Hitler had pretty average or even above average height for his times
same with Napoleon
this was all before people started eating chickens full of growth hormones
>he was 175cm
>3-4 generations ago
H-haha what a manlet. Just imagine if someone was 5'9 today
That was the era of powerful manlets. I think Stalin was about 5'6"
>be a surrender frog on a mongolian troathsinger basket
>h-ha guys l-look, at least I was born tall while this man did everything by him self, what a looser am I right?
cope harder
Hitler was a loser in then end lel
>be hitler
>kys to not be raped by Ivan
Isn't Putin like 5'6"?
he gave his height for greater evrope
I am 5'2". Does that mean I will get to commit a genocide one day?
Stalin was a lot shorter than Hitler though
manlet rage is eternal, it doesn't belong in a specific era. power hoarding is one of the symptoms
It's your destiny to lead the gnome rebellion against the lanklets
why are lanlets so insecure?
He was an inch taller than I am. Wonder if I should try to invade Poland.
I dunno, shitty connection I guess.
perfect height you stupid bully ;_;
donm't talk about the god emperor like that
Nice photoshop, this is a picture of Putin's real height.
imagine being under 5'10
5'9 is a healthy height for a European male. It's typically mutant kike that outgrow it and consider it normal.
I am smaller.
Kojima was only taller in that photo because he was standing on Todd's big community modded cock.
T. average height 250cm
How will the manlet axis ever recover
I'm 5'9 and I don't feel short in the Netherlands. I'm about the same height as Chinese immigrant children who grew up on a local diet, they neither feel short. To *feel* short is a mental deficit, has nothing to do with you height.