Hey Biz, I want to talk to you about kids. I know alot of you are young, and some are not...

Hey Biz, I want to talk to you about kids. I know alot of you are young, and some are not, but this advice can probably benefit anybody.

Needless to say, we live in a world thats over populated. Populations numbers must go down and just shorting world population isnt doing the trick. Rotchhilds said it the best. Wars and diseses do not kill enough people and with the advances in medicine and world peace keeping, we cant rely on these things to lower world pupulations. They even make it worse. But there are way to do it, and they are in full effect at the moment. We can see it all over the first world countries where propaganda and marketing is unrestricted. Propagation of homosexuality, feminism, destruction of family values, propagation of idea that happiness is the ultimate goal, that you dont matter as long as you can feed starving kids in africa, that enviroment is more important then kids and therefor you should take kids into this world and so on.

And it works. All over western countries where these people are allowed to implement their ideologies, the fertility rate is going down. Slowly, but its going down. Its the 3rd world countried that they have problems with as values and ideas are still inherited thru family and community rather then iphone and youtube. But they will get to them too.

Few days ago my cusine died. She was only daughter of my mothers sister. Her line of dna stops there. Anything she has done prior to that is gone when her doughter of only 35 years old got infection in her stomach that needed operation and during this operation she died on the hospiral bed. My mothers sister have no more kids and nobody to either inherit what little she have saved up or a reason to do anything any more as she is pretty old now. Now come her time of waiting for her turn to leave this world.

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World population will go down either you like it or not. The current population isnt sustainable in the long run, so we need to half the population or even cut it down to 1/8th. Thats alot of people who will need to end their family lines. And most people do it by their own will, because they havent been educated by their family, the true values of familes and communities. We are in a decay period of human growth.

Question is who gets to stay and inherit the world. And the answer is the smart ones. The once who do not fall for the brainwashing and understand that the only way, anything you do in life matters, is because of kids. Before you have kids, you are egocentric, narcistic and self absorbed. Universe is spinning around you. But the moment you get a kid, you will understand that all the things you do, now, for the first time have a meaning. The kid is the answer. Any wealth you can attain, he will inherit and do great things with it. Anything you can teach him, he will take it to heart and move mountains with it. The kid is the answer. Now the universe revolves around him.

But they dont want you to know this. 1/8 world population will go down. There isnt room for everybody, They know this and they are haveing 4-5 kids each. Rich people have alot of kids because this is only reason they do it. Kids are part of them. And they need to make sure that they become ones who inherit the earth and move on to new frontiers. So alltho you guys are young and you think in ways most other do "Fuck kids, they take my freedom. I just wanna go buy appartment, fuck bitches, drive my lambo, then fuck some more bitches", there is accualy more to life then this and once you grow a bit older you will understand. But by that time it might be too late.

Girls fertility years are under 35. Reason why we encourage girls to have babies before that time and not focus on careers. And the explosion of IVF clinics (clinics that help families get babies thrue wonder of medicing) is growing almost exponentialy. Because all of these girls that think that chase cariers, self happiness, freedom, once they get in their 30s they stop and ask thems self what are they doing. Suddenly their feel their biological clock ticking and suddenly no good man are to be found because good men have found fertile young women.

I dont know how young you are now or how old. But this is something you should think about. Finding a girl, young enough to give you plenty of kids. Preferbly a smart girl as you do want smart kids. This is the one investment you have to do. Because if you dont, anything you work for now, is for nothing.

where do i unsubscribe to the blog

hey fag, i just got married back in november and have been back and forth about the whole kid thing. i'm scared of fucking them up somehow because i'm still a stupid idiot self-absorbed kid myself,
but what your saying kinda rings true. sorta.
thanks for the thinky-thoughts. guess i've got some mulling to do.

*you're. ffs. see, this is why i shouldn't breed

Cant find a wife OP.

Lineage is a meme for the ego. Transcendence don’t give a fuck about it. No one will care about you in 100-200 yrs

Bullshit. I know all about my lineage, including up to and more than 100-200 years. There's a street named after my great grandfather, too.

PS I have two kids and will likely have one more. I am 33.

