Why do you americans put up with this shit?

Why do you americans put up with this shit?
>work like slaves, making minimum wage even with college degree
>made to feel guilty for taking vacation days
>spend half your time commuting while eating hamburgers
>pay out your ass for medical insurance, god forbid if you have a pre-existing condition


Come to Europe and let the stragglers, inbreds and retards fight over the dying scraps of what used to be a great nation, now corrupted by crony politicians and corporate worship

Attached: disgust.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

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A nation of good goys who let the media think for them and never question their masters. They are happy with the system, because the ONLY alternative is communism, and that's evil!

Switzerland is one of the worse places to move to, desu. Sure, you'll earn a lot, but you'll also pay a lot for everything. And in terms of working hours, vacation time etc. it's not one of the best in Europe, from what I've heard. A place like Denmark is much better.

Its comparable to Norway in that regard. You are still grossly underestimating how much better off Swiss professionals are than American ones

>work like slaves, making minimum wage even with college degree
most Americans don't make minimum wage. I think I made minimum wage for a grand total of one summer my whole life.

"even with college degree" is meaningless, a college degree is just a piece of paper saying you got some education. It doesn't mean you are a competent worker or offer anything to anyone else.

>made to feel guilty for taking vacation days
I agree that lot of Americans could do with more vacation but you had to put it in the most stupid, whiny way possible "bawww I was MADE to FEEL GUILTY!". Many Americans don't even have vacation days, buck up.

>spend half your time commuting while eating hamburgers
Just wrong, average American commute time is ~20 mins, slightly more if you use public transit but on public transit you can read a book.

>pay out your ass for medical insurance, god forbid if you have a pre-existing condition
Discriminating against pre-existing conditions was already banned, thats a big reason why Americans need to pay out the ass to begin with. But this is your only good point on this otherwise whiny list.

>Why do you americans put up with this shit?
you say this as if we have a choice, we live in a plutocracy

Yeah but then you have to live with D*nes

You are literally a society enslaved by corporations.
You work like 50 - 60 hour weeks on average and get no time off, while having no free access to education or healthcare. That's disgusting.

I hate to use the term blue wave because it sounds gay, but the US is going to become completely Democratic soon.

We make more than you if you include taxes

I talked to an american nurse once. She told me she works between 70 and 80 hours a week. I thought she was bullshitting me, CEOs of huge multinational corporations work that much, but not simple employees. Then I looked into this and found out such work times are not unusual in America.

This is some true 1850s kind of shit.

This right here. And the Republicans AND many Democrats are thoroughly cucked by big business so we don't have the voting power to improve our situation.

Jow Forumstards think Flumpf is going to win
You work 20 hours more.

america fucking sucks but so do all the other anglo countries. thinking about learning finnish and moving to memeland

I dont work

How does anyone survive as a NEET in America?

Off their rich boomer parents


As a 37 year old man who hates his job and lives 2000 miles away from his mom's basement, I too would like an answer to this.

>be contractor
>dont deal with any of this
>work whenever I want so long as the job gets done

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>It doesn't mean you are a competent worker or offer anything to anyone else

Is this
>american education?

Good fucking luck hiring an electrical engineer without a college degree

Most people do not get engineering degrees, or really any kind of useful employable degree.

>You are literally a society enslaved by corporations.
Don't think you know what slavery entails.

>You work like 50 - 60 hour weeks on average
Average american works less than 40 hours a week. Nice meme though.

> get no time off
Average American has 10 paid days off per year, to say nothing of unpaid days like weekends and shit. Could it be more? Sure. Is it """"""Slavery""""""" if you don't? Fuck no.

> no free access to education
K-12 is very much free. Hell, if you study hard even college is free, my brother is on full scholarship and I could have gotten a full scholarship too if I settled for a local college instead of going to a big name.

Hmmmm yes that hallmark of slavery--no """"'free healthcare""""".

Fuck off

Mooch off others, there's also good amounts of welfare bux too you can get 100% of healthcare covered in many states if you are unemployed, we have tons of free food if you know where to get it. The only difficult part is getting shelter but plenty of guys will let you crash at their house if you are a woman.

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how's that boot taste fellas?

The median American wage is 30ish K that's if you have a 2 week vacation per year (LOL) and never work overtime (LOL) $15/hr.


l m a o

>10 paid days off per year
We get 28 paid days off per year as standard, some companies give even more than that.
You are enslaved, you just don't know it. Your country is rotten to the ground, a plantation of useful idiots ruled by a plutocratic elite milking you like cows.

And I'm not talking about primary and high school, that's almost irrelevant. What counts is higher education. Almost a million people in your shithole go bankrupt because they can't pay medical bills. You are a fucking slave.

