At what price would you consider Bitcoin "cheap"?

At what price would you consider Bitcoin "cheap"?

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anything under 100k

Under 10k = pretty cheap
Under 5k = go all in

Depends which one you are talking about.

He said Bitcoin you fucking retard.

Under 10k = OK price
5k definitely cheap (I'll buy way more)

bout tree fiddy

bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash

Which Bitcoin though?

Bitcoin Core or Bitcoin Cash?

Just kidding the cashie shills are terrible

Bitcoin == Bitcoin

You == Faggot




All in at 5-6k, which is crazy given last year this time I'd say

It's cheap right now. Bitcoin is still a x100 coin from here.


I can honestly see BTC getting as low as $300 within the next 2-3 years. The tech is sluggish and impractical with few good real world use cases, none ow which cant be done better by another coin. There is no reason for it to keep going up in price forever. People will get bored of it and move on to other things.

I'm trading the swings but I wouldn't dare hold it as a long term investment.

bcore lol

Anything less than 100 million

Before it freezes, anything below 10k.
After it will be worth nothing.

So, user, in wich crypro do you store your value?

Anything under 6k I’d probably buy. And I haven’t bought since bitcoin was $2500.

Under $10k is cheap

chep noa

Bcash posters have blended shilling and trolling to a new level.


the one and only pre forks.

Any time it’s below this line see :

>He said Bitcoin you fucking retard.
>He didn't say Blockstream Coin
In other words, OP meant BCH.

Attached: Why BTC isn't Bitcoin.jpg (796x752, 114K)

Less than 6k I'd buy more.
Otherwise just comfy holding what I have.


Buy 8k or less, feeling really good about it 7500 or less... probably will never see those prices again and missed the boat though.

How long have you been in crypto? Be honest.


It's more like

BTC < $1000: Dirt cheap

BTC < $2000: Still OK

BTC < $5000: Short term scalping only, fairly overvaluted


BTC > $15000: Not happening again

>Sells at 500k
> Watches BTC go to 5m

Kek. Delusion.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 8.28.12 PM.png (974x830, 234K)

Screen capped for the bears BTFO collage EOY.

under 3k

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>1 con artist pumps another con artist
congrat you're a retard mate.

1 usd

this is your brain on bitcoin

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20 bucks

Bitcoin is a monolith to measure the deprecation of various fiatings.

Just look at the M3 and add about %300+ to it.

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Not an argument.

BTC bags heavy?

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Attached: pajeetcoinpumper.jpg (824x2116, 534K)

Pretty much this. In 15 years Bitcoin is going to be millions

$1-2. Eventuslly when the hype goes away people will discover bitcoin has no value outside of its ability to make p2p transactions. Its not a store of value its medium of exchange and the value should correlate to the demand for genuine p2p transactions

Hopefully you made some money of that like most of us did.

As a business owner I've already discovered that bitcoin is useless. Faster currencies would be an option but they're also useless due to volatility. Can't have my prices swing by 50% over night.

Replies like this have no place on Jow Forums

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Same price as when I first heard about it, $2-3.