What's a good website for finding high end escorts without any of the fake ads and bullshit? TER used to be good but it's blocked in the US now.
What's a good website for finding high end escorts without any of the fake ads and bullshit...
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I can't just message somebody on instagram and offer to pay them for sex.
streaming is a matchmaking service for people with poor taste
Right, you'll need to sign up for an account first.
i wanna sniff her
under-rated post
Ok, why don't you try messaging random models on instagram out of the blue with offers for sex and post the response here.
You'd be surprised user. You think a large number on there won't take money for sex? They're already showing their body for money, small jump to just taking a cock for some cash.
if you can actually afford a high end escort you must be quite rich (RIGHT, user? you wouldn't squander your money, right??)
So it's this easy:
>make a somewhat user instagram
>post pics of your nice car or watch, business trips, whatever
>make sure none of it can be linked to your real name and identity, just in case
>message whores "hi, are you open to doing a travelling companion or sugar daddy/escort thing"
>disgusting worthless whore says maybe, negotiate the details, etc
obviously you need to be worth a lot to actually do this because it will involve flying them out to fuck you probably
this, it's not worth it if your networth isn't in millions
I mean if you already a loser enough to throw money for pussy just become another fake instagram star - take some pictures with rented luxury cars, suits and hookers for an hour and throw few grand on marketing your fake "brand" or some marketing videos shit like that annoying tai lopez faggot .
Fuck that shit. I have no interest in posting on social media. I want to contact an escort and offer to pay her for sex, simple as that. TER used to be a great source for that because they kept out the fake ads, and you could verify if the listings were real by reading reviews, but all the sites that are left now are riddled with fake ads and scams.
do it, but you gotta say you will be discrete and cover all expenses too.
This is why you don’t want to be a escort.
Or be seen with one.
You like a mo ped
90 day fiance, this is what the fat dude did with anfisa. She still bangs him but his life is misery.
Pinkdate is supposed to solve this
under-rated content picture combination
even this doofus chink is sick of fucking her
how do you think they afford to go on the trips to mediterranean beaches that they lay around on just to post pics of their ass hanging out?
They're fucking 19. Their sugar daddy is taking the picture, and he offered her money for sex.
I think your best bet is Eros.com
Ehm, what about trying the relevant Reddit subs? Haven't done it myself, but I figure they're real people doing it themselves. Like reddit.com
Stop thotposting you obnoxious faggot.
post the gangbang webm of her
wait what
what that brapper do tho
I've just googled what this was about.
If she has a personal email in her instagram bio, you know what's up
Go to Brazil.
Lame. The chicks are below average and they don't even offer sex, just some gfe online. You subscribe and they send you nudes lol. I can see better nudes for free
I know what webm he's talking about but I'm pretty sure it's not her. Just a girl with a similar body.
You aren't fucking unless you are Chad.
If you aren't an ugly weirdo then seekingarrangements.com is a great site. I've met 5 girls from there with a 5/5 bang rate after the first meetup. Ages 19-25
We have adultwork.com in the Uk if any anglos lurking
Why are you posting this shit in /biz user. Stop clogging up my board with this bullshit
Yeah that 10th thread on Holo that got pruned is really going to make you miss valuable information.
Eros or Adultsearch...trust me, I travel for work and these are my go-to sites now that BP is down.
had never heard of adultsearch, thanks user.
Just find instagram models that have a "booking" link in their bio
And they gotta be a little slutty and not with any major fashion labels.
If their profile has all that, you absolutely can try. And some girls are obvious hookers that do softcore shit and operate there as well now.
Twitter too, all kinds of that shit is Insta and Twitter now believe it or not
...if in the UK adultwork.com is excellent
making money and fucking hookers go together like a horse and carriage.
Me neither, cheers that user
Post that shit
how can white bois even compete?
I posted this before and i'll post it again. I'll never give up
to the guys that hire escorts, is there a way or do you know how i can hire Lexi Belle to be my gf just for 1 day? I really want her to be my gf for 1 day where she'll cook for me, chill with me on netflix, go on a date with her and make love to her in the evening. i'm serious about this i have money saved up, i just want to feel how to be her boyfriend
please guys :(
your odds of getting a girl to fuck you for money are actually higher than getting her to do all of the emotional, girlfriendy stuff
pretty ironic I know but that is how most of these girls logic works
they would rather you fuck them like a slut, put down money and leave
if they do all of the cuddling, kissing, girlfriend stuff it fucks with their emotions and feels too much like what they do with their real boyfriends
What do you think that "business inquires" email at the top of their page is for?
