If this succeeds

>there are people here not dumping this

Attached: tk.jpg (1462x1462, 297K)

No he's right, Holo doesn't really do global consensus. Blockchain or similar solutions will continue existing for the 0.001% of applications that actually require a global consensus.

This is just sad, user. HOT was shilled by an organized group of whoever, and they've stopped now. You're clearly not part of that group, and you're just trying to shill a worthless coin on your own, which will never work.

A great way to look at it is to compare it to Nano/Raiblocks's philosophy. For P2P transactions you don't need global consensus with bottleneck, it's only important to keep a large scale ledger for large enterprise solutions (like IOT/supply chain).

But dApps? No need for global consensus. Holochain is all about optimisation for specific scenarios. It's quite an obvious solution when you look at it and it truly is the future.

A lot of crypto projects are niche, blockchains developed for specific scenarios. Holo can adapt for each solution and provide the best service for each use case.

I think one of their devs is actually building Bitcoin on top holo just to prove that it works

i think one of the devs is taking a shit in the street

So it doesn't do the ONLY thing blockchain was created to solve. So basically your perfect super project is nothing but a glorified database. BOOOOOOOOORING!!

I think one of the devs is doing feminism on a wheelchair

Global consensus is pointless for a dApp platform, this is why Ethereum fails.

not needed for a currency
not needed for dapps
blockchain is the "glorified database" you twat