In october we will become the USA, what should us brazilians expect from it?

In october we will become the USA, what should us brazilians expect from it?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1280x674, 29K)

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Dismantling of social welfare programs, extreme inequality, extreme poverty, authoritarianism, instability, insurgency, and death squads to name a few.


This. Also licking America's boot and allowing mega-national corporations to privatize everything. I hate Bolsonaro voters so god damn much.

So they'll just dismantle a few social welfare programs and everything else remains untouched

>what should us brazilians expect from it?
Killed by the cops for being edgy African-American

Your life matters

Basically, thought to be fair many of those problems came about as a result of our first coup in their cunt.

>the state of progressive liberals across the world

I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds like you have two months to rethink this course of action.

so this guy is your trump or something?

you guys will become double gay now that the gays will be outlawed

yeap, if anything he is much more rad than Trump. He literally said "Pinochet should kill more", "I wouldn't rape you because you don't deserve it" and other stuff.

Attached: bolsomito.jpg (610x407, 34K)

>the state of self haters
We still have social welfare programs and even if drumpf touches them. they will come back
America doesn't have extreme inequality as you think. Our inequality index is 39 which is media and better than latin american countries
>extreme poverty,
Our poverty line is very high and the percetnage is like 15%
Drumpf got stoped from doing alot of shit
> instability, insurgency, and death squads

I don't have time to watch a bunch of videos at work but how popular is this guy?

literally the frontrunner by a wide margin

You guys will regret this.

i doubt it

Attached: 1533873536901.jpg (720x664, 73K)

It's just a warning bro. I'm not Brazilian so you boys do whatever you want but emulating America's most recent election won't pan out well for you.

He literally wants liberalization of the economy, privatization of almost everything, gun ownership legalized and other stuff. He wants us to be more 1766 if anything

don't make the deal with the devil like we did. if you do you'll get some short term economic gains and feel good moments at the cost of your country's soul. Brazil must stand for what's right, not for what's easy. values make a country great, not gdp

He seems good but he is not as good as our leader. Our leader made journalists talk to a cardboard cut out of him when they asked for question and answers.

Genius. The same "school of Americas" polices that backfired tremendously in the 20th century and brought a resurgence of communism with it. How do you feel about the fact that its washington DC that is pushing libertarianism in Brazil? Stupid monkey.

Brazilians have amnesia.

For those interested.

Oh look, it’s everyones favorite autistic monkey!

Attached: ED862421-230B-41BB-8156-7E13D275E342.png (1056x4544, 1.33M)

I wasn’t talking about the US, I was talking about regimes backed by the US.

there were some good ones in europe and asia. Don't know about south america tho , most regimes in south america were terrible tho even the current ones