>Good fucking luck hiring an electrical engineer without a college degree

College degrees can be important but they are not the one and only important factor. Most people with "electrical engineering degrees" aren't working minimum wage (median wage for an electrical engineering degree is $93k).
The dipshits who are working minimum wage with their electrical engineering degrees? They are people who are shitty fucking electrical engineers who aren't being hired as electrical engineers, because they have shit personalities, shit work ethics, or are just morons with classroom smarts (if that) but zero real world smarts or work experience.

Degree is important for many jobs but its not enough to magically get you a good job. Actual real world intelligence is.

>I agree that lot of Americans could do with more vacation but you had to put it in the most stupid, whiny way possible "bawww I was MADE to FEEL GUILTY!".
Have you not experienced this bit of American work culture? I can't take time off work without my phone and laptop staying on in case somebody needs something. It's almost like I'm not even on vacation.

This tbqh. We're comfortable slaves but slaves nonetheless.

Wtf are you even on about

Average American works less than 40 hours a week. So the average american gets 10 days off.

>We get 28 paid days off per year as standard, some companies give even more than that.
Good for you, so what?

>You are enslaved
You don't know what slavery means. You are retarded.

> I'm not talking about primary and high school, that's almost irrelevant. What counts is higher education.
Why would "higher education" count but not K-12? May as well bitch that bachelors don't count, only phds do. One phd doesn't count, only several do. How did you decide what """counts"""? Do you think that if everyone gets a free bachelors everyone will be rich? Are you stupid?

This graph is misleading. If you have two jobs, or even three jobs, you are working 4-5 hours per job which brings down the average. Employers don't have to provide benefits like health insurance if you work under 40/hr a week.

>>We get 28 paid days off per year as standard, some companies give even more than that.
>Good for you, so what?
You don't want more of your time to yourself to do with as you please?

>i'm OK by getting fucked over by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Wal-Mart, lobbyist, Koch brothers, Wall Street and other billionaires
>as long as I get to blame niggers, spics, jews & women for what's wrong with the country

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>This tbqh. We're comfortable slaves but slaves nonetheless.

Yes, I remember the antebellum south when black people were shipped en masse to work 35 hours a week for an average of $45,000 a year with 10 paid days off. The white boy of 2018 is just like the slaves of yesteryear.

I guess they don't teach the principles of taxation in the ol' UK

Keeping us under better conditions makes us less likely to revolt.

Unironically based and redpilled.

>This graph is misleading. If you have two jobs, or even three jobs, you are working 4-5 hours per job which brings down the average.
Less than 5% of Americans work multiple jobs, a tiny minority of Americans. Of these Americans, most work a full time and a part time job, not several part times.

And that just supports the other point--on no planet do most Americans work 60+ hours a week either.

>Employers don't have to provide benefits like health insurance if you work under 40/hr a week.
Yeah turns out that requiring employers to give benefits to full time workers means a lot less employers want to entire incompetent retards full time.

>You don't want more of your time to yourself to do with as you please?
I literally said we could have more time off, and it would be nice if we did. Him going on about his vacation time adds jack all and certainly doesn't' substantiate his overblown """"slavery""" argument.

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The average mutt is braindead. If the average mutt sees $1000/year added to their income, they cheer. Nevermind the fact that Shekelberg has increased Rent/Insurance/Gas/Bills/etc. which nets the mutt to -$1000/year. Then the mutt wonders why he can't afford useless trendy gadget #45253. His favorite politican goes on stage and says "its clearly the taxes my fellow Americans." Rinse and repeat

Hence the phrase "free access", which implies free at the point of use. I'm sorry that your lack of free at the point of use education left you with an underdeveloped brain.

>Keeping us under better conditions makes us less likely to revolt.
The delusion of white people in 2018.

Your employers aren't "keeping" you at all. You can literally just leave. You fucking moron. Read a fucking history book you shit.

>doesn't know a catch 22

Retard strawman considering nobody has mentioned any women or black people or hispanics ITT or blamed them, but

how the fuck am I being fucked over by """Elon Musk""""? Or Jeff Bezos for that matter? Yeah fuck amazon and fuck Jeff Bezos, that's why I don't shop there. The fact that many retard Americans would rather shop at Amazon isn't Jeff Bezos fucking them over. Same with walmart for that matter.

You are fucking clueless and just named some random rich people not anyone who even matters.

Yeah sure I can leave. Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say. The freedom to be broke and homeless and starving isn't really a freedom at all.

>using a graph that includes for part time jobs because american companies abuse part time employees so they dont have to provide any benefits

lmaoing @ your lack of education

The ""average american"" doesn't exist. Is it even possible to be this autistic and simultaneously not understand basic statistics?

