Say something nice about the UK!
Say something nice about the UK!
Karen a cute!
My favourite musicians comes from the UK!
I'm done with you. Kys.
i want karen to my slave
I would like to cum inside a British girl.
I want to fill a british girl with my CHI SEED!
60 millions Brittons can't all be bad
Also nice landscapes
Wish Corbin was elected
T69 collapse is good.
>Wish Corbin was elected
>Britain's enemies want Corbyn
Don't fall for it Brits
I like Tolkien, Lewis, Gaiman and Moore.
Good Omens is probably my favourite book.
Rain fills the air and terrible storms crack the sky. The food is ghastly and the women are horribly disfigured. Haunted screams will keep thee awake at night. Thy money will be drained away, as will thy very life. Do not come here, traveler. These dreaded isles will curse thy soul and seal thy doom.
No nations are my enemy, only persons and governements.
I want the best for my fellow man and the best will be Corbyn
i like british boys
Nah, he is a socialist and it will end horribly.
t. from ex-socialist shithole
Corbyn is a socdem
Hoxha had autism, Corbyn does not
british música makes me happy
I saw his rally in London it had Stalin portraits and USSR flags there. Corbyn is just Hoxha style in disguise.
This is Dutch for "come to the Netherlands".
tea biscuits biscuits fuck this tea!!!
Long, interesting history and distinct culture, unironically got decent food even if medoids say otherwise, protectors of Europe in ww2, civilized us in the viking age, good, honest people, causes a lot of American, French and German butthurt and you're based monarchists. What's there not to like?
Is Tolkien acceptable? This is half my collection.