I want Lexi, I don't want other girls
being attached to one girl that you don't even know because you saw her on the internet is what psychotic stalker rapist murderers do you sick fuck
sending your ip to the authorities right now
thats seriously fucked.you are a stalker.
try messaging her on twitter
What do you usually end up spending on the girls?
I've honestly used the site a lot and have converted a lot of them into fwb who I occasionally help out with money, which is what I do with the fwb I normally meet too (or friends in general).
Much more personal and you can be selective about who you support by getting to know them. With escorts the problem is that you're probably supporting a drug habit, whereas with SA you could be paying a hard-working girl's car insurance bill that she needs paid to keep her job. In the end, the best thing about fucking women is being able to understand how overrated it can be. But until that point, arrangements can be pretty nice and not leave you feeling disgusted in retrospect.
Also, have you been going around various boards shilling SA? Or just mentioning it a lot lol
I swear I've seen a few posts on Jow Forums and Jow Forums about it - maybe it's just popular but I always wonder if it's the same person
This chicks name is Lisa. Otherwise known as STPeach on twitch.. yes, a titty streamer. Heres a video for your troubles
how much money do you have tho
Already did. She blocked me.
300 a date typically, 500 if the girl is really hot
nah i dont post on r9k
SA is stupidly mainstream. Even subreddits where prostitutes discuss how to get the most out of men via SA guiding each other with how to act, when to ask for money, how to get more via bills coming up etc. 10 years ago 5-10 years ago SA was great when it wasnt so filled with pros.
Take the hint
Thanks - I've never given a girl more than 160 but I also kinda have a different approach where we usually just fuck on the first date without money involved and then I treat her as a friend who I help with money occasionally.
Great insight. Didn't know there was grooming of these younger sluts by more experienced ones and it doesn't surprise me that it happens on reddit.
And yeah, definitely had a lot of trouble learning the ropes and finding my nose for sniffing out rotten cunts who are at their core just manhaters looking to tax men for existing.
most girls are used to having sex with guys they don't want to have sex with. it's probably a lot easier to pretend you're into some drunk loser railing you thinking he's some kind of sexual ares wrecking havoc on your hole than it is performing sober the kind of closeness mimicking what a relationship of some depth really is like between two people.
How hot are the girls you are paying 160 for?
I probably need to lower my payments too. I make good money but shit is getting expensive. Do you tell them upfront that the first date will not be for payment? This is all on SA right? The girls are there to get money obviously so I'm curious your success rate with this kind of tactic.
Tbhwu famalam, if you have enough money to spend on trash American whores, you could just buy a plane ticket to an Eastern European country where prostitution is legal and regulated and bang out some qt3.14 euro pros with way less chance of getting nigger STDs.
But I'm assuming you're pretty lazy anyway since you don't want to do any actual work and just want to have a whore delivered to your doorstep whenever you get a mystery boner. And by that account you're probably not a multi millionaire, so you'll just have to manipulate regular women emotionally for sex like the rest of us.
There's decent advice here for US: plenty of stupid broke sluts on social media.
But did you know that tons of female porn stars hook on the side for extra dosh? You'll probably have to fly out to LA or Vegas but they'll suck you dry in a hotel room for a few thousand dollars.
Just be aware that any of the ones that do anything more than missionary YT sex will have herpes or HPV, it's just part of the biz when you let mandingos loose.
If I wasn't an ugly weirdo then I wouldn't be asking the question in the first place.
I tried seeking arrangement though and it was no different from any other dating site. I asked a girl to see more pics of her and she went off on me about how I didn't respect women or some retarded shit, because I didn't take the time to get to know her first.
Eh you just had an unlucky bad experience. I had a premium account for 30 days and met 5 solid girls and 2 more I'm still texting. A few flake of course, that's just part of the numbers game.
>the numbers game
Not interested in playing a game. If I want to buy a burger, I walk into a restaurant, give them money, and they give me my burger. Likewise with women, I don't give a shit about them. I'm just looking for a simple financial transaction in return for a service.
