What is the ancestral home of this man?

What is the ancestral home of this man?

Attached: 1534187287907.jpg (640x1136, 388K)




he has the weirdest fat distribution i have ever seen

he wouldnt look nearly as freaky if he got a haircut and shaved

looks like he has acne, wouldnt change much

having a beard makes it harder to keep your skin clean if you have issues
t. psoriasis so i keep it clean shaven

Lets be honest, he is a quintessential southron

>shoes on the bed
Do burgers really sleep and shower with shoes?

Attached: 1521133886093.jpg (576x432, 46K)

Yes a shower helps to thaw shoes after being in the freezer overnight but sometimes if you're short on time the microwave works too.

Too white, most likely continental Germanic


that looks like a hotel, and these people are fucking trash, look at how fat and unwashed they are

Tbqh I'm not too far away from this and have a similar fat distribution yet have been told numerous times by girls that I regard out of my league to be pretty and they showed genuine interest in me

Attached: post-malone.png (460x620, 338K)

Really? I find the beard helps my skin. At least i think it does.


Lifehack: Put dress clothes in the bathroom, turn the shower to the hottest temp and close the door. Let it run a few hours and you will have freshly steamed clothes without having to iron.

>how to grow mold in the bathroom with this one simple trick!

it's a hotel room who gives a fuck

Israel or Germany

Don't know but he is finally home in the USofA

This is the ultimate redpill