Microsoft engineer helping Chainlink ?
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Actively involved.
The titanic sank?
No shit. Am I the only one that checks the pivotal tracker?
love this fucking project. so comfy.
works on the Azure stack
the facebook newfags are trying to blend in user and it's fucking DISGUSTING
I've been in this sub for three months. I bought Eth at 450$. faggot
>thinks $450 ETH isn't being a newfag
wowee watch out winklebogs, user is up almost 1.6x
I bought ETH at $11.50 u LINK fags.....I hold over 100K LINK....KEKEK
3 months lol gtfo newfag, we bought ETH at $10
>Being this new
lol how pathetic.
You didn't. Otherwise you would have known this reference.
i bought nigger, when it was a mere niglet.
so sucketh my cocketh
Genuinely don't know that reference and I've been here for literally years
Sure, buddy.
I gassed the Jews before the bar mitzvah. Link 1000 EOY
>he thinks this is a subreddit
you have to go back
This has to be bait
the irony
lmao... you lost buddy. you're a new faggot.
You have to go back.
It's related to cryptlets
ETH was $450 less than a month ago
Does link have a discord?
fucking solid bait marine
Fuck you I’ve been here since the cup and handle started to form.
>in this sub for three months.
Well done
yeah, but ya gotta send dic pics to get in.
t. cchaos
Hi facebook new friends