I actually want kids but the thought of being the dad in that pic gives me hardcore anxiety. fuck that

"It doesn't get easier. You get better."

My kids, and my grand kids and my grand grand kids wilI can promise you that much. Becaue they will be there.I will make sure that they do.

In few thousand years, world will be depopulated, only you decide if you are part of it. And world will be utopia. People wil finaly be free from serfdom. We will harvest the ai and robotics to do out biding and we will be free to reach for highest knowledge and answers.

But to come there, you must be smart. You must understand this.

Both my cusincs from fathers side have no kids. One is 40 years old and the other 33. I dont know if they will ever get any or if they do, probably 1 but I dont belive they'll have two. The world is allready shrinking. This is fight for survival. The fight for a place on the throne.

Lineage disruption is awful. It's great to know where you came from. I found out the other ay my greatgrandma owned slaves. But they treated them very well and they decided to stay. And my family is from the north east USA.

>No one will care about you in 100-200 yrs
Pointless thought exercise in futility of the Nihilistic mind. Any retard can find a long enough timeline where /anything/ falls into obscurity.

this entire thread is a fucking disgrace. its filled with spelling errors, poor grammar and a bunch of basement dwelling neets pretending they have life figured out.
The real question is: what the fuck is this kinda thread doing in /biz?
are all of you fucking retarded?
no, like im really asking, are you people fucking retarded?

Is that why all of us have family trees that go back even longer than that? i have found out who my ancestors are and it dates back to some german/irish coming to the USA in the 1700s. that was 300 years ago, and I still fucking care. you are a goddamn idiot. stop posting comments on this website.

Money is just a fraction of what really makes you rich.

World population is in decline on all of the continents for years now.
Yes, even your meme Africa and Middle East.They still have more children then people in first world countries but if you look at percentages they outpace us around 2:1 when before it was more like 4:1
It's more possible that our birthrates will go up then theirs.
Unless we orchestrate a war.
If we get a war, we are guaranteed baby boom afterwards and in all of the affected countries.
This is how nature controls us. This has nothing to do with homosexuals, feminism or other BS (maybe with the exception of education in general). The stupidest, most backwards countries that do not embrace feminism or homosexuality still note a decline in population growth over the years.

you're a fucking faggot. yeah have a bunch of kids so they can suffer on to have kids and those kids can eventually live in such comfort that they will have nothing to do but go insane from their own existential terror as all their needs are met from robo-mommy 5.9. 100% it is better to not ever exist. end the cycle.

Based OP spitting truth. I have 2 kids and they changed everything. Want to have more but damn they are expensive.

>Rotchhilds said it the best. Wars and diseses do not kill enough people and with the advances in medicine and world peace keeping, we cant rely on these things to lower world pupulations
>Propagation of homosexuality, feminism, destruction of family values
So, what, you'd prefer the world population to just explode endlessly until we all starve? Thanks user, you have convinced me to become a cultural marxist.

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Stupid thread. I didn't ask to be born, and I never consented to inheriting the "genetic burden" of continuing my family's bloodline.
This world fucking sucks and I won't bring any children into it on purpose.

>tfw Malthusian crisis

this guy gets it

Overpopulation is a joke when the people who are least able to fend for themselves have the most kids. Fuck the starving Africans and fuck the hood rats and fuck the beaners. As long as you can swing it you go make babies.

>post modernist neo marxist meme buzzwords
>It works.
>western countries fertility rate is going down.
Correlation does not equal causation. There is obviously an overlap but people in the west are not having as many kids as developing countries because they don't need to.
>shit hole countries having 4-5 kids
Do you even know why the birth rates are so high in developing countries? Which are quickly going down the more they develop btw, unless you are implying the post modernists and jews are behind it all and just want the entire species to go extinct?

>This is the one investment you have to do. Because if you dont, anything you work for now, is for nothing.
>no purpose in life if you don't have offspring to carry on your "legacy"
This is nothing more than existential ramblings of a person that hasn't done anything with their life. Life is meaningless but also full of meaning, purpose is relative. It's up to you to find what you find purposeful or meaningful, there is not a universal standard.

