Only a 100k market cap
- Recently just got new ownership and dev team
- Haven't updated yet on CMC

Since new ownership only just came in on the 24th not many people know. Look at what happened with GPU when they rebranded to NLX, it went from 200k marketcap to about 1.5m.

Feel free to
and check out their twitter

Don't say biz never gives out gems xx

Attached: solar flare.jpg (275x275, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck pajeet this is actually an easy 10x

Heres that stupid pajeet trying to make money of you guys again, you're buying his bags, it posted this like 7 times yesterday

Attached: 1349844497040.jpg (303x343, 41K)


I'm the guy from yesterday that actually took your advice.

Is Nullex a scam?
I looked on that thread and some guy is posting discord chats with the coin's creator calling it a scam.
Also on twitter, look at this scammy shit:
also on their subreddit there were detailed posts hyping this shit up from brand new users all using the same writing style


Attached: 2018-05-10 01_19_52-NulleX on Twitter_ _#coinmarketcap are now showing #Nullex #NLX #cryptocurrency (616x514, 343K)

I saw those screenshots on the ANN but I don’t think they’re legit. I searched the posters post history and it I think it’s just a FUD account

And lol dude that’s a fake account replying to the offical tweets are you really being dumb ?

which is the real twitter account then?

also look on reddit:

These two posts are obviously from the same user and used to massively hype the project.
They're brand new accounts.

A-user, I don't feel so good...

nvm I just realized the mistake I made with the twitter
NulleXOfflicial vs NulleXOfficial

The one they’re replying to? And idk dude go join the telegram and mention it

My kitty invested in this. It didn't end well.

Attached: 1525688266362.jpg (1029x1029, 166K)

Damn you solar flare coin. Damn you!

Attached: 1520639314525.jpg (540x540, 46K)

dude, every time this nigger makes a thread i find it and warn people. and yet you fell for it. sorry user.

tell me why you think this coin is bad?

Whoa. So this is the power of pajeets

Attached: Discord_2018-05-10_00-57-53.png (1601x586, 93K)

wtf who else has enough bags of this shit besides me to start a thread like this. I've been the ONLY person mentioning this in various low-cap gem threads.

its not that i believe its bad per se, but this asshole shills a zero-volume coin and it pumps for an hour and then dips and he posts this shit like 7 times today, it's obvious he's playing some Jow Forumsbros as the volume spikes time pretty well with his posts

hes just a faggot trying to scam you guys. dyor tho

also ive been trading this absolute nanocap for like a year now, AMA

Attached: sfc bal.jpg (1477x372, 68K)

Wow nice user. Do you think with the project restarted it has potential for an easy 5x due to low market cap ?

And in my defence faggot. I mentioned it last night at 100sats and it pumped to 285 or whatever it was and now it’s back at 130. You’re just a retard

>some random user FUDs the coin
Whoa, just sold 100k

Hard to say, those two lucky fills were enough to get me to like 750k SFC at avg cost basis of 38 sats, so from my POV it's already at "lofty" values. On an absolute basis though 182k mcap is pretty fucking tiny, but last bull run it topped at about 300 sats and i unloaded most of my position on the way up and down, whittled my 750k sfc away to about 200k right now. A lot comes down to whether this "new team" is going to do any work whatsoever in terms of shilling this around and adding actual value. If they announce some hardfork bullshit or really get something going you could see 5-10x but i can't see this going much above 1-2k sats at the absolute highest, and even that's doubtful. Pic related are my staggered sells right now

Attached: orders.jpg (1495x269, 49K)

>Only a 100k market cap
It's twice that user
>Haven't updated yet on CMC
What are you talking about? Yes it has. Also their website is pure cancer

Their website isn’t updated and by CMC I mean the links. I think the market caps like 175k now which is still insane

>twice that
still extremely low

>What are you talking about?
>Also their website is pure cancer
the project has been taken over by new devs

Why is that insane? What is the USP of the coin? It seems like yet another shitcoin in a sea of shitcoins. The twitter link is some retard who can't spell who last posted 6 days ago.

thats exactly my point you inbred pajeet
>shills bullshit coin
>it pumps
>you dump bags
>hurr durr, look it x3 yesterday
>Jow Forumsbros bagholding
>pic related, its you

Attached: 1350158764572.jpg (230x251, 10K)

I bought at 100 and when I shilled it you could’ve doubled your money stupid cunt

there's going to be a hardfork to a more stable/developable codebase.

How do you know this ?

Explicitly stated in the first post.

Attached: roadmap.jpg (1005x605, 48K)

>4btc daily
>80% of daily volume on 1 candle
>wonder what happened here
you're retarded, but the people who fall for it are even dumber
>pic related, you're coming back for seconds

Attached: 1360037668676.jpg (465x694, 82K)

this shit is kinda par for the course for sub million topia memes

Still tripled in volume retard

What is the USP of the coin???

I’m willing to bet if this doesn’t reach 300 sats in two weeks or less I’ll send everyone 50 linkies each. Screenshot this

Great one worthless coin for another.

All these fags who are doubting this seem pretty retarded so I thought they were linkies

For the third time, what is the USP of this coin?

nigger wtf does USP stand for

The absolute fucking state of biz.

Unique selling point, you pleb. What makes this coin stand out from a thousand others that I should spend my hard earned shekels on it?

Willing to take a punt with $200 but nowhere in this thread do I see a reason to buy it.

>It's under $200k!!!

Yeah....because it's shit.

Decoder imagers. Lel.

Tiny mcap memecoin with active future catalysts in the form of fork to new coinbase to facilitate actual development work.

Frankly fundamentals are a complete meme and it's just a high beta play that will rally hard if the alt market starts moving again. I got a ton at 36 sats and now it's 3x that again, fuck your USP

>I got a ton at 36 sats
How many are you holding?

Check his previous posts. I think he said 200k??

No wallet.

How the fuck is this coin even listed.

Guy in discord saying he has keys to github and dev has run away again.

Can a group of us get together and take over this coin and make it rise from ashes.

>Guy in discord saying he has keys to github and dev has run away again.
>Some retard FUDing means it's true, since noone lies on the internet.

last time dev posted on bitcointalk was a week ago. where the fuck is he.

fuck this shitcoin. its dead.

>a week is a super long time

Can't decide whether to FOMO in with 100k or whether this is a massive, dead shitcoin


look at the volume this dirty street shitter is trying to dump on you lmao

just get in man

read the ANN and make your own decision. Look at what happened with the GPU rebrand to NLX it went from about 64 sats to 423 currently in the space of a month

please point out where the "pajeet" bought and is planning the dump?


Where is the ANN?

The dev, or at least guy now in charge, announced yesterday on discord he has no help with the project. So how the fuck is he going move the project forwards? ???

And the discord isn't even the official one. That dude isn't a dev just some random guy

already dumping lmao

So a random guy has control of the project?

Holy shit, it gets better and better

are you retarded? he's not a dev, he's no one just a random cunt who made the discord.

>price was 70 sats 24 hours ago
>dumping LOL

>he's no one just a random cunt who made the discord.
And who happens to have access to the github.

Fucking kek.

>t.retard who didn't bother to read the ANN or discord

Dude, I fomoed into about 80k hours ago. Chill.


some strong buys coming through

The power....of FOMO


Need to FOMO through that 169 sat sell wall, but I'm running out of funds

its gone

I feel sad for people that actually buy these
>there is no volume before this thread

Volume has been rising steadily since about 3 days ago, probably going parabolic soon

>there is no volume before this thread
Yeah...because the coin only very, very recently became active again. Solid work Sherlock

>t.salty nerd