You fucking pathetic dependent martyr.
People job hop more than ever, the workers marketplace is more mobile and flexible than ever. If you competent and a good worker, there will be people who want to hire you.
And even that shit aside, you know you can fucking make your own work, right? You don't need to make money for someone else, right? You know that, right? You can market your skills directly to the public. You don't need the middle man. You WANT the middle man because you are either a coward who shies away from risk, or because you just are kind of a shitty worker with nothing to market. Woops.

Also America one of the most, if not the most, food secure nations in the world. It is near impossible to starve.

Yeah I guess I COULD do that, or government could make life better and more stable for everyone like we have the wealth to do in this country.

She must make a fuckton of money with all of that overtime

>lmaoing @ your lack of education
Average American full time worker works 40 hrs (go figure), an all time low.
Of Americans who do work part time, only 9% work part time because they can't get more hours. Most people work part time to make more time for family or for studies.

>The ""average american"" doesn't exist.
Neither do enslaved millennial white dudes. Fucking baby.

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Salaried employees rarely make overtime

>Why do you americans put up with this shit?
They've been conditioned into thinking that fighting for their own interests is "communist".

Indeed, that's the trap with salary. That's literally just employers being jewy.

I've never heard of a salaried nurse

>Yeah I guess I COULD do that, or government could make life better and more stable for everyone like we have the wealth to do in this country.
Yeah keep on whining and bitching til someone else makes your life better for you. What do you think the government is going to do? Get you more vacation days? It just means employers will want to hire you even less than they already do, since apparently you're so pathetic you can't get a job or make your own. Fucking dipshit.
I support social safety nets 100% and vacation days 200% but pathetic dependent dipshits like you drag down any system no matter what. You live better now than the royals did 100 years ago, but you're "enslaved" (bawwww) because who fucking know.s You literally don't even want to try to make yourself become less of a waste of air or space.

>how the fuck am I being fucked over by """Elon Musk""""? Or Jeff Bezos for that matter?
what a loyal, retarded goy. do you like licking the boots of the rich? Do you cum when they fuck over the workers?
first off, billionaires like them take advantage of workers and the general public all the fucking time.
they don't pay taxes, refuse unionization, cuck workers and are still universally praised.
especially Bezos. He didn't pay taxes last year, his workers work in horrid conditions, offers no healthcare or benefits for workers and barely make enough to get by.
it's well documented that amazon warehouse employees get treated like subhumans

>Have you not experienced this bit of American work culture?
I've absolutely experienced "made to feel guilty", but its a fucking non-issue. Like of all the REAL problems in the world, some bitchshit "feeling guilty" over his vacation is--I can't even begin to give a fuck. Who the fuck cares if someone feels guilty?

There's this stupid phenomenon in American culture where we think every time we feel a negative feeling, its a problem that needs some grander intervention. Grow the hell up and take charge of your own emotions.

I've been working full time for years, dipshit. I'm not dependent on anyone. That doesn't mean we aren't all being taken advantage of and left with a FAR lesser share of the wealth than we're getting, and less de facto freedom than the rest of the first world. I'll never get why people like you think it's some kind of virtue to stand by this status quo. Stay cucked.

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>workers and barely make enough to get by.
meant workers barely make enough to get by
most of them rely on social security, Medicaid, foodstamps or other social safety net
while Bezos makes $275 million a day

Worse than this, as someone who worked in taxes. Most people are too incompetent to get the full return they rightfully deserve. There are many tax companies that exist just to give them an "extra $50-100" in returns, when in reality the tax return would have been an extra $500, but the Tax company pockets the change.

>what a loyal, retarded goy. do you like licking the boots of the rich? Do you cum when they fuck over the workers?
"Fuck Jeff Bezos I don't shop at Amazon"
"dUURRRR stop licking the boots of da joos!!!"

Go back to Jow Forums

>first off, billionaires like them take advantage of workers and the general public all the fucking time.
When? He certainly takes advantage of his workers, of course he does, that's why I don't shop there. Plus Jeffy B is an asshole with more than enough money for him, his grandchildren and his great great great grandchildren to live fat and happy as long as they don't do anything stupid (odds are slim of that occuring knowing how rich kids operate).

But the general public loves amazon. You admit yourself. If anything I'm not screwed over by Jeff Bezos--he'd be gone tomorrow if morons like you stopped shopping there and I'm certainly not desperate enough to get a job at an amazon warehouse. At most, I'm screwed over by the general public. But hey, that's the price you pay to live in a society.

>Come to Europe
where am I better off? seriously asking. I'm not denying this country is pretty out of control right now but I'm not exactly hopeful for Europe in general either

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I'm sure the grass is greener on the other side to some extent but I think it would be easier to feel secure in Europe even if you took home a little less money.

