Why is it pumping

Why is it pumping

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Stop pamping it cunts, all pumps before main net are doomed to fail

everything's about to start pumping, we're going full bull like last december, gonna hit $1T+ total mcap, everythings going green this is what we've all been waiting for and i sure hope you bought the bottom

>Why do we pump Master Wayne?
>So we can dump our bags again


Because it is staying super stinky, and is preparing to reach a price of $1000

>Why is it pumping
Link is so worthless that whales can essentially fuck with you guys for free

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Do not fear the pump frens
Fear the dump.

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This is what pumping for chainlink holders looks like

Congrats on this

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Why is it less than $5? Serious question. Why the fuck is the market cap of the project that brings end to end trustless smart contracts to the world valued at a couple of hundred mil?

No one even fucking uses smart contracts why should it be valued at hundreds of mills?

well some of us are retarded

no one even uses bitcoin why should it be valued at a couple of billion ?

but LINK is still trash

Nobody knows about it yet dude. Only the blackhole of biz, they don't market, no advertising, nothing. Imagine you were trying to buy this as a normie, first you have to hear about it somehow, then get a binance account, then buy eth or btc, then move to binance and buy it. Most people have no idea how to do that, nor would they ever hear of link

>then get a binance account, then buy eth or btc, then move to binance and buy it
We're not talking about people that are not in crypto in the first place.

coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dentacoin/ Look at this shit, this garbage is worth twice as much. It was worth OVER 2 BILLION in January.

I had a laugh

What ratio link/req are you guys

roughly 10:1 link:req

$1000 EOY

>mfw I have 45k LINK

Attached: party thanos in the house tonnight.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

>worth over 2 billion
When will you kids stop taking market cap seriously? Look at the average volume for dentacoin over it's lifetime, the 24h trading volume is normally between 1k and 100k while millions worth of LINK is being moved every day. You cannot compare the two by simply spewing about muh murkethat.

I thought it was another stupid useless coin with it's gamer like tag

Anyways because sergay gives no shits about his investors this will never be a big gainer

You can have the best project on earth and it'll move 2 percent a year
And you can have an absolute shitcoin that gets frequent pumps weekly

Link is missing the secret shilling spice, Ven does a good job of it

about 4:3
dropped a chunk of my REQ for AMB when I saw that node chart


I'm waiting to drop req so bad
That antiperformer
Need more amb...a perfect coin for a tradefag

>check cmc
>56 cents

why do you lie OP? And fuck all of you for believing him.

You think the LINK volume is real lol? I bet 90+% of daily LINK volume is fake.
I also fail to see the importance of volume in this case. It's still maintaining higher value than Chainlink which is embarrassing for Chainlink in itself that a project full of literally who Russians and a website that is worse than literal pajeet scams ( dentacoin.com/ ) hit 2 billion dollars while Chainlink topped out at a mere 20% of that.

Good luck marines I’m link 1:3 req

It’s literally for dentist?

I don't understand this mindset. Do you think Chainlink is trying to boost their marketcap by as much as possible and has been unsuccessful?

1:0 all in link, request is a faggot coin, for those who need a sphincter tickle from the ceo. Sergey barates neets for a living, the masochists choice. T. 100k link the meme dream team

God damnit that's one alpha user

I admit that you do have a point about LINK's volume.
Dentacoin's value in particular is irrelevant too in my opinion because of their stupidly huge supply. Having low 24h volume means that not that many people are interested in trading it right? How hard would it be to rise the price of such a shitcoin by a few sats? For each satoshi increase in price, the 'value' of dentacoin you speak of increases a lot because each one of the billions of circulating DCN is now supposedly worth more.

Paul Buentello is that you

I think that nobody really cares about Chainlink in a way that Chainlink shills believe and that the importance of Chainlink is WAY overblown by those same shills. We'd see some price action if any of 10 supposed "partnerships" were actually true and this consistent volume with no price action is just a sign that everyone that wanted to buy in already did and the Jow Forums circlejerk over Chainlink is just a pipe dream of something that has a very slim chance of ever becoming a reality (SWIFT, Microsoft, etc.)

>Having low 24h volume means that not that many people are interested in trading it right?
The volume on these relatively unpopular projects (like Denta and Chainlink) is 90% dictated by the exchanges they're on so having high volume is not an indicator of people's interest in trading it.
If Chainlink had real traders interested in it, we would see different spikes and dips in the volume. But look at the volume for the past one and a half month, it's been hanging around 10 million since March 15th and this was reported on a dozen other coins that got this bump in volume at the exact same period on BTC pairs on Binance.
It doesn't matter if LINK has 1m or 10m volume if that same volume is entirely washed by Binance. Look at pic related, see how real volume on the left looks like, now look at the right side and tell me this is due to real trading.

Also the supply number doesn't matter, it just means that there are thicker walls at every satoshi value. These things balance themselves out, otherwise we would see every multi billion supply coin in the Top 20.