Yeah seekingarrangement isn't really what you are looking for. There are some straight up pay for escorts but a lot of the girls on there are your typical hot college or after highschool girls age 18-24 who need financial help and want a sugar daddy who isn't a disgusting, ugly, fat creep with a tiny dick.
If you just wan't straight up escorts you are better off on pure escort sites, problem is the USA recently passed a law that shut down a lot of the popular ones so RIP. You could always fly to Amsterdam for a week and fuck until your dick is raw.
lots more too. whores are cheap. get the venezuelan refugee whores for a bargain.
Yeah I want to sell my car for a cheap price on craigslist, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna have to deal with assholes
Yes, all on SA. I live in one of the 5 biggest cities but it's not on a coast. Also, I cut the bullshit with these girls really quick because I've dealt with the lowest type of girls in the world so I see glimmers of that female evil in all girls to different degrees.
To be a little blunt: I'm young, pretty fit, and have a big dick. So basically we go on a normal date and I basically say that it's not something I'm expecting sex out of (and the key is to ACTUALLY not expect sex out of it).
Basically a normal date, and then at the end, let her make the moves. Most girls want to fuck and they don't feel like they're wasting their time because they know you have money and ideally during the date you establish your personality to them. If you're genuinely a friend who helps your friends in need out of a desire to help in your heart, it'll show.
My success rate has been pretty high just because I screen for thots and literal sluts in messages pretty well. I go for actual down to earth girls who just heard about the site and think they could use the help but aren't really trying to become literal whores, and girls who just use it as a sort of normal dating site with the pre-selection of people who have some degree of wealth.
I do sometimes give them money for a first date so they don't feel like they've wasted their time. Then I don't give them money after because they've basically just become interested in fucking whenever we both feel like it and I don't need to. And they know the money's there, since it was given to them in the first encounter, so that provides them that peace of mind.
I think girls just don't like spending their time with poor dudes. They don't need the money constantly all the time every meeting if there's some actual attraction, and the peace of mind that they get from knowing you're well off is good enough for them to feel comfortable and dtf.
May be different in your city though, but it could also be the choice of girls.
God neets are pathetic. If you have to pay for sex in the age of Tinder there is something seriously wrong with you.
>my board
you're not fooling anyone newfriend. Lurk moar.
Yeah I'm 29, 2 years lifting and above average penis size as well. Basically spent my younger years being an introvert and focusing on college and then starting my company. Now that I make good money I am making up for lost time and willing to pay to catch up. Starting to get a little boring though.
Trying to treat it more like a dating app would be more of a challenge and save me money in the process. Might do that if I ever decide to renew.
Or maybe you just want to fuck someone way out of your league, fren
basedboy bizraelis lolll mdoa dnm almond
Yeah, I feel ya bro. I'm 26. Similar boat. Didn't start a company though, just got a good job and keep expenses down. Khhv until 25, when I met someone through a mutual friend and thought I was going to marry her.
When that came crashing down I basically decided to make up for lost time too. Became competent with my cock pretty quick (through CL encounters at the time lol) and then realized that I ended up helping the fuck buddies I made with money anyways so why not go after the girls who are already on that same page.
Then I learned the hard way (through some bad encounters) that a lot of these girls are really bitter about men and feel like they have a right to your money by their mere presence in your house. Basically found a lot of those but also a few more of the more "normal" girls who just found their way onto the site. They are more of them than you think.
Just be confident in what you expect and don't concede to her frame of mind. Don't get weakened by "oh if you didn't want to give me a weekly allowance you shouldn't be on SA" because that's just a roastie shaming/shit-test.
Using it more as a dating app has been a lot more fulfilling and resulted in actual friendships.
At the end of the day though, even the best girl can't really give you the peace of mind and fulfillment that being the best version of yourself brings. And for that reason, I haven't renewed either. Pussy gets old. Once you get it out of your system, you can kind of unlock a new level of motivation and productivity in life.
That's something you miss out on by not interacting with girls in your youth. But I was totally out of shape and not attractive until very recently, so that wasn't an option. "Catch up," as you say (:
Btw, what sort of company did you start? You can be as vague or as specific as you'd like.
Or if you don't want to answer that, what did you go to college for?
My goal is to multiply my money on stocks with the intention of getting to a /comfy/ passive income state through either rental properties or something of that nature. I don't really have that entrepreneurial bone in me ):
Computer Science degree, created an indie video game that some ppl on /biz probably know but I'm not going to name drop it obviously lol.