>family values
Having kids is not a requirement to have a fulfilling life, this bullshit 50s nuclear family conservative utopia is a dead meme for a reason.

>The current population isn't sustainable in the long run
>we need to kill 50% or 88% to sustain
>we need to have kids and spread family values

You are extremely ignorant on every topic you discuss and have a very naive view of the world. Probably watch Stefan Molymeme as well.

I will never reproduce and you won't change my mind. Children are too expensive, I have bad genetics, I would make a terrible father, and I would probably fuck it up terribly.

No. No kids for me.

>its filled with
thanks for contributing to what you hate by unironically being what you hate,.


Wow OP what the fuck

you're a fuckin lunatic dude. once you're dead you're dead and everything you did in life is gone and over. within a few years after your death nobody will speak of you or think of you. ALL this shit you're spewing is the result a deeply ingrained instinct to procreate that all living things have. nothing more. you act like you're all wise and special because you made some human copies of yourself. as if the world couldnt continue on without your dna. you share the same exact mindset as the 3rd worlders who breed like cockroaches because they have nothing else. the best part? your dna WILL be wiped out down the road and you have no control over it. whether its war, disease, famine, etc. your lineage will end within the next thousand years, which is the blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. you are nothing. your life is meaningless. have a nice evening :)

OP what do.

legit 9.4/10 chad user here. I have a big heart for small animals & reptiles. yesterday i saved an earthworm...

I'm bi polar and have done horrible, callous things to people in the past.
I think im better than almost everyone i meet.

I will be getting married in a couple weeks to my fiance (weve been together 8 years)
she's older than me and we're not having kids.

that's been fucking with me lately.
I'd like to pass the torch because it'd be a shame to be the last of my kind.

i used to get in a lot of trouble with the law as a youth, now im much more creative & introverted. Being in the public usually wears me out and I'm tired of the majority of this planet.

I just want my crypto to take off so I can travel to places on my list and take beautiful photographs. also buy some watches and nigga rich stuff.

what do?

>I didn't ask to be born
weakling cope

The only ones that should be having kids are white people and East-Asians.

Prove me wrong (you cant).

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Never day that man. For all you know, maybe you carry a genetic gold that once bound to a female will create extraordinary people who will move this world to new heights.

See kids, these people will die out. Their linage will die out. And this is a good thing.

"I didnt ask to be born". Nobody is, but there are those of us who sees it as a blessing and those of you who dont. Me and my kids will inherit the earth, while you wont. You will die out.

I think you misunderstoon. I belive world population has to go down. Just not my line. I also belive that everybody living now deserves the best life they can get until they leave this place.

Thats why we in crypto man

(((Overpopulation))) is a myth.

Found the onions boy

it isnt, but its pajeets, africans and chinks that should have less babies not us.

shit blog OP

you better fucking bail. its absolute cringe to not have kids and you will want to kill yourself

im 33, been with a now 37 year old for like 5 years. im dumping and getting a 23/24 year old minimum to get kids. take a lesson from me

Children and families are handing leverage to your enemies and the state, but I repeat myself.
Not in this world. No fucking way.

Very unlikely. I have a heart murmur, a predisposition for depression (uncles on both sides have committed suicide), an average IQ, I'm ugly, and many allergies.

My genetics are garbage and I shouldn't exist. I would never willingly give these problems to another human being.

Thats my point.
(((dont have kids because of overpopulation. Oh look we have a declining birth rate we need to bring in migrants!!!)))

You can love a girl, but if that girl doesnt want to have kids, thats her problem. If she doesnt want you to have kids with anybody else. Now thats your problem.

Ive been togather with my wife for 12 years. 1 kid and soon 2nd on the way. But if she had refused to give me kids, I would have left her. It would have been sad and I might not find one "like her", but I would find one that gave me what I want.

Just remember that all this dateing and marrige's purpose is to eventually have kids. So if you take kids out of the equastion, why are you doing it? There are other reasons, I understand, esecially if you both biologicly cant have kids, then you might stay togather to grow old togather and not alone and so forth.

My sister is bipolar. Best mom. 2 smart and beautiful kids. Everybody doing well.

>he fell for the bad genes meme and doesnt know about epigenetics.

