Why do so many people get murdered here?

Why do so many people get murdered here?

Attached: Brazil-Country-Map-UPDT.ngsversion.1466609459209.jpg (1600x900, 304K)

Its literally a zoo without the cages

Too much historical chaos

No real punishment for crimes and small + underfunded police force.

Because order and progression

nig nogs and drug trade = bad combo

Majority of murders are blacks killing blacks in the ghetto, just like in USA

And 70% of murders are related with honor matters (guy is provocated and kill) just like in USA and don´t have anything to do with drugs or thefts

Social unequality

Plus consequences of 2016 coup


70% of murders are related with honor matters.

And why the murderers and the victims are always black and poor?

China is so unequal as Brazil and has much more poverty and they don´t have this number of murders