Alright guys, let me tell you what is going on. I am in their Telegram and this is what is happening:
>whale group Delphi tried to dump the price today with the rest of the market taking a dip >over 200k link was market sold and due to low liquidity on binance dumped the price 10% this night (EST) >they activated quite the amount of stop loss triggers >they picked up more than 250k link (net. 50k link) which is at the moment of writing +10% due to price restoring >they wanted more out of it but the price restored too fast, the dump wasn't well organized >their next plan is a series of FUD campaigns
Delphi is a real group. I'm in it. The thing is that since the astro leaks it has been mostly dead. Lots of people left and the ones that remain make maybe one post a day. A lot of the older members splintered and shadowforked to a new group where things are less cringy and more professional.
It's called Shadow Delhpi
Jack Gray
Tfw booted from order of delphi discord. Understandable since I dont really post.
Jack Diaz
Luke Hall
same don't know what i did since i was literally the second person in there
Charles Hernandez
we got a leak, we were trying to purge inactive members hoping to get the mole, as of now we think it worked. sorry, we will be back open after we reorg the serves to make sure we don't suffer the same type of situation. We will put out invites. Also, OP is a larping fag.
Eli Sanders
Said the newfag in the racist drawing korean cartoon forum
Luke Miller
Nolan Carter
You got my 2nd account but you didnt get the mole mod who told me i have to lay low for a while ;)
Blake Morales
You're not supposed to talk about the Shadow Delphi, asshole. Rory's dad is in there.
In all seriousness, it seemed like an okay group in that they did more IRL meetups than the regular discord. I wasn't terribly active, like says, but yea makes sense folks have to do things with this 13-YO LARP ruining everything.
Asher Reyes
Shut the fuck up, my intention was to destroy the Delphi and it is working!
Jacob Sanchez
Let me tell you something about those Delphi guys: First time I've heard of them but I already love them.
I had a buy order at 5850 which I was really, REALLY seating about after selling at 5180. It made up my previous week's terrible shitty trading.
Those guys saved my ass, hugs all around. I'm back in the green, baby!
Jack Miller
yeah dumbfuck, we didn't fall for your shitty photoshop trying to frame cynic. Ingest feces and exit this mortal plane.
Maybe the idea was to intentionally leave that little bit in at the bottom left corner then delete the picture to make it look like I fucked up. That then clears cynic from any suspicion....or does it? ;)
Either lost half your members thanks to ME! I DID THIS!
Oh so now you got a mod on board, eh? More bs larp. Prove your fucking self by posing a screen cap from today.
Juan Robinson
Will you fucking stop with these bullshit Delphi threads already? So a bunch of virgins formed their little treehouse club to play Dungeons and Dragons, thinking of some "super awesome" names to call their secret little gay club, so what? Lemme guess - no girls allowed?
Back in the day, we didn't pay attention to such nerds, we ignored them like pieces of insignificant little shits they are.
The Order of Delphi, fucking lol. Let them throw their d20 dice. Just because you're an even bigger loser than them and can't join their faggot club doesn't mean you have to bother us with your virgin problems.
Go be insignificant somewhere else, no one fucking cares.
Real delphi insider here (I'm friends with rory IRL)
all these guys are faggot larpers. I can confirm that nobody from delphi actually goes on Jow Forums and that people are only doing this because the lack of price growth on chainlink is driving them insane.
David Hall
nice fuckup bro. did u forget to change IPs? godamn you kids are fucking stupid
David Adams
>200k LINK >whale group
Carson Howard
thanks fren. what he said. Nothing to see here.
Aiden Price
Delphi insider here. We don't have a telegram group. We use Obsidian messenger because we're about smart moves and investments only. But you would've known that if you were truly with us. Faggot.
Astro didnt get booted... he rage quit because he thinks abortions are ok and that vaccines are safe, there are still members in here that think the same thing and they didnt get booted.
Astro was a total faggot and chose to give up. Hes a quitter
this is also pakaos pasta. fuck u astro and fuck ur larper too.
Julian Sanchez
My 2nd account isnt in the group anymore. You faggots did a purge. But my buddy moderatus told me you are planning a second group. You'll never know who he is.
Hudson James
dont care. Delphi is going to recruit new members soon. All anons who want to use their post-singularity gains for good should ask themselves about the prospect of pre-singularity coordination...
Yeah you just confirmed that it isn't a mod. Nice try faggot. You promised good info on this group and I've been callin you out in your threads because you are full of dogshit.
Henry Baker
>So a bunch of virgins formed their little treehouse club to play Dungeons and Dragons, thinking of some "super awesome" names to call their secret little gay club, so what? Lemme guess - no girls allowed?
You need to shut the fuck up since you post like a fucking retard. Bitch. I'll fuck up your 2nd, 3rd, 4th remake of the shitty Delphi and you'll never be free of me.
