/brit/ + /self love/ + /self care/

For a moment & think about where in your life you could better self care - physically, mentally, or emotionally. Share below
For me, getting out in nature is seriously my mental saviour... and I haven’t done much of that at all recently, so I’ll be making way more time to do this more often. Instead of walking around trees I’ve been walking around furniture stores edition

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try elite BLACK gf

>*looks over at my elite Chinese gf*

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Why is it so hard for the government to tell the foreigners 'no' when they want to immigrate here?

>elite chinese gf

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Here bro, made one for you too

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wash your penis bucko

>other bloke on the tea & coffee run is off for a week
>someone left a mug's worth of hot water in the kettle
>milk was fresh but so full as to make it awkward to pour
>fiancée snuck a homemade smarties cookie in my lunchbox
on a fucking high lads

they do that a lot actually

remember to give support to /ourlass/ Lhana

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My mum told me Orientals use tape to keep their eyes more open than normal

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Why can't the government just admit that they got it wrong?

Decided I'm going to get a Domino's 'ri 'za instead since they only $5 each and I am #FrugalAsFuck.

*NOT so full

darling, you've BLACKED my heart

You think everyone can just cross a border like it’s a piece of cake?

>british soldiers
oh no no no no no no

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darwing youwe bwacked my heawd

Kek. So true.

we /mcmuffin/ now

I hope you're right lads

is that lad on the left a child or a manlet

The irish child raping batallion

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Tory: Hello I'm a private school educated psychopath who will spray liquid shit all over your essential services for a decade please vote for me

British public:...........

Tory:Ummmmmm I also hate brown people

British public: PROPER MINT

Started making worse posts and now the Google captcha has become more difficult.

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This is and always has been a /Domino's/ general

McDonalds shills fuck off

Had to do the butty run for a massive factory when I was 16 only time in my life I hated work

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Cutting down on carbs and I've noticed a clearing of my mental fog.

Issue is now I'm losing weight and I was already skinny

Just can't win ffs

it's true, used to be a proper runt, but somehow got my shit together, mad how much a better mindset, enough sleep, exercise and good diet etc makes you feel, once you stop being pushed about by your impulses and learn to chase long-term goals, life becomes better

still shitpost on the 'chon because it's fun though

ah yes the foundation of truth and wisdom that was the ruc
kincora boys home

Do you want to hear my Jonathon Ross impwession? No? Alwighd den.

What do you do now bro?

*moggs you with a hash brown*


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would love some mental fog, wish i was a retard and not so smart, having intelligent thoughts is tiring

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Idiot ketonigger
The new wave is low fat high carb raw vegan



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Ahh yes, the placebopill

What do you find fun about it? I want to leave but I’m always too bored and don’t know what else to burn time on

I grew up it was the apprentices job to get the buttys, 100 hairy arsed fuckwits ordering egg and bacon and 10fags and giving me a 20 note for it

>Conservative ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''humour'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

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when you spend the rest of your time being productive, a few hours shitposting on the 'chon is fun

when you spend all day here it's grim, limit your time here if possible

>You have my vote... Don't pay attention to granola eating kumbaya singing numbnuts who think globalism and present day multiculturalism is the next best thing since sliced bread
Fucking based!!

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Kek. Glad that I don't have to get food for my warehouse bros.

pooooooooooo onnnn meeeeeeeeee
poo on me

idiot pol incel juden peterstein ben shapiro kike nazi bolshevik nazbol moron retard jews israel bibi netanyahu palestine gaza syria assad fuck nigger russia gay holocaust faggot lgbt lgbtq lgbtqi lgbtqi+ bitch phony phoney subversion kgb nsa cia fsb fbi gchq theresa nigger may princess nigger united kingdom uk the uk cromwell humour

everything will be alright in the end
if it is not alright, then it is not yet the end

wagie scum

What are some of your long term goals? I need to harvest your ideas like a farmer tending to his crops

Enjoy sweating you back out in your rancid pit all day, dole scum

You'll grow out of it mate, my NEET phase lasted 5 years for me.

>i got kicked out by my parents haha i grew out of it

No, your depression and lack of ambition in life is not something to be proud of

did employers not care that you were a NEET for 5 years?

Need my willy SOOKED!

need a yank or canadian to buy a palmpress for me and send via international mail.

lower wages are good for the economy if you're rich

Her nipples are the size of dldos. It's a travesty that she hasn't done hardcore

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my life is shit, shit shit shit utter shit fuck me fuck MEEE it's shit


This is a good song.

I was never in fear of being kicked out, my mum loves me.
Didn't even have a resume or interview, I just posted an ad on gumtree that I have my own car, android, mobile data, and was on my P2 licence. I guess I just got lucky lol

(id: anonymous the you and are your file: that kb, not for they but have with women like don't all their was who islam because will i'm want muslim about how why god when this what just them get white religion muslims it's can his one fuck some got her

Going to get rid of all the toxic people in my life
But should I use pills, noose, bridge or train?

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An average girl could fuck a different average-to-above-average guy every single day of the week for 10 years if she wanted to


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LSD is a more useful tool for that la'

When I pass my test in a couple months time I’m thinking about getting an old polo what do you reckon?

train lad, you get to fuck up some wagie cunts commute

and you are that this white for they have bump just poll all with not what people out twitter don't about it's was only but being their will our your them who even like whites when these supremacists voted shit hate were get you're fuck one into his left why can account from anime Jow Forums tell voting know how now Jow Forums would should anti-hate time it. many too than really

*smacks that boomershite out of your hands*

heres some real music la


I don't even go to Walmart because of how grim it is and how much of a stereotypical yank I feel in it

eating brekkie

please, i'll pay for the palmpress, the postage plus a little something extra

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Train. Preferably at 5pm on a Friday evening. If you timed it right you could conceivably ruin thousands of wagey evenings.


whole weekends

Enemies? Don't have them. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, is what I always say!

made it to maccies with 7 minutes to spare

You've shown me this before, lad. Got any more?

love bukakkes


I want to smell Emma Watson’s farts.

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get a job, neetspastics

Can't tie my shoes but I can fuck your bitch.

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for these what cast when people kids know she been twitter their the gender batwoman make white why lesbian thought gay character jewish one being just out has kike time you this that her but more can't now about batman they fucking left it. even all because fuck would same were are from how never and anonymous with see want kb, real can was not into will she's have isn't should like it's who shit

Freelance master race.

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