in Islam. Both Christendom and the Dar-al-Islam have the same Roman heritage of Rule of Law. The difference is that Christianity facilitates it (the very idea of secularism is Pauline, the separation of the divine and the profane. This idea is even what led to endless discussion about the True Nature of Christ: fully divine? fully profane? both fully divine and fully profane? part divine, part profane?)) whereas Islam directly denies it (Sharia means law can directly come from Allah and that this law under all circumstances trumps worldly law -which is why the constitutions of many Islamic countries delegate that both the legislative process and Sharia are sources of legislation).

Ataturk was very pro-Western and, while his true religious beliefs are unclear (with claims ranging from devout muslim to anti-Islamic atheist), he clearly wanted to adopt a Western model of belief. A model that doctrinally dates back to the New Testament and politically had precursors in the Holy Roman investiture conflict. He did not realize that you cannot just copy a Western model and enforce it on a Turkish populace. He thought just using a French inspired constitution and directly lifting the Swiss Civil Code (which was inspired by Napoleon's code Civil, Ataturk just used it because it was the most recent 'version') and forcing them on Turkey cannot work. A constitution is made for a people. France works because the French Constitution was made for the French. The 1924 Turkish Constitution failed for Turkey because it was made for the French, with minor adaptations to make it more palpable to Turks (though evidently not enough).

Despotism is in the nature of the Turk.

they'd rather replace him than lose turkish bases

Not only that, the Darnadelles are a great way to put a finger on Russia's sore spot. Simply by having Turkey and Denmark in NATO, the US can at any given moment cut off all of Russia's Western ports. Probably its Eastern ports too, considering the US has a NATO-like agreement with Japan and Vladivostok is the only port in the East that isn't frozen most of the year. The Americans would never dream of breaking this ideal encirclement.

Literally what trump is doing

Average wage dropped from 700€ to 500€ this year due to high inflation.
They now also kicked the financial minister who stood up for an independent central bank.

Turkey is Venezuela soon. 15% inflation and rising.

>meanwhile Turks in Athens buy entire neighborhoods
Sasuga, Erdogan-kun.

Turkey just had to get a $2 billion dollar loan from China(with strings attached of course).

>Wh*Toids thinking they can get on Erdogans level of 4D Chess

Attached: Blackdogan.jpg (643x670, 39K)


we will recolonize Greece

''Subscribe to the FT to read''.
Why, thank you.

I hope Erdogan will open the gates and send all the Kara Bogas and Syrians etc. to Europe and fuck Europe up big time :)

Attached: 1482864291004.png (895x909, 65K)

Ataturk ruined it as well


there is much more to a country than its fucking gdp. it's for people who have nothing else to be proud of other than money

look at the uk. their people are ugly, fat, unhygienic as sin, their children get mass raped, obesity on the rise, everybody thinks you are subhumans.
>b-b-but at least we have gdp :(((((

Attached: new.jpg (2472x1983, 1.2M)


Attached: basedpres1.jpg (750x814, 79K)

>talking about whitey
You are one of the whitest country

How come people who don't know anything have the strongest opinions?

Attached: 33412121.jpg (639x960, 40K)

Maybe they're right. Maybe the only way to live life is by thinking of Allah. That's why Turks can't function without Islam

Last time you became Greek in culture though.

>look at the uk. their people are ugly, fat, unhygienic as sin, their children get mass raped, obesity on the rise, everybody thinks you are subhumans.
So just like Turkey, but with poverty


What the fuck happened, this guy used to get 100k likes or more on everything.

Someone's washed up

>Turkey is doing fine though.

Attached: roach money fall.jpg (524x591, 86K)

Slavs are not white.

No one irl cares about economy as much as autists from this board. Ask 10 random people in the street what GDP is. I'm sure none of them will know anything about it.

If Turkey collapses, the immigration flood will be unprecedented and we will probably all become national service soldiers for the next ten years...


Will this fuck the Euro?

What the fuck? How are these things connected? I don't think that Turkey exports steel and aluminium to the USA.

if the turkish banks collapse, it will hurt spanish and french banks mostly. not sure how much it will hurt the €, but it will hurt.

Attached: DWO-WI-Tuerkei-jb-Kredite-jb-jpg.jpg (1920x918, 128K)

>we have our god tho!
wonder how that'll work out for these towelheads

No it is not.
Last thing I want to do is teaching and patrolling with semi-psychotic 18 year olds, get jail time for bad behaviour and be on constant alert for migrant gangs or Turkish militia gone rogue.