Jonathan Davis
I havent confirmed anything for a reason, you have a handful of mods and I dont really wish to single out my friend. I did promise good info and I made good on that promise, go check the archives. Faggot pakao.
Asher Butler
you didnt fuck anything up. Astro or not, your pissing at us in the wind and we are a mile above you
Except I know I made you lose good members who had nothing to do with this. I WIN!
Nathan Morgan
no one is buying your bullshit. You actually lose
Landon Murphy
So sayeth he
Jayden Reed
You bought enough of it to kick half your members. I actually win.
Benjamin Collins
Not buying it faggot. Not in that faggot group either. You promised proof of coordinated p&ds and you never delivered. Never ever ever. Go shove the fucking archives up your ass. You know damn well that you don't have a mod. You are untrustworthy and a faggot. You won't offer proof because you have none. Lying piece of shit larper. Eat shit.
John Hernandez
Nolan Hall
keep telling yourself that. I bet you dont even own LINK. fucking scared normie outcast.
Mason Mitchell
like we wont bring them back into the fold. also, we only lost like 6 members with most of them inactive or fairly inactive. you haven't done shit but make more people aware of us. we don't care if they know, we encourage them, and then when they join the group they will see for themselves you are lying bitch and there is no pnd, but instead a group of good link holders trying to improve upon eachother in preparation for the singularity. Thanks fag.
Levi Reed
Lol this. Congrats guys, seriously. 100k is a lot of money in crypto I'm sure it did so much. Delphi "fud" is some of the dumbest fud I have ever seen, and if the group is real they're a fucking joke larping as whales because they have 0 say in any real price movements.
Hunter Scott
i think you are retarded. Not one Delphi member unironically said they are a whale.
Its losers injecting hate into /biz trying to divide and conq LINKers so we all sell.
Christopher Campbell
we are not whales or a pnd dumbshit, read the fucking thread. we are an organization of link holders looking to network and help eachother post singularity.
Nicholas Gray
>i think you are retarded. Not one Delphi member unironically said they are a whale. But retarded niggers like you on here try to pretend that they can actually make price movements as if they had the clout of one. They can't. They are irrelevant and it's pathetic that anyone pretends they aren't. >Its losers injecting hate into /biz trying to divide and conq LINKers so we all sell. If that is their goal they are doing a really fucking terrible job. Worse than pajeets. Still irrelevant.
Let me say this for the 50th time, as I have done in other threads like this: Anyone who thinks your little faggy tree house discord group has any impact is an absolute brainlet.
Christopher Hughes
I actually posted proof of the JOSTL slack incident being co-ordinated which put the price down on that day. It also got talked about in both Telegram groups. Got discussed in various Link discords, it got a mention from Rory.
I posted the proof. I dont expect you to have been witness to every single fucking post I made unless you're a loser stalker, in which case you would have seen the screenshots. That leak is why half the delphi got kicked. Get REKT DOLPHIN CUNT
Ryder Sanchez
What did he mean by this?
Jose Howard
I was on Jow Forums the entire time it happened, and you were nowhere to be seen, faggot.
Aiden Cook
no idiot Delphi isnt injecting hate... its the anti-delphis. Do you have autism?
John Parker
p.s how does that cow shit taste nyouke?
Robert Kelly
Why are you pretending to be me?
Juan Thompson
Faggot try to keep up. I posted the proof
You're just going to keep ignoring you're own post you fucked up on aren't you? FAGGOT LARPERS DELPHI CANT EVEN ID PROPERLY
Luke Powell
Check the archives faggot you didnt even come close to the correct trip. Fuck off dolphin trying to do damage control.
Liam Bailey
Do you not know pasta when you see it? another sign of autism. The bad kind....
Jaxon Gomez
Then post it here, there hasn't been anything backing what you say with your tripcode. I don't care about Delphi, it's annoying having a literal faggot begging for attention on this board.
Jackson Sullivan
So you think you're faggot larp group is cool enough to have pasta now? Its true linkies are delusional after all.
Ethan Howard
Can someone spoonfeed me on how to filter this faggot? Sick of seeing him posting in link threads
Joseph Green
theres a little arrow next to post number. If you report him you wont see any of his posts. But thats a pussy move.
Alexander Taylor
Only works for single threads. You'll never escape my hatred for Delphi.
Juan Walker
YOU will never escape YOUR hatred for other human beings. Keep luing to yourself and other people. You will ensure that you will never be happy.
I hope one day I see Astro/Astro Larpers in the know instead of his head stuck up his ass. see pic and know it is a totally ignorant statement from a scared child.
>if God exists and i am responsible for my thoughts and actions then i will be punished... so ill just believe that there is no God and are no rules that exist in nature.. I WILL BE MORE DELUDED THAN LINKers!!!