Are people in your country intimidated by women with forward grown maxillas (the upper jaw)?

Are people in your country intimidated by women with forward grown maxillas (the upper jaw)?

Attached: file.png (500x500, 356K)

that's what a normal, healthy jaw looks like, that's not a german-tier blockhead jaw

>hitler wanted to kill this

hmmm? that's how a healthy maxilla looks like

she just looks normal

>german blockhead
You know nothing Hans Sneeuw.

Attached: 11096611_802753613149585_5180381624051548887_n.jpg (600x600, 128K)

That's... pretty much normal?
What kinda jaws do Brazillian girls have?


Also very useful, can use as a nutcracker.

that is pretty forward, not average at all

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 1020K)

I'd let her crack my nuts if you catch my drift.

I don't get it, she looks pretty normal to me

She looks normal, and there is no country where people would be intimidated by the shape of someone's maxilla. Get your meds, Pedro.

You get used to it.

Mouth breather hands typed these posts

Attached: receded maxilla.jpg (1200x1600, 237K)

Man, you are drunk. She is normal. Go sleep.

nah nah nah, this level of forward growth is not average at all no matter how much your wishful thinking wants it to be

why do jewesses always turn out beautiful despite having goblin parents?

They all start out that way, they just don't stay good looking

If she had lighter eyes she would look perfect


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>swn be your gf
i'm gonna off myself in a bit desu

Me too

Attached: DeFCW2WXUAEZ6vK.jpg (877x1024, 77K)

I have the same face and nose type but I'm a guy, should I be worried

You should be my gf

Perfect. She looks like a porcelain doll. I would be even afraid to touch her.

She's probably a roastie though.

What kind of retarded question is this

No it wouldn't make a difference desu

ye everyone carries scalpels at all times and we do nothing but inspect maxillas surgically
