User, I want a divorce

>user, I want a divorce
>I'll take the house, the children
>also you have to pay me half your income

How do you react?

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I never understood the logic behind this

I ask what this Jow Forums thread has to do with international discussion.

Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?

Haha, thank god I'm a GAMER.

*shoot in her head*

This is epic

dealing with divorce in different cultures

this doesnt really happen here

It's the same here. And I'm sure it's the same everywhere around except for moslem cuntries,


It's more or less the same here too recently...

>how is it dealt in your culture
from my experience either murder suicide or drinking heavily

ill never get married tho, cant stand empowered emancipated women

I'm sorry Miss but you must mistake me for someone else

not really, no

I'd unironically murder her and disposed of the body, don't understand why men don't do that, surely a chance of getting caught abd going to prison isn't as bad as getting divorce cucked

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Jokes on you, i dont have house,kids OR money HaHa!

jokes on you the marriage was fake and everyone around is a robot including me.
and then i shoot myself.

so what does happen then?
thats the same thing i told my family and guests when the topic came

>I'll take the children
Is this suppose to be a bad thing?

you can't lose if you don't play the game

Try to trip her emotionally saying how happy i was that she was my wife and that i have cancer or something, if it work it works if not stafe an incident. Also prenuptial agreement is a thing you know

from all the people I know with divorced parents
(that being a lot of fucking people)
pretty much nothing except broken families and fucked up kids
I mean, you occasionally hear of a veteran with ptsp killing his wife and himself in bumfuck nowhere, but no one I know is connected to any case like that
>t. Split

>Also prenuptial agreement is a thing you know
Those get thrown out in court because muh chilluns
I will never marry and reproduce in large part for this reason. Even when my chance with the washed up post-wall sluts comes I won't take it because fuck this shit ain't worth if.

well i live in a small village so maybe thats it

>make life miserable to men who contribute to society
>men decide to play video games or fuck around without buying house or building families
>act surprised and outraged for very obvious consequence of your actions
just like when they make investigations to show why demography is so low KEK

> user, w-why don't you want to get married and have children? ;_;

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Yeah, doesn't work like that.

I don't think that's how it works here. Also I'm glad that I at least had a wife and kids.

that's pretty cool. how is it there?
both sides of my family are from small dalmatian villages

>incels who never had a gf imagine how women would fuck them over

>numale cuckold thinks his post-wall whore wife won't fuck him over

immigrants everywhere, they dug out canals throughout the land and ruined it, built large ugly buildings everywhere and people are annoying
i sometimes wish modernty never happened and that i could run away somewhere in the woods where nobody will find me

Sell everything and vanish

I think it's very hard to get custody over the children unless it's been proven I abuse them. So I would just make sure to never give the custody away and thus won't have to pay for child support.
The house is gone though. Probably have to sell it and split it 50/50.

There is something she is not telling us, otherwise she wouldn't be single. I bet she fucks that horse of hers.

come on, admit it, she makes you consider marriage, just a little bit

>incel fantasies

>thus won't have to pay for child support.
In France I think you have to pay for the "missed opportunities" of your wife (the career she could have had had she not married you)

you thinking of moving?

>haha I got a wife at 28
>she says she's only been with 3 guys and she's my first
>we got married 2 years after meeting
>life's looking up

i have horses at home, their dicks are huge, i doubt it a girl could fit a horse dick
im thinking of learning russian and moving to siberia or urals after i finish college

I'm pretty sure that's fake. I've seen the same template with a different girl on it

"Long-term dating" not marriage.

>something she is not telling us
'less sex-driven'

>all those divorce stats were made by INCELS REEEEEEEEE PATRIARCHEEEEEEEE

Cry more, lolcow.

No. I feel an overwhelming presence of some mental issues above all else. As I said, with those stats she wouldn't be single if she wasn't a horribly fucked up person.

How about you pay me your half of the income so I can pay my house with my children?

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how'd you come to that?
I have a friend who went to study in Vladivostok because half of his family is russian



No, I know she's just putting up a facade and looks like it's working since you fell for it

>I've been pump&dumped so many times I just want a beta to rub my feet now
Possible. It reads like some user's waifu fantasy.

>moving to siberia
Fuck off we are full.

i like russia and the way it is and direction it is going, i hate the west, i like silence, countryside and nature and russia just seems like a place where you can run away from everything

She is insane and that is why she's single. She is fucking psycho

>im thinking of learning russian and moving to siberia or urals after i finish college
Good luck, i will lynch and jihad your catholic ass myself.
t.uralosibirsky musulmanskyi mutant

>i doubt it a girl could fit a horse dick
Clearly you haven't spent enough time on the internet, my friend.
This. I don't take bullshit like this at face value, nor do I have the urge to.