Why do much Spanish investment?

>BREAKING: Turkey says President Erdogan has held phone call with Russia's Putin to discuss economic ties amid market turmoil.


I don't see what difference that makes.

>muh god

Yank tier

why are wh*Te dogs seething that this BLACK BVLL is finally booting them?

Why is he doing this? Hes essentially pushing a NATO ally to Russia and showing the world that he will destroy your economy for no reason but political convenience.

>Shoot down russian plane a few years ago
>Now best friend

Such are wolf-friendships.

Erdogan started this ball rolling. I'm not one to defend Trump normally but in this case it makes some sense.

They're best friends now, even copying each others economies!

We deserve this. 52% wants to be like Venezuela or worse. So, please don't stop Erdogan-kun.

> bashes Turkish for having 'trusting god'
> National motto is LITERALLY "in god we trust"

Nice one dickhead

Attached: smumg.gif (499x499, 45K)

You'd better start investing in other currencies m8

My leaf friend, you're spending too much time on reddit. This isn't an economy crash - it's currency crash. There
s a huge difference. The Turkish Lira is crashing against the USD - that's it. There's a fix for it, which is to dump USD, and that's what's happening. The lira will recover, even if it takes two to three years. When it comes to NATO, you have to remember that the USA and Europe don't think alike. Yuros don't like Turkey, but they'd rather have us against Russia than be with them. Yuro countries, in one way or another, are going to alleviate some of the stress the lira is currently experiencing, all the while cursing Trump under their breath. We aren't going to leave NATO and side with Russia, that much I can guarantee. We'll be fine, and its not like the world doesn't already know what the USA's unjust nature is. It's all par for the course, really.

You have the socialisms as well?

They are white you idiot


Attached: Pepe tired.jpg (753x724, 121K)

I had a dream last night I won the lottery and bought millions of forex shares at a loss from turkey to boost their economy as an act of philanthropy and my mum castigated me for throwing away my money

They need a proxy to post, hopefully this is not an immigrant defending his country as soon as he leaves it.

Attached: is erdogan really destroying turkey..png (1478x743, 55K)

>be diaspora, with really meh salaries in europe
>can vote despite not living in the country
>vote for someone who devalues the currency
>go to turkey on vacation and be worshipped whenever you show one euro
>show euros to store managers and they give you the keys

>we planned this
feels good man

Attached: peeisintheballsnigga.png (847x682, 1.41M)

Very patrician dream

>52% wants to be like Venezuela or worse
You already are worse than Venezuela, lol. Quit lying to yourself.

Attached: My+god+that+was+funny+xd-laughing-+_fb29cb4ef1d33441a4705769c28798f0.jpg (500x500, 42K)

Erdogan is a GREEK spy that we planted in Turkey from birth and now our plan to destroy Turkey from within has finally come to fruition. Thank you based Erdoganopoulos...

>Becoming Islamic Venezuela

Nice job turks

shut the fuck up K*mal

i thought he was an georgian spy, at least some turks said this nonstop here on Jow Forums

Looks like a typical bubble,

>No one irl cares about economy as much as autists from this board. Ask 10 random people in the street what GDP is. I'm sure none of them will know anything about it.

They will care the very moment they lose their jobs.


"gott mit uns" was an old prussian motto you moron. it died 1945 with the rest of prussian culture here in germany.

>it died 1945 with the rest of prussian culture here in germany.

sad but objectivly true.

when are we going to get the old prussian territory back?

What's the fucking point? Extra space for refugees?

we need population there for claims. so start moving to danzig en masse and then pull a kosovo on the poles.

nevermind we should expand west and finally get rid of that damn speedbump to france.

>Not buying lira and waiting 5 years to sell

GDP on its own does not create bubbles. It's only a reflection of the production inside the country

Attached: supblelz.png (347x534, 367K)

It always went well didn't it? :^)

Attached: RFflsJu.jpg (1480x938, 71K)

Enjoy losing money

>spanish economists be like

Attached: CW4cZB-WwAATeae.jpg (493x497, 25K)

unless you you plan put a bullet through erdoshits brain I doubt it will pay off.

lmao enjoy cleaning my toilet when I get rich
Easiest money ever