>See kids, these people will die out. Their linage will die out. And this is a good thing.
What fucking difference does it make if I'm dead or alive or if my "lineage" will live on? I'll be dead, it's no longer relevant what happens to the world. You only care because you are alive, and the only reason you want to continue your "lineage" is because you are afraid of death and will cling on to any possibility to continue your "legacy" to be "remembered". Sorry to burst you bubble, but nobody gives a shit about you and never will, even if they do, you'll still be dead.

Also, the projections for world population seem to average around 11 billion. When the birth rates go down to 1.8-2 worldwide, the death rates will be around the same as the number of new born & young people. So you don't have to worry about extinction due to low birth rates. As for sustainability, we already produce enough shit for more people that exist in the world right now. The advances in agriculture and synthesized meats in the next 100 years will do just fine in providing for everyone. Especially considering the countries/continents with highest population consume up to 10 times less meat than western countries. Vegetables, legumes, grains are infinitely easier to produce, take up less space and provide more nutritional value than meat. So, what I'm saying is, you're wrong.

>make fun of my favorite race realist e-celeb
Have you ever had an independent thought in your life?

based as fuck.
fuck everyone else in this thread with their inheritance bullshit
everybody has the right to live as they see fit and if we dont want kids then you retards cant fucking change it
>Before you have kids, you are egocentric, narcistic and self absorbed.
how about you go fuck yourself

My dad gave me a balding head, heart problems and not the best looks. But over generations, when you find better partners, these things improve and gets weeded out of the gene pool. You must only try to find the best you can get. The most healthier and smart one.

Thank you. I changed my mind about having kids because a third worlder in his 20s with a shaky grasp of English on an anonymous counterfit currency smelting forum told me to do so.

>not wanting to have kids because kids are fun and being able to pass down your knowledge to a mini version of you and your spouse

Only poorfags complain they are too expensive, get a real fucking job. Africa is overpopulated, the western world is fine.

Kys you fucking manchild. You will anyway when you are childless

My partner is in no better situation than me. Worse perhaps.

True richness is having strong connection with others

NEETS listen close, i already know you hate life if you aren't doing shit or alone. But You will never feel fulfilled, happy and whole unless you find connection with others (i need a gf, i have frens)

I've gone from normie, to recluse beta, to a mix of both. One thing i know for sure is, being alone and having money aint gonna make you happy long term.

Maybe he will be next Jack Ma :) That guy got all the bad genes except his brain :D

Your entire life is just a pump and dump orchestrated by your genes. You don't own them, they own you.

Each individual is a test vessel for the expression of a certain sequence of genetic information. Successful vessels survive long enough to create a copy of that material, embedded in a new test vessel, 'their' child. In reality it's not your child, and it's not a continuation of 'you'. It's just a new experimental meat mecha that the genes want to pilot. And with the replication process complete, you (the spent vessel) become free to grow old, waste away and fucking die.

Like, that is the entire game here. A game of information warfare featuring competing patterns of GATC. You're just a chess piece, you have no autonomy, you have no choice but to act in life in accordance with how your genes have programmed you to act. And the game never ends, it just keeps going, chunks of genetic information fighting each other in informationspace, with the sum total of all life on earth as collateral damage, being born, suffering, and dying in an endless cycle of violence just so these pieces of information can replicate themselves.

You're doomed no matter what you do, but the one symbolic gesture you can muster is to not have children. Sure, someone else will just have an extra child and make up the difference. But at least you can choose to give the game the bird, tell it you think the rules suck and you refuse to play. You'll still suffer and die. But at least you won't have been responsible for passing that curse on to anyone else.

Saged and reported.

bizraelis get real dnm dnabud

Interesting read about what this user said

>It's up to you to find what you find purposeful or meaningful, there is not a universal standard.
Classic childless nihilist cope. Everyone has genes which create the experience of abundant meaning when they have kids and provide for them.

Kudos, great summary article. Hadn't read before.