This. Too many retards buying into rich assholes' scapegoats. Keep going after each other for smaller and smaller pieces of the pie instead of going after the people hoarding it all.

It all loops back around to the shit healthcare system. The opiod crisis Grumpf is championing? Happened because insurance companies would rather pay a little to shut you up with a pill than a lot to effectively treat and address pain. And boomer bootstrapposting is the huge thing holding us back- the genuine belief that their pittance retirement fund would vanish if the effective corporate tax rate was higher than nothing. People in rural America are horrified about people who don't drink or smoke up and dying because they got addicted to their pain pills- but it was THEY who foiled a commonsense plan to create a functional healthcare system in 90's and chose this ancap madness
There's no solution to it besides education, which lots more people are getting now

I got a Mech Eng degree, I absolutely hate this shithole. If I were to move to some Europoor country would I need to speak the native language or is English and some French good enough?

Switzerland is trash, it's normal to work 10 hours a day, average family pays 1000 francs+ a month for health insurance and it's still not free, companies raise the prices of everything because they know they can get away with it

>I've been working full time for years, dipshit.
Wow I'm so impressed. amazing. My mind is blown.

Wait, who cares? Am I supposed to be impressed? Does this magically make you any less a fucking waste? You realize that most people work full time, right? For decades, right? That "full time worker" isn't a high bar to clear and it certainly doesn't make you or your ideas worthwhile.

> That doesn't mean we aren't all being taken advantage of
Well you might be. That's why I told you to market yourself directly to the public instead of cowering behind your employer and begging for scraps. But that was a bit too much for you, huh? Requires real skills, know-how, work ethic and risk taking, huh? Keep on making your boss richer, sucker.

>I'll never get why people like you think it's some kind of virtue to stand by this status quo. Stay cucked.
???? I just take responsibility for myself, while also supporting safety nets for those who need them. I support more vacation days, I support universal healthcare (and fuck all the overpaid and overpriced hospitals and doctors too--the sooner we replace them with nurse practitioners and PAs the better), I support people who can't work and their caretakers.

I don't support whiny fucks like you who just wait for other people to make their lives better, or talk about how the average american middle class white boy is a "slave" because "muh amazon".

Also is Canada a good alternative? I want to move but language barriers are a pretty big deal so I'd prefer to go somewhere that already predominantly speaks English instead of learning a new language if it can be avoided.

Canada and northern Europe seem to both have an advantage since climate change is revving up too.

This nigga mad y'all.

Corporate tax is a fucking meme, the US already has one of the highest corporate income taxes.
You need a stronger income tax.

> ancap madness
Ancap madness would have pretty cheap healthcare, as long as you got it from some dude in his basement. lel.

>the US already has one of the highest corporate income taxes
Not when you factor in all the loopholes abused by companies.

desu I would just take the opportunity to learn another language. I hate being a m*noglot

This asterisk meme has gone way too far and it was never funny. When can we all stop doing this?

Did you read the article in the OP?

no, f*ck you n*gger

>Not when you factor in all the loopholes abused by companies.
Even after you factor in said tax breaks, we still have a far higher corporate tax rate than say, Germany and on par with Canada or Denmark.
We need a higher income tax rate. Corporate tax rate is a complete meme which sounds good to retards who don't know how businesses work.

>We need a higher income tax rate
Do you see that happening? It seems like Americans are allergic to taxes.

It's hard especially as this country degenerates into brazil lite. I put up with it because living here is all I've ever known and because I have a pretty good economic outlook. Gonna buy a house for 30-40k and invest to become a neet before 35. Moving to Europe would be hard and put off these plans.

>Do you see that happening? It seems like Americans are allergic to taxes.
Very true, that's why many Americans stick to the "corporate tax" meme, because it sounds more distant even though it's in every way inferior to an income tax. And even income taxes are usually shoved on ideologically to those who are better off than they are--the 10% want to tax the 1%, the 20% want to tax the 10%, the 30% want to tax the 20% and so on. Very few Americans ever want to give. I'd say we ought to label all govt services and buildings with "PAID FOR THANKS TO YOUR TAX DOLLARS" but that might end up inflaming anti-tax advocates more than anything else.

So no, I don't see it happening, Americans hate giving their money to the government. But that doesn't change the fact that's what we need. Just means Americans screw themselves over far more than Jeff Bezos does.

>Americans hate giving their money to the government.
And for good reason. Majority of Government services are slow inefficient and shit. Government employees make a lot of money for sitting on their asses and taking long vacations. The problem really boils down to Americans themselves. Corrupt politicians don't grow on trees, they grow up in upper-end American neighborhoods and go to Law Schools.