*forgot pic

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You're telling me major tech companies who's job it is to stay on top of emerging new technology to give them a competitive advantage don't know it exists? Top fucking kek.

Son... if you're not looking at volume you deserve to lose everything. Jesus you're a brainlet.

Lol. Why would there be price action? The product isn't ready at all.
LINK's volume should be basically zero with a few random market buys here and there. Day trading cryptos is pretend forex. It is a gambling simulator run by exchanges. Volume and price are meaningless.

How's your Link/RLC/other ratio guys? I'm 7/1/0

> +2%
> mooning
They state of linkies

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>goes up 2%
>muh pump


>The product isn't ready at all.
I don't know if you've noticed but there are many projects valued way higher and they don't even have a testnet.

>LINK's volume should be basically zero with a few random market buys here and there.
That's what I'm saying. Nobody is interested in Chainlink.

>Volume is meaningless
Might as well hold Tether then


What the fuck happened to Jow Forums

T. 25,001 LINK holder

I meant to quote
>Price is meaningless


Attached: Sergey Nazarov2.png (890x1333, 1.15M)

>Nobody is interested in Chainlink.

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>not being 100:0

>there's a cube in some pictures
>it must be chainlink!!
>partnership confirmed!!!!!!
pic related is you

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boring. Go away.

Nice argument

>Chainlink goes up 3%

>Chainlink goes down 10%
>This is what natural growth looks like, marketing hasn't even started, Sergei is giving us time to accumulate.

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>tfw 40k linklet
Am I going to make it bros?

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It's definitely not pumping, but it's low seems to be increasing.

yea, to the memed poorfag hall of fame.

>The Jow Forums who cried moon

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>is $40mil enough

If you can explain to me why 1 LINK will ever have more utility than 1 gallon of gas I'll be convinced I didn't just waste $30,000 USD buying this shitcoin. If I can travel 20 miles on 1 Gallon and it only cost me $3. What would a good example of what 1 LINK could do for me?

40 miles per gallon at 50c


what pump you deluded linkie

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Link $1k eoy

62 cents eoy

>"it's pumping!!"
>still hovering around 60 cents since fucking forever
>still -50% ATH

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Nobody can answer this lol

It can pay for an API to feed data to a smart contract that will execute upon the realization that you're a tremendous faggot who did 0 research before buying

Too long didn't read.
I'm not fucking selling
See you at the end of the year bitch boy.
>inb4 the absolute state

Chainlink has better gas mileage, it's also environmentally friendly

you already bought. If you sell you WILL KILL YOURSELF

I only had enough for 1k link how did everyone have enough for tens of thousands of links?

1 - got in early instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting to chase price action
2 - we're not all microcapped

not everyone is a poorfag

Bought eth at $100 and sold for 10x at 1,000 bought Litecoin at $50 sold at $300 then went all in on LINK 2 months ago.

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that 1 LINK with 18 decimals will have more utility than 1 gallon of gas.

Imagine getting it so right two times in a row and then pissing away all that profit on a stupid meme

Lol ok buddy. Clearly you’re not involved in tech and can’t understand that data is the new oil. Peace

ok its dipping again

In french we say «jamais deux sans trois» which literally means «never two without three»

what does it mean

It's a different thing and it's really strange to measure. It's like a gallon of gas and some fraction/multiple of an award for being a cool journalist. Maybe it never does anything for you and it only has value for journalists and strange collectionists. I just don't have a good clean metaphor and I really have no idea about the price but I don't look at them as something I'm going to be using. Gas isn't expensive only because I can use it to go to work and the Amish aren't the dead yet.

25k Req 75k link

3500 link / 1500 req
feels bad being poor :(

omg how are the October guys still holding up damn


Patience is the greatest virtue. Last year one redditors wrote that he became ripple millionaire by holding it till EOY when every other were 100xing left and right. Ripple price hovered around 20 cent most part of the year but spikes up to $3+ at the peak. When the words get out of the exho chamber of biz and ledditors start talking about chainlink, flood gates will open. Be grateful that you still have time to accumulate LINK.

this is what I've been saying. how do all of us idiots know all about it and fortune 500 companies, that would benefit in the form of millions of dollars in savings, have no idea? its nonsense. they know. they fucking know...

They could easily be watching though and just lurking without investing until the last minute.

It is still pretty risky for big money to get involved in CL for the following reasons:

1. They are coming from FIAT, which means that Bitcoin can easily tank some more before mainnet. When they can then get cheap link once more.

2. The big boys wanting to hold LINK could easily be negotiating for a slice of Sergey's stash behind the scenes. This LINK will only be released on a later date.

3. There isn't yet a working product: big money can easily wait for a while until they see signs that the product is working well at a scale deemed impressive.

In the meantime it makes perfect sense for them to hold off investment.


REQbros I implore you to dump that piece of shit

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Sure Req might be worth a few bucks, but Link will be worth a few hundred.

dumped rest of my req recently for more link
hard to justify holding something that's biggest feature is reliant on chainlink