I got pretty out of shape during the stressful years of bootstrapping my company plus had zero free time so needless to say I wasn't rolling in pussy for a few years there.
Eventually got my company into a good spot and then started taking weight lifting and dieting seriously. Dropped 50 pounds of fat and put on a lot of muscle in the last 2 years. Went from being a chubby loser to an almost Chad.
It is kind of crazy how much life can turn around when you work towards bettering yourself.
Awesome, dude. Unironically warms my heart to hear that. Getting in shape was for sure the most important part of the whole deal. I just find myself kicking myself in the ass for not doing it sooner, because I feel like I could have multiplied/accelerated my success now that I know how much of an impact it can make on all aspects of life.
But, better late than never, right? I'm a manlet so I'm instantly disqualified from being Chad but otherwise my body's something I've gotten mired for now enough that I feel like Chad-lite perhaps :P
We always give you advice and you never act on it. Please stop posting already.
How much would OP pic (or equivalent in terms of looks) cost if she was down to fuck? I like girls that are so white that they have a peachy pink undertone.
Blessed with 6'3 genetics. Has it's downsides though. I can bench 2 plates but my chest looks like shit still. Probably have to get to 3 plates to really fill out.
Like you said though, lifting is honestly life changing. It feels good to not be shy about stripping down in front of a young hard bodied hottie.
I feel like I am having a midlife crisis because I spent so many years dreaming of the day I could sleep with lots of beautiful girls and now that I can it actually gets boring after a few months. Trying to figure out what my next goal in life is lol.
I'm chad. I'm fucking. Constantly.
What's your point?
What if I told you my gf is better looking than this thot, and pays all of my bills?
I don't find this girl particularly attractive. Just your typical thot. I was posting a reply to the guy trying to get with her. If you have a hotter girl paying for everything for you then that is indeed pretty Chad mode.
post it faggot
5'2" 105 pounds with a fatter ass and C cups.
She buys everything.
I've said I wanted to go back to work, she likes me at home taking care of the dogs.
I'm cool with it.
Honestly dude, I've been there.
It gets fucking old(pun intended).
When you know you can just constantly get a new girl over from tinder, the bar, whatever, it gets old.
They have a stank to em.
Find yourself a girl that actually loves you for you, that's what your next goal should be.
Yeah, being a manlet (5'8" in my case rip) does mean packing on muscle easier and looking like you lift in clothes with less time in the gym than someone your height. But blessing is the right word for height (:
Fucking hot girls makes so many insecurities go away. It's kind of amazing. Truly fell for the manlet memes on Jow Forums but all of that kinda vanished after creaming girls who I used to put up on a pedestal as unattainable muses for a few months.
Getting insights into the neuroses of the female mind's sweet and sour sides has gotten me to the point where it's really easy for me to get "in" with girls on a personality/charm level so they get really comfortable with me fast. That makes the whole "date" part of it actually the most interesting part of it for me, and what allows me to ACTUALLY not expect sex from them. It's a huge game changer.
You know how when you first start lifting you don't really have any gains and so you kinda have to do negatives and other stuff to build up the muscles to even do a proper rep of certain exercises?
I feel like what I was missing from SA was development of that "conquest" muscle in our minds. That's the essence of masculinity.
That's why it's easy to move on from pussy, because it is just one of many things to conquer - it is not the end all. Playing SA on hard mode helps develop that muscle but I think it's important to always keep in mind that pussy should never arrest a man's attention to a degree disproportionate to its actual value, which is one of limited entertainment with a high upkeep cost.
IKTF re: the midlife crisis. I feel like I've tired my dick out and am actually becoming an adult. Chad probably feels this way at 17 when he's just starting college after plowing through half the high schools in his city lol
BLOODY fucking shit I understand if you want to live a fetish or see what it's like to fuck a 10/10 vapid thot once in a blue moon but you people are going overboard with this i swear.
sex is a two-way street. the woman gets something out of it, you're not supposed to pay goddamnit have some self-respect
I mean come the fUCK ON. it's a post ugly world, with $500 a month upkeep you can turn pretty much any non-deformed la cretura into a cute fuckable girl if they're younger than 25, and that's a way better investment
just sign up to a malaysian basketweaving class and say hi to the chick immediately to your left jesus fucking christ i'm so angry
Nice larp, but everybody knows there's no money in game dev and that it's just a hobby.