What's the next big thing after crypto?

1636 - 1637- Tulips
1997 - present: Dot Com
2009 - present: Crypto Boom
2018 - ????: What we should invest in NOW

Put the magic internet money aside for a sec. What is the next big thing, user?

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i've put alot of research into this and the answer is anime

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unironically sex robots

If they ban sex robots, we riot

Waifus. Everyone who’s anyone already moved to waifus

Virtual Reality. Invest in all stocks and crypto related to the creation and implementation of VR. We will be using VR like we use the tv or computer in 30 years. Also buy stocks related to the raw materials for hardware as well as hardware stocks. Examples: Sony, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Uber, Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc

Artificial Intelligence Hardware and/or Software
Factory/Medical Robotics
Green Energy (next-gen solar panels... researchers in tel aviv and likely china have achieved solar panels of 2x current efficiency)
Lithium Extraction

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This is just an idea...how about desalinization? I've heard wars will be fought over water, but there's a lot of salt water to be had.

Listen to this guy

Can you name a VR stock? Been waiting to invest in it for 10 years.

Once VR gets more immersive with touch and smell integration, it will literally be the biggest tech boom we'll ever see

Imagine the world's first VR brap sim.

VR Shrimp robots

This too man.

Companies researching and deploying affordable but profitable desalination technology is gonna be huge. Think of all the thirsty niggas

Robot shrimp that have sexy and like Anime.
Cheep Asian toys

Any of the following:

>AI/ Established companies pivoting towards AI so invest in chip makers and Alphabet
>VR/ Similar to the above - companies such as Alphabet, Sony, Samsung, Amazon
>Asteroid Mining companies - this one will make the most, right now it's only startups but this industry will create trillionaires given the amount of minerals and resources on asteroids. Right now its still in its early stages so sit tight.
>Bio-engineering companies who focus towards Genetic Engineering and Artificial Wombs.

Asteroid Mining and Genetic Engineering breakthroughs wont happen for a little while, but AI and VR i would say is the next economic boom, then shortly after if will be Bio-Engineering breakthroughs and Asteroid Mining given that resources on Earth become more scarce as the population increases.

In short, this

IoT - Internet of Things

Sure, some cryptos already start with this but eventually pretty much anything will be able to operate remotely with your smart phone


quantum computing - IBM as example.

Cannibis, specifically in Canadia. Buy now before the green rush

Very good replies by the way. This is basically it for next 10 years.

Never tought about asteroid mining booming. But why not ?
Imo bioengineering will come after AI like you say, but will be the biggest fucking exponential growth of all time. People are somewhat close to curing AGING, to remodel your entire body, and enhance yourself tenfolds ++

How about buying shares in a graphene company? There was a big rush which has calmed down now but they're starting to actually make shit now.....

Forgot that too. Quantum computing could be huge, especially coupled with machine learning or industry physics simulations/experiments .

>solar panels of 2x current efficiency

Attached: Best_Research-Cell_Efficiencies.png (1280x845, 698K)

Krill and Insect Burgers

Sex simulators will definitely be the first thing but there's so many other experiences people will go after. It's absolutely the next big paradigm.

Non-perishable food, water, guns, bullets

Look where IBM already is:
m.youtube.com/watch?v=o-FyH2A7Ed0 It's basically unknown yet to anyone.

it's still crypto you idiot, crypto has not even begun.

2178: Transferable memories

Also one big thing for next few years - 5G. Thank me later.

>Implying that crypto boom is even close to happening yet.

Dot com bubble didn't burst until normies started investing. By normies I mean like my parents 40-50 at the time, completely computer illiterate.

We arn't even close to the crypto bubble, give it ten years.

How to make money with it?

chip makers or some other parts of supply chain. Those telecommunication companies who are more on R&D side of things.

.. Because IOT needs 5G and they pay to providers! Think about it.

Also maybe natural health products. Because people are getting on a same time more knowing but more mentally and physically ill because of modern world.

And also because of longer life equals more sicknesses in older age.

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>People would want to make a copy of their consciousness even though they personally don't wake up on the other side and actually die.


At some point we could put together collectively future portolio of /biz. This autistic potential needs to be used well.

5G and iot with smart buildings and stuff like that

Im deep on tele companies because of this

nice just distilled 100k

Artificial meat.

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Chipmakers dont make any sense. 5g is simply putting a higher frequency for the network or something like that. My uncle who recently died was working at Ericsson exactly towards 5G. Best Option is to buy stocks from Ericsson.


This actually might not be the case, mate. Newer concepts suggest that due to quantum entanglement it might be possible to be fully transferred.

You will be waiting for another 10 years based on the previous 3 technological disoveries

nice just bought 100k DBC

>People are somewhat close to curing AGING, to remodel your entire body, and enhance yourself tenfolds ++
Are you on acid? that shit is 50-100 years into the future..

Implying a different YOU doesn't wake up in your body will all of your memories every morning when you wake up.

That's optimistic. There's some really important foundational research taking place right now, but it's got decades more research, clinical trials and a couple key breakthroughs to go before it's sold as products or treatment. And that's if they can even do it - we're learning more about the process, but to actually do this on a wide scale? Nobody knows if it's even possible, yet.