Sure she can take the chilluns, but as long as i keep the house and the dog its alright in my book. Ive actually thought about transferring my property to my mom so that if i get married i wont get jewed by my wife

it's from a dating site, of course it's the same template

I think they're real

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Your mum will fuck you over lmao

>i like russia and the way it is and direction it is going
It's going straight to hell. Watch the news.

can you please take me
i dont want to live here anymore, i hate it
most of catholics here dont like me, i think id get along with uralskim mutantima more than you think

Bro, Bible says you are committing adultery. You are not allowed to accept a woman who has been abandoned by her man. Cuck

I would probably try every legal recourse to keep the children then do something very stupid when our sexist custody system fails me.

>How do you react?

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>t.uralosibirsky musulmanskyi mutant
Sanya, are you ok?

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>i like russia and the way it is and direction it is going, i hate the west
for what possible reason
>i like silence, countryside and nature and russia just seems like a place where you can run away from everything
i mean you can get the exact same thing without travelling thousands of kilometres

>finnish reading comprehension
Conclusive proof that those PISA scores have been doctored.

It's very hard to find a non-Muslim couple in the Netherlands below age 35 where the woman doesn't work.

remember that im a religious village person who likes putin, does that tell you something?
if you pay me enough i might just try to assassinate navalny
from your response im glad i haven't

I'd like to swap places with you. Will they give me European citizenship if you denounce yours?

you said she's been with 3 guys, no?

>Non-Muslim couple
We're talking about France here, those do not exist anymore

Yeah why is that? Why does being in the proximity of a horse drive women mad?

>for what possible reason
i hate cities, modern urban life, and generally the way people think here and the way society develops
russia just looks like heaven on earth to me
>i mean you can get the exact same thing without travelling thousands of kilometres
its hard to explain

There would be no divorce.

Yes, it tells me that you are fucking retarded.

>implying that i have a bad relationship with my mom like every other 4channer
Im literally her favorite child, even tho she won't admit it in front of other

My name is Ildar.
>most of catholics here dont like me, i think id get along with uralskim mutantima more than you think
You really think of moving from a warm country with an access to the sea with high european living standarts to the cold, ecologicaly catastrophic shithole with angry criminal people who could stab you while drunk.

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>russia just looks like heaven on earth to me
What kind of person are you?

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opinions are mutual
i wish
as i said before, i hate european standards of living, i hate warmth, i like rural shitholes and cold

i'd wager you're going to be real disappointed
the idealised village lifestyle, as you have experienced yourself, isn't ideal. you still have the same assholes, but you have nowhere to escape and no-one to complain to since everyone knows everyone

a person who is really sick and tired of the west, its behaviour and mentality
my only greatest desire is that i can move away and live in a small cottage in mountain like sterligov

Muslims hardly ever divorce so in that case it shouldn't be a problem anymore in France.

>I hate comfortable life and I want to be killed by churkas
Seek help

but i totally got rid of the west and croatia and europe and stuff like that
maybe i read to much lermontov but yes

I don't think anyone's done the research but it is simply a fact.
Her insanity is confirmed when she says she is more spiritual and less confident. Definitely a maniac.

You have a romanticized, propaganda vision of Russia that simply does not line up with reality.

>i like rural shitholes and cold
What's the "coldest" place you've been to? I live in Ekaterinburg and it's not even close to the cold they have after Ural and in Siberia.

>but i totally got rid of the west and croatia and europe and stuff like that
for what purpose

kill myself

real beauty of living is in cold and suffering
people dont understand true meaning of romantic
anyways my hatred for everything western and modern is just too much

You know what, maybe russian shitholes will cure your sickness of the west. Like you go here, see that apart from drinking and dying out there's nothing to do and then move back and live a happy life in Zagreb or where do you live...

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Hey, call me churka once again, i will kill your ass, fucker.
What don't you like about "Eruopean way of life"?

im not questioning divorces you dumb virgin, but its an american meme to fuck over husbands, for example you wouldnt be such a failure if your mom got everything from your dad, instead he just fucked off without leaving a penny for you, lmao dumb slavshit

Just move to Karabash. You will suffer. From brain tumor that is.

because i utterly hate it with all my heart and soul
each time i see asphalt a part of my soul dies inside me
when people tell me you need to move out of house when you grow up i have an urge to stab them with knife
>What's the "coldest" place you've been to?
ive been to mountains of central europe

i'm not the user that you want to ask that question

It sounds cool from afar but you'd be fed up in a week.

as i said i live in small village with asphalt and cows, but its become too modern for me and i dont like modernizing
i would never live in zagreb

>see that apart from drinking and dying out there's nothing to do