>Needless to say, we live in a world thats over populated.
Fucking moron.

fertility rate is going down because society cucks you and your finances. It's fuckin expensive and opportunity cost plus it's not easy for some.

she doesnt want kids. i just went with it. not sure if she's unable and just kept it from me.

im pretty sure she doesnt want me to impregnate another girl while im married to her lol.

she's legit the only woman who i haven't wanted to stab, or hasn't wanted to stab me. so we have a great relationship and she spoils me. im not going into detail but i live a very comfy life.

i could always bang some slots on the side and hope one gets preggers and makes some other dude think it's his...
that's having cake and eating it?

i know like 3 girls that if we made a kid, it would be the perfect storm..

im 32 user. are you me next year?
but 23/24 is still young as fuck. it's going to be hard to find one that age that i can actually talk to.
where are you finding yours?

I'm not a nihilist buddy, I just have a less simplistic view of the world and not driven by impulses. I myself want children but I'm not a fucking idiot who thinks that my only purpose in life is to have children. I'm very content and secure with myself and my life, and I'm sure that my children will give me a new perspective on life. However, I'm under no obligation to have them or to base my entire life around the goal of having them. To imply that everyone must have children otherwise their lives are meaningless is some boomer tier autism.

>Everyone has genes which create the experience of abundant meaning when they have kids and provide for them.
You seem like an incredibly insecure person who seeks validation from others. I don't blame you, most people are. I'm glad that having children finally made you not feel like such a piece of shit when you look in the mirror, congratulations.

she is cheating on you

why do ppl online always say that. based on what

>she doesnt want kids
so she can keep cheating easily
>she spoils me
because she regrets it afterwards and to keep you at bay

nah man i legit got a good one. ive had cheaters in the past.
and ive cheated too

but i guess you could be right. so what would you do in my shoes?

cheat back? what if you were wrong and just started cheating on a hunch?

Way to parrot Peterson who himself is a parrot of old existential OGs. KYS faggot.

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First of all, the world is not over-populated. That is a lie that is spread to children in the western world to curb native demographic growth and bolster the perceived need for immigration.

Truth be told, the Earth can support and sustain 3x the number of humans that are presently occupying her.

Unfortunately, this has been misinformation and propaganda (as you put it) to create a systemic condition of population deflation in western countries. The twisted irony here is that only western countries are fed this mind-poison; where as, developing world counties are encouraged to breed with reckless abandon to any perceived consequences. For them, it is an ordained right to reproduce. Shame that we - in the western world - have lost that sight and track of our humanity.

women who dont want kids are mentally damaged.

Fuck off with your little gainz goblins



tell that to all the poorfags lmao

why the fuck do we need more people tho there are way too many

in this day and age of people (millennials esp.) taking offense at everything ad nauseum, let me say this: "your political correctness offends me."

What men actually want is a harem full of women they are free to impregnate


The wish for others to remember your deeds long after you're gone is a meaningless fancy borne out of an artificial society.
You are nothing but your genes. Your genes live through your progeny. Immortality is attained in reproduction and reproduction alone.

>Needless to say, we live in a world thats overpopulated.
uuuuh okay i think i already know where this is goi
>Populations numbers must go down and just shorting world population isnt doing the trick.
okay yeah no
if you choose to have a good family, that's great! that really is! more people should do it!
the world is bloody well not overpopulated, though
try moving out of a city, and don't blame the crappy economy on the whole "too many mouths to feed" rhetoric
people MAKE things—hell, we can make machines to make things FOR us, while we watch funny disney cartoon youtube and do cardio reps or whateverthefuck it is we chose to do
overpopulation is an utter myth
at its root, it's an underproduction problem caused by over-regulation and high taxes
the economy can't keep up, because it's not growing—it's stagnating
from your outlook (and your grammar, plus the typos—which aren't a huge problem, just FYI), i take it you're in europe, where people can't even afford a car bigger than my giant fatass grade 6 lunchbox because the government charges taxes on their fucking taxes so that they can give muhammad's family multiple thousands of euros in welfare every month

This. I'll never understand why people ruin the only life they have just to satisfy their ego. I have normie relatives to keep my bloodline going. As if it even matters. They can suffer with everybody else who falls for the wife and kids meme.

>They can suffer with everybody else who falls for the wife and kids meme.
You got it backwards. Thats a jewish trick. Suffering is not having a family of your own. All throughout history including today that is the case.

