What's their existing purpose?

what's their existing purpose?

Attached: Centroamericans.jpg (728x721, 152K)

Why aren't you intelligent?

Coffee and fruit


Being to Mexico what the Balkans are to Russia

To be a place holder. Much like the Stans in asia we exist because everywhere else was taken.

Nah just kidding! We exist to facilitate communication between the Americas. A fulcrum if you will. The day we are strong and unified would be a day we could rival colombia.

Attached: centram182140.gif (821x580, 16K)

Is this the balkans of the americas?

Killing all eurangutans.

Yes only worse because we are all basically the same, speak the same language, and have the same faith.

>costa rica
>el salvador

Fuck you we are Serbia in this scenario.

Well, looking at nicaragua the severity of mismanagement at least divides you.

Attached: tree of life.jpg (2400x1800, 545K)

Make us look good by comparison... seriously, you have the chance to be a single country and then ended losing territory to even Britain and Mexico. Walker did nothing wrong.

Is that why you only lasted 15 years unified?

Mostly because my country acted like dicks to the provinces, and we could not keep up with government spending or army funding. This meant we had to take loans, which we could not pay, which meant we taxed the provinces more etc.

Banana republics.

El Salvador would be Montenegro and Albania would be Belize.

Holy shit you really are just a little Mexico.


honestly i was just guessing, i know next to nothing about the FRCA

Haha no worries man, I just thought it was funny