Your cunt

>your cunt
>Do you use free ™ software?

Yes, GNU/Linux is good

Attached: GNU.png (297x170, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If by free you mean I don't pay for it, then yes.

Unauthorized copies of software are bad


Attached: soyboy.png (644x800, 15K)

Attached: SOYLENT_Tub_t670.jpg (670x502, 46K)


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I don't eat soy, I'm allergic to it.

Yeah I got debian on my tablet and raspberry pi, dual-boot Debian/windows10 on my laptop and cracked windows 7 on my PC.

Might swap to Linux Mint on my laptop because I've heard so many good things about it.

Attached: 4chan_gold.png (215x251, 79K)

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I thought it was Debian for lesbian... And Arch is for moms' fatsos

Attached: 1517881721524.png (642x720, 34K)

I've been using Linux as my main desktop OS for a few years now. The only time I have to mess with Windows 10 is when troubleshooting someone else's computer.

Yes, debian. The distro for the thinking man and lesbians
Free as in freedom, not free beer

Attached: 1534173773027.jpg (357x357, 19K)

Sometimes. It bums me out when the community or the sole creator gets bored and it kind of dies. However, I can't criticize because I've abandoned a ton of hobbies.

I used to, but then I stopped being a NEET and bought a Mac.

>I don't eat soy, I'm allergic to it.
Not him but that's interesting. How did you find out?

Long story short. Tried soy sauce, and got red stuff on skin.
I'm kinda allergic to everything.

>fake russia
no, I bend my ass to poointheloos and generate mad profits

Attached: PoOS.jpg (4916x2888, 2.47M)

only japanese and chinere can use a fish proficiently.

I non-ironically use yaourt

You know what to do.

Attached: terry.jpg (418x438, 24K)

>Long story short. Tried soy sauce, and got red stuff on skin.
>I'm kinda allergic to everything.
That sucks. I've had a bunch if allergies but no food ones. The weird thing is they rotate. When I was little I had a bee allergy, then a dust mite one, some plant ones and most recently cats. The only constant is poison ivy and I haven't gotten it in a while so maybe that changed (my mother is one if the really rare people who has no reaction. Her sister even shoved it in her mouth when she was little).

Will Barron Trump unite our countries?


hhhehehe y-yeah, unite :r)

Based and redpilled.

Btw Windows is free too if you just fucking pirate it like everyone else with common sense.

I have Kali Linux and I love it more than windows 2bh

linux is shit

I use debian with proprietary firmware

Yes, of fucking course I do, but I also occasionally run proprietary software: Linux firmware blobs, Nvidia proprietary kernel module, Teamspeak, various Jetbrains IDEs, Smartgit and Steam+games

Attached: gnu linux.png (548x476, 176K)


Attached: winbabbies.jpg (2000x1200, 1.79M)

I use Deepin.

imagine being so much of a paranoid pedo that you write your own compiler and OS

enjoy your telemetry data being sent to the land of the rice
>North Korea: 4.27%
>Greece: 3.97%
>Denmark: 1.9%
>Czech Republic: 1.81%
>Germany: 1.78%
>Finland: 1.39%
>Europe: 1.16%
>Ireland: 1.12%
>Austria: 1.09%
>France: 1.07%
>Romania: 1.05%
>Italy: 1.03%
>UK: 0.84%
>Serbia: 0.97%
>Spain: 0.94%
>Russia: 0.94%
>Norway: 0.9%
>USA: 0.9%
>Sweden: 0.83%
>Netherlands: 0.8%
>Brazil: 0.8%
>Canada: 0.78%
>Worldwide: 0.77%
>Turkey: 0.75%
>Switzerland: 0.73%
>Portugal: 0.71%
>China: 0.71%
>Belgium: 0.69%
>Argentina: 0.6%
>Poland: 0.54%
>Australia: 0.51%
>Japan: 0.4%

who /yggdrasil Linux/ here??