The only relevant comment.

>jewish trick
>stop reproduction
>population drops
>less people to take out bank loans

It's actually in the jews' best interest to have more people they can provide services for.

I'm yet to see a reason why having a family (a wife that will almost immediately get old and ugly + kids that will either leave you or continue to suck on your titty) is somehow supposed to bring you happiness. Please demonstrate this first then we might talk.

Yeah this user gets it;

our world is not overpopulated, but under utilized.

We have so many resources in this solar system, we could put trillions of people into space habitats at 10x the living standard of Dubai.

That is the next frontier for /biz.
Space habitats, not meme Mars bullshit.

It's in Jews' best interest to fill the western world with low-IQ people who get welfare from whites, who then more easily give the money to Jews.

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I have accomplidhed x
Thetefore x is important
Gee op you really are a faggot

No, you're not your genes. You're an ingenious tool your genes have concocted to create replicas of themselves. They own you, and when they're done with you they'll let you start to senesce, wither and die.

In Jow Forums terms, you're a shitcoin that your genes keep pumping, dumping, and then forking so they can do it all over again, all so they can keep multiplying their fat stacks. Meanwhile your market cap is heading to zero (death).

You cant understand until you have one. When that little munchkin runs up and gives you a hug. Theres nothing like it.

I‘m a touchless 28yo virgin and its impossible for me to make kids

>some meme bullshit from 1928

You do realize that even if that were the case, eventually these dumb dumb 3rd worlders will have kids who will go to schools and consume the same knowledge that you had access to, making them the same WOKE AF skeptic intellectuals as you. Meanwhile the 3rd world countries will exponentially advance and the rate of dumb dumbs decreases worldwide. This is an incredibly retarded plan, as it has potential short term gains from 1st and some 2nd gen immigrants. Besides, the annual rates of migrants is not enough to make any noticeable impacts to their portfolios. Also, you have to be a legal citizen before you can apply for loans.

You seem really really dumb my friend, since you actually believe the Jow Forums memes. Please stop, get help.


You're a retard m8, they want hegemony over the earth, they need to quell anyone with a high-IQ and rebellious attitude that can stop them, hence turning all white countries into a mixed negroid, mongoloid, caucasoid slave race/class with no history or tradition to latch on to for strength and purpose.

I didn't read the original post, but
>'the 3rd world countries will exponentially advance'
What are you smoking? History so far has shown only whites and East Asians capable of building advanced civilizations, niggers have not advanced since the colonists left. Give em another 1000 years they will probably still be as poor as they are now.

>History so far has shown only whites and East Asians capable of building advanced civilizations
50 years ago China was a steaming pile of shit, now they are making Trump shit in his pants. History does not predict the future. What the fuck do "niggers" have to do with migration anyway, most of them don't immigrate anywhere. The vast majority of immigrants in Europe are from middle easter and slavic countries, which have built some shit throughout history, if that's the angle you wanna take. Mud hut dwelling Africans are the least of anyones concern. The ones who have the ability to migrate are a lot smarter and richer than the average Jow Forums browser, studying in STEM or business and often going back to better their own country.

If anything, it's the US that needs to be stopped from halting progress of anyone who could undermine the strength of the dollar. No hidden conspiracy, just fucking everyone in the open, that's okay I guess?

(((They))) are already in most positions of power and nobody except for low IQ conspiracy theorists and holocaust-"revisionists" give a fuck. Just out of interest, do you consider yourself high IQ just lazy? Waiting for the right cause to utilize your superior intellect? What exactly are you doing to stop this "problem"? Are you running for parliament? Are you a becoming a billionaire? Or are you just a fucking neet larping on Jow Forums, waiting for the next revolution video from your favorite e-celeb?

>muhh white culture
Fucking off yourself you absolute mongoloid. You are the most retarded type of person who just regurgitates Molymeme, Styx and other enlightened "intellectuals". With the levels of intellect you're displaying you'll be the first on the boat out of the superior intellect european ethnostate.

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White people need to have kids. Everyone else needs to have less. If you're white it is your duty to western civilization to have as many children as possible.


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Even if it's with aznqts?

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