Sub-Saharan African population growing enormously

>Sub-Saharan African population growing enormously
>Muslim population growing enormously
>America will become Hispanic
>Europe will become non-white
>Subversive shitholes like Russia still exist
>China and India will become the next global powers

Please tell me how it's possible NOT to become depressed when noticing these developments? The world is going to shit.

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good night white pride

>number of brown cuties increasing
>don't even need to bother colonising anymore, they're coming to us
BEST timeline

>Pajeet is in Croatia already

It's ogre.

I wonder how former civilizations dealt with imminent demise

Life was shit before non-whites got powerful, so who cares

They didn't because civilizations aren't some sentient entity, Everyone just cared about theirselves.

Time to pay for your crimes firstoid, karma's a bitch

The men of Rome drank, had sex with each other and dressed as women when the barbarian armies descended on Rome. The peoples their ancestors routinely crushed took Rome with very little resistance.

>LOS EE.UU. will become
already is*

Then why are non-whites being totally blamed when the gatekeepers of western civilization are doing it to fulfill personal ambitions of profit and total societal control

Also by that point, Romans themselves were a minority within Rome due to migration. The well off Romans retreated into their countryside villas

t. butthurt hispanic who will contribute to the fall of mankind with his reggaeton

Well done niggers, well done...HOWEVER

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What are you personally doing to avert this crisis?

Immigrants aren't destroying Western civilisation, Westerners and (((Westerners))) are.

Shitpost and say racial slurs

Yet theres still white people. Wow

How is NOT possible to become happy about these developments? Russia is the only bad thing on your list.

having at least 13 sons and raising them to become strong, civilisation-preserving lions who can fend off the hordes of undesirables

Okay that's very decent, good luck to you both in fulfilling your ambitions

The world's going to be a fucked up desert and dead oceans so whatever let them have it.
Existing isn't all that 2bh

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America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

No America for Amerindians? Then, no europe for europeans.

Time to get replaced.

t. Bolivian panhandler in Sevilla

based and redpilled


>Sub-Saharan African population growing enormously
>Muslim population growing enormously
to be fair, these two growths are hardly sustainable
unless they somewhat manage to make africa a stable and productive land, there's gonna be lots of dead starved niggers by the end of this century


Capitalism has boosted it. Commies can't save the world but robots can imo

not if humanitarian superpowers like canada and the EU keep feeding them

crackers have been relevant for the last 500 years

and the human history is 200K years old

stop crying

its just the result of the religion of death,infinite growth on finite materials and the lack of responsibility of humanity

i sure hope the next generations enjoy their cannibalism and general poverty,there is no turning back now,oceans will be dead in 60-80 years and earths ecosystems will collapse one by one.

it's not about being relevant, it's about seeing your country completely change and yourself becoming a part of a minority in the matter of only a few decades

Niggers are niggers, that's just the way it is.

>t. steals white kids to fight other whites and steals white women to raise capable sultans

And whites are responsible for it


But Swedes were superior to Romans. So it was a good trade off. You should check out the Swedish science about this.

No se can't do shit about it, it's all a handful of rich faggots that never saw a migrant pulling the strings. The average people would benefit from a population depression. The just want dumb brownies to keep buying their shit when we're all dead.


who replaced amerindians? spainards, portugese and anglos
why should other nations have to pay for what you did? just because our skin color is 'sort of' similar to yours?

This t bh

People have misinterpreted my thread to be about white superiority. It's not. I respect the Japanese, Koreans more than "white" shitholes like Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

They were a minority because they conquered half of Europe you dipshit.

That has nothing to do with it. The fact is that the biggest SJWs and proponents for globalism or whatever the fuck you want to call it are whites themselves.

>Finite materials
You can transform energy to matter. Fusion power -> 190E Cossies for every poop witch fearing Pajeet.

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When will we rangeban h*lland

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It has everything do to with it. It's always the economy, not enough people. For fuck sake the largest primate pop after us is some monkeys with ~250k individals. We're aiming for 9 billions?