/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/

A comfy general for the three main powers of Europe.

This is a place for friendly discussion on culture, history, relations.
Post music, art, feels, qts, have good banter and laughs

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How do you do my fellow non-w*ites ?

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Der Abschiebemann

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hallo ma friendz

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need to put my penis in her pronto

two world wars and one world cup

*dab repeatedly*

Hello, feel free to help remove these algerian flags

It was an ironic post. I work for a living, my fellow based Aryan white man.

Attached: JessieDiggins.webm (1000x1080, 2.83M)

Eating corn flakes™ right now, what have you had for breakfast?

lads that brexit thing was us merely pretending to be retarded
can't believe you all fell for it aha
shoulda seen your faces


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Der Schlaue

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I'd drink her urine.

Im not a racist but brexit means brexit

Was ist unironisch dein Lieblings Brettspiel, Brüdis?

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damn she almost looks exactly like the 22y old girl from california I fucked last year

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we're not worthy lads...

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Get in line

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Finland's heritage is showing

fuck off norman

Dis lad like the German Varg Vikernes? Can't tell but he looks like a member of the alt-right

Christ you could land a plane on that neck

>Ireland smarter than anyone, let alone #3 in europe
meme map

>looks like a member of the alt-right
haha yes in a way or two he does

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the Irish......

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Damn, America's not even listed...

Tfw no french gf

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>Finland's heritage
the moon?

Stop right there !

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he is the greatest philosopher germany has to offer

Do french women love foreign cock?

Without me, fuck you.


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Foreigner here. In need of my mademoiselle. GIBS

As much as german women...

Say that to my face

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If we invite US of A then we have a western threda

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sub 500 third worlders leave RIGHT NOW


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What can we do to stop the ENGLISH BULL menace ? Yesterday again there were tons of AngloManFrenchWomen couples in the street

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Never realized how much Connery looks like Shatner (or did) years ago when he lopped off the beard (or before he grew it?).

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very good post

The Parisian Powerhouse
Now, sadly, toppled in this year of our lord 2018.

why is the northern border even in this the only time Ireland acheived anything was when it was a part of the british empire. Since then it's been nothing but selfhating retards turning away from god voting in sodomy child murder and importing barbarians

nothing can stop our primal desire for french fanny

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Let me teach you wisdom for life

Germans are the worst

>A pimp and his prostitute vs the proud and upright German.

German sausages are the wurst

based and redpilled

Guy, shut up

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Southern Germans>Eastern Germans>Northern Germans>Western Germans

benders are mentally ill. but injecting a willy up their arse is the cure

>Southern Germans

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I know

Knack die wurst, die Best! ;D

Etzala auch Biseggsuel?

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cant google translate this


Attached: alain delon marianne faithfull mick jagger.png (650x983, 1.09M)

Last time you were at the whorehouse?

no translate
feel the sentence

Attached: der weise winggl.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Des töded den Anglo.

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papal monarchy is the perfect form of government. a daring synthesis of elected king

mick jagger banged david bowie so he wins every time

>Average Prussian: poorfag
>Average Bavarian: wealthy as fuck

ah yes, wales

>Tactical genius and great teamplayer

Attached: grossgermanium.png (1830x3212, 2.44M)

Why are our politicians always screeching about how bad our Pisa scores are?

he is a fat sack of shit calling himself Dragonlord and streams cringey things. He is really poor and gets bullied hard by some people who dedicated their live to it.

In the mountain where the woman became missing, a heavy rain warning has announced.
It's the level that Sediment disaster happens.

Veron Tiphaine Marie Alix

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you monsters probably ate her

thx, needed this. now i know

Because compared to our asian overlords we are stupid

have you äh schonmal women wäsche anghabt?

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Could you at least send back her bones to her family? You nips don’t eat the bones right


why do the virgins shit themselves if someone uses germany in a videogame? lmao go outside for once in your life

>t. Chen Wei

Why are japanese and koreans posters so shit, i've never seen one good thread from them, or post for that matter


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>He is really poor
Says the cuck that is paying rent for his tiny one room apartment every month.

lmao I live with my parents again
checkmate Drachenlord WhiteKnight

t. Dragonlord

If anyone is intrested in understanding the german mindset, read this

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Dange für die Undertüzung

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bidde kein ding

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this thread got weird
germans are a peculiar bunch

sounds like the lord of dragons is living in your head rent-free


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Hi lads

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